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Ch. 6

"I thought it was just a tea party." Tsuna pointed out, hands locked on Reborn, hiding himself beneath matching fedora with Reborn's.

"This is what happens when everyone knows you're gonna come." Reborn replied.

Tsuna shifted his fedora to hid himself more, "I might or might not regret coming." His nose scrunched up, smelling the smell of deaths and blood everywhere. "You think they'll mind if I purify the air?"

Reborn chuckles, "We can still turn around if you want." He slouched down to be in the same level as Tsuna, pinching his nose.

"Or maybe not." Tsuna huffs as he nudged Reborn as he saw a person coming near them.

"Uncle Reborn!" A lady ran up to the two with a bright smile. Yuni, Tsuna presumed. "And this must be, Tsunayoshi-san!"

The two straightened, standing side by side. "Yuni." Reborn aknowledged.

Tsuna gave a bright smile, "Pleased to finally meet you, Yuni-san." His hands still locked with Reborn's so he couldn't offer a hand.

Yuni gasp out, "Oh my God! You're so cute~!" She squeals lightly. "Ah! I hope that doesn't offend you!!" She then quickly gave a low apology.

"You're much cuter than I am, Yuni-san, and no offend taken." Tsuna replies.

"Come now! Everyone has been waiting for you!!"

With that Yuni led the two inside the bounds, where instantly every eyes stares at them. Reborn lets out his own wall to make sure everyone who adore their lives won't come closer to the two of them.

Tsuna just sigh at his husband's antics.

"Hey, Reborn kora!"

The said ravenette huffs as he shifted his fedora. The table infront of them are the ex-arcobalenos.

"Were you all that curious?" Reborn deadpanned.


Sadly no one was able to hover around Tsuna since the two's hand still locked. "Overprotective."

"Mind you, he's a civilian."

Yuni clapped her hand together, "That's why we only invited our trusted ally only!"

Reborn then removed his hands from Tsuna's and held him closer to him by his shoulder. "Hmm, well isn't this interesting." Reborn's grip on Tsuna became tighter, showing his displeasure to the albino.

"Ah, don't worry! I won't take him away of course!" Byakuran gave a closed eye smile. "Just, amused."

"Byakuran! I thought Kikyo said you weren't coming."

"I escaped."

Yuni sweatdrops, "You really shouldn't do that.." She sighs lightly before starting again, "anyway! Let's all get seated and start the party!"

"What about the Vongola?" Byakuran voiced out.

"They should arrive soon!"


Hands locking with Reborn's, head halfly hidden with a matching fedora with his husband's, nose scrunching from the reek of deaths, Tsuna found himself seated awkwardly.

Reborn's friends, are they friends? have a very, interesting.. personalities.

The two were one of the first ones to come. There was already Fon and Viper and of course Yuni, the organiser at the GiglioNero mansion.

Yuni was very energetic and a very sweet lady. She squeals when the two met and quickly had nice conversation. (Tsuna noticed three ghosts around her). Fon and Viper only gave short hellos before the two spoke to Reborn. (The two had some small spirits around them lurking around).

Afterwards, Colonello and Lal came and Yuni introduces the three (Tsuna to ColoLal and vice versa) before they (ColoLal and Yuni) left to chat. (Of course Tsuna didn't miss another batches of small spirits around the two as well)

Skull was bullied by everyone. (Tsuna suspressed a yelp when he saw a lot of signs of deaths around him to be honest and some ghosts haunting)

Verde only introduced himself then going to another seat and do whatever he is doing. (With some spirits and ghosts haunting)

Tsuna then found himself watching the interaction of Yuni to everyone and he found a familiarity between the four (three ghosts and Yuni) and deduced that they are Yuni's relatives.

"This is a mysterious place." Tsuna found himself muttering out as he became amused of the place.

Reborn gave a looks, "Do you see something here?" He decided to ask.

Tsuna hums, "A lot, to be honest." He truthfully responded. "Your friends really have a lot of people who have grudges with them huh,"

"Do you mean they're haunted?"

"Yep, like you before you get purified when you enter our shrine." Tsuna giggled.

Reborn shrugs.

The two then look over the other side and see some more people coming. The Vongola that is.

Tsuna shudders, he let out a gasp when he saw the group surrounded with a lot of.. ghosts- "It's getting stinky." Tsuna held his nose as he held Reborn tighter.

"You good?"

