AU: Human
Ship(s): Prinxiety (obviously)
T/W: Light cursing
Type: Kinda Sad Fluff
Notes: Welcome to this monstrosity.
Virgil was struggling to keep his eyes open. It was three in the morning, but he was not missing his daily FaceTime with Roman.
Finally, Roman's face appeared on his phone screen. Virgil pressed the green button eagerly, feeling a rush of relief accompanied by a pang of sadness seeing his boyfriend's bright smile and warm green eyes.
"Hello, my darling storm cloud," Roman pushed his auburn waves out of his face. It had been months since he'd seen his little emo nightmare and he was terribly homesick. Virgil smiled, but his eyes were tired and his voice slightly hoarse.
"Hey, Princey. How's Africa?" Roman's smile only grew.
"Oh, Virge, it's gorgeous here! The kids are so adorable and our building crew is truly incredible, I would love for you to see the work we've done, and..." Roman trailed off, seeing Virgil slumped over on the other end.
"Virgie," The green eyed man laughed when his boyfriend's head shot up and his brown eyes flew open.
"Ugh, Jesus... Sorry, Ro. I'm exhausted." Virgil buried his face in his hands before running them through his purple locks.
"What time is it there, babe?" Virgil hesitated, knowing full-well that Roman was going to scold him for not sleeping. But it was so hard sleeping without him. Virgil hadn't been sleeping right since his boyfriend left. He was waking up more frequently, having more nightmares, some nights he just laid awake and stared at the ceiling.
"Virgil Underwood," The emo was snapped out of his thoughts hearing his boyfriend's voice. "What time is it in Florida right now?" Virgil smiled crookedly.
"'Bout 3:00 a.m...." Roman's eyes widened.
"Babe! Go to sleep!" Virgil chuckled sleepily at Roman's scolding.
"I miss you, Ro." Green eyes softened, staring into brown.
"I miss you too, Virgie. I miss you so much. But you gotta sleep, love." Virgil nodded slowly. "Want me to stay on the phone until you fall asleep?" Virgil nodded again, falling back on Roman's pillow that miraculously still smelled like him. Roman sang softly as Virgil slowly drifted off to sleep.
After waiting a few minutes to make sure Virgil wouldn't wake up, the dramatic boy smiled.
"Sleep well, storm cloud. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He hung up the phone and headed to the worksite with his good friend Valerie.
"What's up, disaster gay?" Valerie smirked, leaning against the Jeep. Roman just smiled and rolled his eyes.
"I'm doing okay, Val. Missing my chemically imbalanced romance, but fine nonetheless." Valerie's smirk softened into a warm smile.
"Well, lucky for you. Three more weeks, and you'll be back in Florida." Roman frowned slightly.
"And you'll be back in New York." Valerie patted his shoulder.
"Listen, any opportunity I have to get out of the cold and into the sun, I'll take. I'll be down there and I'm counting on you and you're boyf to let me stay with you, cause you love me and I'm cheap." Roman laughed.
"You got it, Val. Now let's go before Meredith kills us." Now it was Valerie's turn to laugh as she climbed into the Jeep.
Roman was exhausted. His muscles ached, his hair was matted against his forehead with sweat, he was filthy, and he missed Virgil, so goddamn much. He wiped his brow. He had two new bruises, a few scratches and cuts, and a sunburn on his back that was really starting to sting. But sunburn was better than wearing another layer of clothing.
Virgil's voice played in his head. You're doing a good thing, Roman. You're helping those kids. I can suck it up. I love you, be safe. Roman cursed under his breath as he gained a new cut on his arm.
"Alright, everyone! You've been doing some really good work today, time for lunch!" Meredith yelled. Roman damn near laughed he was so grateful for the reward of a break. Valerie walked over to him, two small children clinging to her arms. She looked just about as exhausted as he felt.
"Hey, topless," Valerie panted, blowing a stray piece of dark hair out of her eyes. This time, Roman did laugh.
"Alright, c'mon, Val. I'm starving, let's go eat," Valerie gratefully followed him, talking to the children in Swahili. She had tried to teach Roman, but that had resulted in him flipping from Swahili, Spanish, and then back to English because he couldn't figure out how to translate and conjugate that one freakin' verb, so he'd decided Valerie could be his translator.
As soon as Roman sat down, he pulled his phone out of his bag and shot a text to Virgil.
Virgil sat on the counter, staring at his phone. A solid two hours of sleep wasn't bad. Besides, it was Roman's lunch break in Kenya and at almost five o'clock, on the dot, Roman sent a text. He didn't want to miss this.
Virgil's face lit up.
From Princey❤️: Hey, cutie. Did you sleep?
solid two hours
From Princey❤️: Virgil, why do you do this to yourself?
dont freak out princey ill nap after my shift
From Princey❤️: You're going to worry me to death.
hows work going
From Princey❤️: Great! We are almost done here. Here I'll send a picture of Valerie and the kids.
Virgil smiled at the picture. It was Roman's friend, (who he literally hadn't shut up about since he met her) Valerie and two small children, posing in front of a half-built school.
that looks great ro
From Princey❤️: I know, right?! I wish you were here, storm cloud.
me too babe
From Princey❤️: I have to go soon, but I'll call you tonight?
sounds good.
From Princey❤️: I love you to the moon and back.
i love you more than coffee.
From Princey❤️: Damn, you DO miss me, don't you?
Virgil laughed and checked the time. He had to go, or he was gonna be late for work.
~~~3 Weeks Later~~~
Virgil heard the bell above the door ring. He was very focused on making a frappe for another customer and he didn't even look up at the new patron.
"Hi, welcome to Starbucks. I'll be right there. What can I get you?" He asked in a mask of a cheery voice. He'd been missing Roman especially today. He'd cried in the shower before he came here. He would give anything to see his smile, his eyes, wrap him up in a hug, taste his lips again... it'd been too long, Virgil decided.
"Can I get a caramel macchiato and a kiss from my handsome boyfriend whom I've missed so much?" Virgil's eyes snapped up and filled with tears. He practically threw himself over the counter and into Roman's arms. Roman hugged his boyfriend tightly as he cried into his chest.
"I missed you too, storm cloud." Virgil looked up at him with a tearful smile.
"You're here! You're home! I love you so much, oh my god."
"I love you too, Virgie."
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