Jihae's POV
"Hell I'm gonna fat now.. I must do any exercise.... ARG!!!!" I mumble.
In this weekend, I decided to stay at home and do exercise with my bro and our friends but Xiumin can't join us because he goes to L.A. and it makes me a little disappointed.
"Hey!! Are you okay ?" Eunhee asked me.
"Yeah... I'm fine" I replied and seriously do my exercise.
"Eunhee... can I ask you something ?" Chanyeol oppa (brother) ask her seriously.
"Yeah.. sure why not ?" Eunhee said while doing her exercise like a flying monkey.
"Do you have a boyfriend ?" Chanyeol oppa (brother) ask her seriously.
"No.. why you ask me like that ?" She replied and stop her exercise.
"Because I want you be mine..." Chanyeol oppa (brother) said seriously.
"What?" She said with shock face.
I'm not shocked by that cause I know yeol oppa (brother) is like Eunhee start from I be a friend with her.
"Will you be mine ?" Yeol oppa (brother) askes her again.
"S...u..re......" Eunhee said with red mark in her cheeks.
"Wah... Chukae.... (congrats) you are became couple now... Wah !!!!! " All people at here holler except me.
"Let's we have a party to celebrate this moment !!" Chanyeol oppa (brother) said while hugging her girlfriend.
"Okey..." all people holler again except me.
Don't you think I'm not happy absolutely I'm happy :) but I just focus to my exercise. And I feel Eunhee is really same like a flying monkey now and I saw Minyoung is very focus with her exercise and I'm curioused with that so I ask her.
"Minyoung are you okey ? Why you so serious today?" I asked.
"Because I want got my ideals body... and it's only less 3 kg" she said seriously without looking at me.
Yeah... Minyoung is really want got her ideals body :) ..... And I think another reason of that is because a boy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and you guys know who is that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I feel tired after do so many many many exercise so I decided to go back to my room but when I'm on my way, I saw Yoonhee very close with Tao and it make me tempted to disturb them.
"Boo!! Hey what are you guys doing at here ?" I said and sitting beside Yoonhee.
"깜짝이야...(Oh my god)" Yoonhee said with shock face.
"Just sitting over here....." Tao replied me and of course with his cool voice.
Yeah Tao is a cool boy :) but if he already meet Yoonhee , he will become a talkative boy.
"Tao may you take a water for us?" Yoonhee asked Tao.
"Sure honey :)" Tao said while smiling to Yoonhee.
But wait!!! What the- Tao call Yoonhee "HONEY?" "H" "O" "N" "E" "Y" ??? Tell me if my ears was wrong...
"Yoonhee.. I think you owed me an explanation ?" I smirking.
"About what?" she asked with confused.
"About that 'Honey' word ;) that just come out from Tao mouth :)" I said while teasing her.
"Oh! About that :) yeah we become couple last week :) hehe.... " she said with red mark on her cheeks and I can see she is very happy.
"Hem... I see but honestly I'm curious about how does he confessed his feeling to you" I asked her very curious.
"Okay I'll tell you how this happens..." she said with a give up face.
And then the story is begin :)
Yoonhee's POV
Sunday night, I was lying on my bed and playing my phone for get some new information. But suddenly I got a new message from unknown number.
Initially I don't want to responded about that , but I'm curious who is that. So I open the message and read it...
"Hey... are you Yoonhee ? I'm Tao neighbour... Can you help me? I really need your help now at Tao house's He is ill now he need you...."
After I read that message of course I was very shocked. Cause just now Tao said to me he is home alone now his parents are go to business meeting so I quickly drove my car to Tao home's.
'Arrive at Tao home's'
I quickly go inside cause I see the door is unlocked. When I get in what I see Tao is kneeling and holding a bouquet and a ring too , and that make me so surprised.
"What are you doing over here!? Are you not sick? " I ask with confusion.
"No no no... I'm not ill that was just my ideas so you come here and meet me :) and I want to ask you 'Will you be mine?' " he said with his softly voice and looking into my eyes.
"What!?" I said with shocked.
"I'll reply my question one more time... 'Im Yoonhee will you be mine?' " he said with a serious face now.
