|Problem Child?!|
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《 Sunday, 1:58 p.m.》
<< Uh- my name is Hitoshi Shinso- um, no, as. . . >> Hitoshi tried to correct himself.
He stands in the entrance of the house and is very nervous to get to know his new brother, as Hizashi and Aizawa had only visited him and he was left a nice and good impression, but Izuku didn't seem interested in him in the slightest sense and was tickling as so often in his notebook.
<< This is Hitoshi. He's also an Aizawa now. >> Hizashi explained proudly and put his hand on Hitoshi's shoulder to calm him down.
Izuku just nodded, unimpressed, and painted Hizashi's hair, which looked very messy.
'Does he even comb his hair? Almost like. . Zaki's hair.'
<< Come on, Hito! Me and Shota show you your new room, it's right next to Izuku-kuns, so you can always go to him if you need something. >> explained Hizashi.
'When did I agree to this?', Izuku wondered, raising one of his eyebrows.
'I won't get rid of him now. . . He's already got a nickname. What kind of name is Hito anyway? Sounds stupid, just like Izu.'
But Izuku's thoughts were interrupted faster than he could continue to think about anything.
<< Are you coming with me? >> Hitoshi's low and scared voice got him out of his mind.
<< Jo. >> he grumbled, which is why Hitoshi started smiling with a faint red sheen on his cheeks.
Izuku followed them to the upper floor, where they met Makato.
<< Wow, that's cute. Can I stroke her? >> Hitoshi asked and turned to Aizawa, who nodded to him.
<< So . . soft! >> Hitoshi was amazed with a formal heart in his eyes.
<< You can continue to stroke Makato later, but first we want to take a look at your room. >> suggested Aizawa and kneeled next to him.
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