Tsuna shook his head, "It's the smell of hell." He voiced out as he looks away. "There are more ghosts and also smell of deaths lurking around. How dangerous."

Reborn pats his head softly, "Do you wanna go then?"

"Eh?! Are you leaving already, uncle Reborn and Tsuna-san?!" Yuni who heard the conversation interrupted. "Stay for a bit more!!"

Tsuna still held his nose, "eh ah-" He gave an awkward smile.

"Oh! Reborn and- ah!" Ieyasu who finally notices them rushes in, "T-Tsunayoshi-onii-san..!"

Well that certainly made everyone shocked. Ieyasu bowed to Tsuna, "I'm really sorry for my- I mean, Dad!" He voiced out.

Tsuna's free hand held up, "what? No-" His nose still scrunched up, "It wasn't your fault- why are you apologising?"

"Why are you holding your nose?" Yamamoto who came from behind pointed out.

"I'm apologising because I didn't know we were half-brothers and the fact dad abandoned you?"

The Vongola starts coming closer, "okay stop- Don't come closer-" Tsuna breathed out, holding a hand infront of him, "Oh God."

Reborn found himself amused from the whole interaction. "You good?"

"No, they stink!" Tsuna pointed out, raising his voice towards Reborn. He then groans when he remember something, "I just remembered that you mentioned a war recently. That's why they stink so much!"

"It's been almost two weeks Tsuna."

"Doesn't change the fact that ghosts are haunting them!"

Everyone paused, "Excuse me?"

"Espescially those two!" Tsuna pointed to the two who were the most furthest from the group, Hibari and Mukuro, "One reeks of hell and the other one... although no ghosts, he reeks of blood."

"Not wrong since Mukuro did say he went through six hells."

"No wait!" Ieyasu held his hand up, "Does that- You can see ghosts?" He questioned feeling complicated.

"Yes." Tsuna flatly replied. "I was raised at the shrine, what do you expect?"

Ieyasu winced as somehow that hurts his heart.

"This is getting creepy."

Reborn smirks, "Isn't it amusing?"

Tsuna pulled his husband's cheeks, "Only for you." He lightly hisses. "Anyway," He then started looking at the groups, "Sorry if I ruined the party. Didn't expect it to.. stink so much." He looks away with a light cough, "It was nice meeting you all though."

The sane ones starts sniffing themselves, "How to.. remove those stinks though?"

"Bathing inside a purified water? Or well, being purified is one way, I think. It helps." Tsuna responded, "It will also rid of the weak ghosts and you won't be haunted anymore."

"A-Are we all, haunted?" Ieyasu voiced out.

Tsuna shook his head, "Not all, but most of you are."

Ieyasu quickly crouched down infront of Tsuna, eyes showing fear, "Me?! How about me?"

"You just reek of blood and have small spirits around you." Tsuna told, eyes moving to his half brother's blond hair where he saw small spirits playing around, "They are rather fond of you I see."

Ieyasu quickly heaved a relief sigh, "That's good.."

"Then how about me?" Yamamoto voiced out with a light laugh.

Reborn then held Tsuna closer, "Knock it off, it's not time for ghost counselings." He voiced out.

"Then, Tsuna-san! Are you able to purify us all? That way no one will be freaked out right?" Yuni concluded.

Tsuna gave a look towards Yuni before glancing to Reborn, "I can purify water and then those water can be used to purify your bodies, however I don't have much spiritual powers so I don't think I can purify many water." He voiced out.

"Rather than that, how about you just go to a shrine and get purified there."

"Oh yeah! That's a good idea."

Yuni gave a smile, "Then after that, please hang out again with us, Tsuna-san!" She voiced out.

"Uh, well. Maybe one day. Our holiday is ending soon so I'll be back at Japan."

"Oh I see.." Yuni showed her disappointment. "Do you have no consideration to move to Italy? I mean, uncle Reborn is mainly at Italy right?"

"Yuni." Reborn warned out.

Tsuna held Reborn to stop him, "It's my choice to stay over at Japan. For now, I have no thoughts on leaving Namimori so yes." He gave a smile. "Just let me know whenever you come for a visit, we can meet up anytime."

"Tsuna's too good for someone like Reborn, kora."

"How did you two even met anyway?"

"Why didn't you even invite us to your wedding!"

Tsuna giggles while Reborn shrugs, "It's a secret."

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