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It was Monday, but it was also a PA Day which means, you get a day off of school. Sasha woke up wrapped in Seth's embrace while Roman tossed and turned on the floor with a loud grunt. "You know, I told you to sleep up here."

"Yeah and be in the middle of your spooning? No thanks." Roman chuckled and got up. He went to Seth's dresser and took clothes from his drawer. He and Seth slept over at each other's houses so much, that they eventually left clothes over. "I'm going to shower."

"Okay." Seth said as Roman exited the room. "Hey, beautiful." He smiled down at Sasha. He pecked her forehead before rolling off of the bed. Sasha groaned and hugged his pillow.

"It's too early. Sasha it's one o'clock."

"Too. Early." She groans. Seth lets her go back to sleep while he reads a book. Yes, Seth was a book nerd, but he didn't care who made fun of him for it because he loved it.

"So, we still on for today?" Roman asks as he enters the room with damp hair. "Seth?"

"Yeah, what's today?"

"We were supposed to hang with Dean and Nae-Nae. Did you forget? I mean, I can tell them you have plans."

"No, I'll come." He says as he looks at Sasha. "Hey, wake up."

"Mhm." She groaned. Roman chuckles as he looks for a shirt. He forgot to bring one to the bathroom. "Where are we going?"

"Well, I was going to hang out with Dean and Renee." Seth explains as Sasha nods, knowing that means she has to go home. "Well-"

"You can come, I mean, if you want to."

"Oh, I would love to!"

"Really?" Seth asks. She never wanted to meet his friends before, so it kind of surprised him, but her meeting his friends made him warm inside.

"Yeah, but can we stop at my house first, I need to shower and change."

"Ou, I wanna see Sasha's house!" Roman squeals like a girl. "I mean, yeah, whatever." He repeats in a manly voice making the other two laugh.

"Okay, let's head out. Wait, who's car?"

"Mine, I can drop you two back off here and Roman can take his car home." Sasha explains as she ties her hair up and puts on her shoes. The trio heads to the car with Sasha in the driver's, Roman in the passenger's and Seth in the back.

"Why do I always end up in the back?"

"Because, you're the smallest!" Roman teases as he and Sasha chuckle. That is what the whole ride consisted of. The pair making from of Seth. "Don't you notice that thing he does with his voice?"

"Yes!" Sasha replies. "Actually Sasha..." She mocks him as Roman laughs.

"Yes! That's the voice."

"Okay, that's enough! Look, we are here!" Seth rolls his eyes as he quickly exits the car.

"This is your house?" Roman asks with wide eyes. "Holy shit, Sash, you're loaded."

"Well, you could say that." She laughs as she opens the door to her house. Roman quickly slips off her shoes before exploring Sasha's living room. "Seth, give him a tour while I get ready."

"Okay, Baby." Seth replies. Roman looks around like a little kid in a museum. Seth laughs as he takes him through the kitchen, dinning room, the indoor cinema and lastly the basement.

"Holy shit." Roman breathes out as he sees a pool table. "This basement is the size of my entire house. How did no one know Sasha was loaded?"

"Well, she doesn't really care for the wealth. Her mother is barely around, so she doesn't like to gloat about it. She said she would trade this all in for more time with her mom."

"You're girlfriend is so pure." Roman says with a small smile. "Verse me in pool, winner gets to sit in the front seat on the way over to Dean's."


Roman starts off landing three solid balls into the hole. "When you're in the back, try not to bump your knees on the seats like last time." He teases the smaller teenage boy.

"Oh shut up."

Roman aims again and gets another ball in the hole. "I don't know, but I think this ball can sense I am the most handsome guy in the room."

"Trash talking doesn't look good on you, Reigns."

"But, it does." Roman winks and shoots the 8-ball into the hole. "You see, Seth, that is how you win."

"I hate you." Seth groans as the pair head hack up stairs. Sasha rushes down stairs in her white nike track suit and black air force ones. She curled her hair. She looked beautiful. "You ready to go?"

"Yes." She replies as Roman opens the door to leave.

"You look beautiful, baby." Seth smiles as he pecks her lips. He grabs her hand as they head back to the car.

"I just realized, that I'll be a fifth wheel for the entire day."

"Call Brie."

"Wait, you and Brie?" Sasha asked with wide eyes.

"Nah, she just has a huge crush on him."

"I always thought it would he you and Nikki."

"Wait, so people actually see it. I told you I have a chance, Seth."

"No, you do not. Brie likes you so much that Nikki would never go for you."

"Don't listen to him, Roman. I say go for it, the worst she can say is no."


"So, Seth brought his girlfriend."

"You said she wasn't your girlfriend!"

"Well, he lied!"


"Sasha?" Renee asks with wide eyes. "Doesn't she like, hate all of us?"

"No, Charlotte does though."

"So, this is why you were starring at her so much that day. I should've known something was up." Dean explains as Sasha enters his house.

"Nice place, Ambrose." Sasha smiles trying to bring back the old nickname she had for him in freshman year.

"Thanks, Banks. I like the hair by the way, it's very you."



"Nae-Nae, how have you been?"

"Good, but I missed you." She sighs as she opens her arms for a hug. Sasha quickly hugs her as they start up a conversation.

"What is the plan?"

"Pizza and movies, like usual."

"Let's get to it!" Roman smiles as he leads the boys downstairs while Sasha and Renee stay back chatting. Eventually, they head down to join their friends.

"So, do we acknowledge each other at school?"

"No, not yet. When I find the right time to tell Charlotte, hopefully,  we can all get along and Charlotte will understand Roman had nothing to do with the incident that night."

"But, doesn't she know that he was the one who called the cops on his brother?"

"He was?" Sasha asked in shock. "No, she doesn't, well maybe she does. She doesn't talk about it. I'll just have to ask."

"Until then, let's rejoice this little friend group." Dean explains as he raises his pop can. "To us."

"To us!"

a/n this chapter was technically a filler...but i hope you liked it

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