"Y...es.... I will!! " I said nervously.
I see he was very happy , he put the ring on my fingers then he hugged me tightly. Now I feel like I'm fly with Harry Potter brooms...
'Flashback end'
Jihae's POV
After I heard that story I was very surprise and my brain start thinking when Xiumin will confessed his feeling to me like Tao?
"Stupid Jihae that was just your imagine... wake up Jihae back to reality..." I said to myself.
*At the party*
"Jihae.. you look pretty tonight.." Lay said to me when we are dancing together.
"Thank's... you look so manly tonight..."I said while blushing-blushing.
"So what is your answer for my question ?" He asked me.
"Sorry... Lay but... I can't be your girlfriend because that is someone love you more than me..." I said while smiling.
"Oh!? Really who is that?" He asked with curiously.
"She is Jaekyung sis... Xiumin little sister" I said while smiling and I see Jaekyung was here now.
"Are you sure about that? But Jaekyung already have a boyfriend right ?" He asked.
"What!? No no no.... she doesn't has any more..." I said while smiling.
"But..." Before he done say the word , I clipped because I see Jaekyung was watching me and give her a code ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). "Jaekyung was here.. You can ask her by yourself" I said to him and attractive him to Jaekyung place.
"안녕 (hello) Jaekyung... Lay want talking with you.. " I said to Jaekyung and then leaving them.
On the other place I see Minyoung is so close with Suho and suddenly Suho holler...
But Minyoung just standing over there without do anything.
"Su...re.. I will..." she said while crying.
"I never see Minyoung very happy like today.. But hey why all my friends got their mate and leave me alone over here :') so pity of me" I said to myself.
Suddenly I see someone coming and it make my eyes focus to that people and he is... DO KYUNGSOO!?
Why he come to my house and he look so manly tonight same like a prince :) and he slowly walking to my place...
"Nuna (sister) can you follow me now?" He said seriously.
"Oh! Kyungsoo how can you come here?" I said with confused face.
But he not answer my question , he hold my hand and pull it to follow him to somewhere and can I guess he take me to the park near my house.
"Kyungsoo why you take me to here ?" I asked and I can see something is shinning over there.
"Just follow me Nuna (sister)" he said while smiling.
I just follow him until we stand at the middle of the park and so many light at here. He start to release my hand and kneeling while holding a ring and said to me.
"Nuna...(sister) 'Will you be mine?' " He ask seriously.
"What!?" I said with shocked face.
"I know... I'm stupid to like my teacher but can we try right?" He said with seriously.
"Sorry.... Kyungsoo-a... But I can't , cause me already assume you as my brother... " I said and help him to stand up.
"But Nuna (sister) I really like you as a girl not a sister. Did you really don't wanna try it?" He said with sadness.
"Sorry Kyungsoo-a.... But really I can't" I said and hug him tightly.
After I release my hug , I suggest him to the party and he accept that....
When we are arrive at my home's , I saw Xiumin is over there but he comes with that girl the same girl in that time. And of course I was shocked.
I see Xiumin was walking into my place with that girl and he said to me...
"안녕 (hello) Jihae..." he said while smiling.
"안녕...(hello...)" I said nervously.
"Aa... this she is my girlfriend.." he said while pointed on that girl.
I'm very shock and couldn't say any words again.
"I met here at L.A. last month" he said while smiling.
"Oo I see.. Congrats for you" I said with my cool voice and a little smile.
"아녕하세요 나는 문라미 임니다...(Hello I'm Moon Rami...)" that girl said while bowing to me.
"안녕하세요 나는 박지해 이니다...(Hello I'm Park Jihae...)" I said while bowing to her too.
I ask them to get in and I'll introduce Rami to other people.
"Guys... We have a new friend over here.. Her name is Moon Rami :) she is Xiumin girlfriend" I said that with my fake smile.
And of course my friends looking at me directly. I want crying now but I know I can't crying at here so I decided to go up stairs and get in to my room and start crying.
I feel like this is the end of my life...
Hope you all like it.....;)
Wait to the next chapture.... ;)
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Walking Piggy~~
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