Chapter 10 : Surprise !!!

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Jihae's POV

I'm fall a sleep for a long time... and my body feel so pain now .-.

"Oppa I want go out... can you help me to get up ?" I ask.

"Okey... where would you go ?" Oppa ask me back while help me get up.

"Ee... maybe go to the park in hospital get a fresh air because I hate this smells .-." I replied.

"But it just 3.00 A.M. now..." oppa said.

"No problem..." I replied.

"But this wear my coat.. it was cold at outer.." he said while giving me his coat.

"If I wear your coat , what will you use ?" I ask.

"Just use it.. my body is stronger then you think.." he said while act like a hulk .-.

"Ckckck.." I replied.

Me and Chanyeol went to the park before that Yeol oppa buy a juice for me.

'At park'

We sitting at the bench and start to chatting.

"Oppa... why you like Eun the monkey ?" I ask.

"Eee... I like her lips.. and I like her style like a really monkey... haha" he replied.

"Wah... I think you guys are the best monkey couple.. haha.." I teased him.

"Ah.. by the way how about you relationships between you and Xiumin ?" He ask me.

And it make me little shock and make me choked.


"Drunk it slowly little pig..." he said while patted my back.

"It were your falls make me shock.." I said.

"Heh ? Me ? Why ?" He ask me.

"Nope..." I replied with poker face.

"Wah.. you see , you are hiding something..." he said.

"No..." I said while stand up and walk leaving him at bench.

"YA!!!! wait me..." he holler and run towards me.

I go back to room and I see it was already 5 A.M. and I think Yeol oppa must go out to buy some food for me because I feel hungry now....

"Ye..." "What do you want for your breakfast ?" Suddenly yeol oppa ask me.

"Why you can know I want ask you to buy a food ?" I ask with confusion.

"I know that... because you are a pig haha.." he replied while laughing.

"Ah.... if I am a pig , you are the brother pig haha.." I said while laughing too.

"Okey.. stop it..." he said with poker face.

"Hahahaha you see... brother pig is angry now...." I teased him.

"STOP IT PARK JIHAE !!!" He said with angrily.

"Okey..." I said with poker face.

"What do you want to eat now ?" He ask.

"I want a sandwich now..." I said with poker face again.

"Okey.. you just wait.. I will buy it for you..." he said "and please smiling don't poker face , It was a joke haha.." he continue said while laughing.

"I know that , I'm acting too just now haha.." I said while laughing too.

He go out for my room to buy the sandwich and I try to open my phone because I feel bored now...

When I open my phone it was very much notifications it was from instagram , facebook , twitter , path , line , message and the other social media.
The most notice is from message so I open it and I see it's all from Xiumin except 1 message, it is from Kyungsoo. I decided to open it first...

" Jiji nuna.. now I'm out from school and I'm not live in Korea again because my father company move him to Cina , so we all follow him.. And thanks already became my teacher , my sister , and 1 more again I ever like Jiji nuna , but now.. not again I already have a new one.. she is very beautiful same like you... and I hope Jiji nuna with Xiumin Hyung lasting until grandparents... 1 more time again Thanks..."

After I read that my tears falling down to my cheeks. I hope Kyungsoo get the best in life.

I get up from my bed and go to the toilet to wash my face. After wash my face I go out and I hear many sound at my room...


"JIHAE !!!! YOU ALREADY WAKE UP !!!! WE ARE MISS YOU A LOT.." Eun , Yoon , Min they holler and run towards me.

"Yeah.. stop it.. I cannot breathe.." I said while push they go away.

"Hehe sorry..." they said.

"But where is Chanyeol ?" Eunhee ask me.

"He go out to buy a sandwich for me... ya.. you know I hate hospital food... but... where is Tao and Suho ?" I said and try to ask Yoon and Min.

"Oh.. they... searching a parking space..." Minyoung replied.

"Ooo.. hey guys... so long time we not take a selfie..." Yoonhee said.

"Let we take a selfie..." I said while take out my phone from my pocket.

"1..2..3.." I said and we all smile.

"Borrow I want to see my face..." Minyoung said and take my phone.

"You already beatiful.." Yoonhee said to her.

"Hahahaha... but why you can crushed by car ?" Eunhee ask.

"I don't know.... I forget it maybe I need a time to remember it..." I said while sitting on my bed.

"But... what did Xiumin said to you after we leaving you ?" Yoonhee said while sitting on my bed.

"Yeah... what he said to you ?" Eunhee following Yoonhee.

"Eeem.. I can't remember anything that happens in that day.." I said.

"Eh.. Jihae.... this is very much message from Xiumin you don't want to read it ?" Minyoung ask me while focused to my phone.

"Aa not problem.. I'll read it later" I said with poker face.


"안녕하세요.... (hello)" someone said that and I look up... that is JAEKYUNG and she come with Xiumin , Lay , Rami , Tao , Suho.

"Jihae !!! Yo already wake up... I am very happy..." Rami said while hugging me and I just smile to her.

"Jaekyung sis how about your relationshps with Lay ?" I ask her.

"We are okey..." "We already became couple... from yesterday..." Lay suddenly cropped Jaekyung word.

"Wah.. congratulation...." I said while hugging Jaekyung.

I see Xiumun and he seems very happy...

"Jihae.. where is Chanyeol Hyung ?" Suho ask me.

Before I answer it Chanyeol oppa suddenly answer it.

"I am here..." he said while walking into my place.

"From where are you hyung ?" Tao ask him.

"Buy a sandwich for little pig..." he said and glance at me and give me the sandwich.

"Thanks brother pig..." I said while teased him.

And I see he became annoyed now.

"Why don't you eat the hospital food ?" Suddenly Rami ask me.

"Because.." "Because she doesn't like hospital food and she hate this smells.." Xiumin cropped my word.

"Wah.. you know much about my sister.." Yeol oppa said.

Xiumin become quiet after Yeol oppa said that.

After eat I try to ask Yeol oppa if can I go home today...

"Oppa...can I go home today ?" I asked.

"Eee NO!!!" He replied.

"Please..... I'm uncomfortable , you know right ? So... please let me go home...." I said while doing aegyo.

"Huh.. okey.. okey.. go home today.." he said while exhale.

"YEAH !!!! WOHO !!!!" I said while jumping like a pig running.


My alarm rang and I feel confused why my alarm rang today.. Because it's Sunday and who will wake up early in Sunday..
I take my phone and I see it was has a note... the note write...
"Today is your birthday pig ~~~"

After read that I was shocked and jumped from my bed and holler like a crazy people.

"WOH!!!! YEAH!!!!!" I holler.

Suddenly my door is opened by someone and I stop form my stupid dance and look at the door...

And there was my parents...

"APPA!!!! EOMMA!!!!" I holler and run toward they.

"새일촉하합니다..... (Happy birthday) my lovely daughter " appa and eomma said to me and I hugging them tightly.

"생일촉하합니다 작은 돼지..... ( Happy bithday little pig...)" Yeol oppa said to me and I hugging him tightly.

"고마워.... 아빠 , 엄마 , 오빠.... (thanks dad , mom , brother) " I replied and smiling to them.





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