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Leaders are people of vision, they have a picture in their head that they want to achieve, they ain't just sitting down and creating them, they plan and take action afterwards and until their vision becomes a reality, they won't stop working.

Brian Tracy said, "all leaders have same quality, the quality of vision." Leaders see into thier future and start making actions from the present. Non leaders focus on their past and problems.

The reason you ain't making progress is, you are still focusing on your problems and when you do, you lose all the strength and faith you need to solve them. You need to focus on the solution, on how to make it work to ensure that you realize your vision, then you take positive steps and the problem in no time will be solved.
When you're solution oriented, you are heading for success.

Vision helps you maintain your stand. Some people change thier goals when they feel that the problem is not going to get solved. That's a wrong approach to problem solving.
There are so many ways you can tackle that problem. Instead of changing your goals, change your approach to that problem. We all know that goals helps us realize our vision, so when you change your goal, it means you are giving up on your vision.

What do you see
What you see about yourself, your career, your business , your ministry and anything your purpose entails is very important. How you see things will determine the way you will handle them. If you see yourself as a failure, you'll definitely end up as one.

Do not put limitations on your vision, imagine anything and everything and believe that you can make it happen.
I've said earlier that the key thing in becoming successful is, your faith in yourself. If you believe you can you will. That should be your mindset. Have the "I can" mentality, even when situations are saying you can't, believe you can.

The world greatest leaders are people with so much positivity and belief. Their mind has been disciplined to take in only positive things. They practice garbage in and garbage out. Meaning, they filter anything that comes to their mind, when it's a good thought they keep it, the negative ones they pay no attention. This is a habit all aspiring leaders should develop, it will make you achieve things faster than you ever did.

See yourself as a billionaire
If you want to be a billionaire, first you have to see yourself as one, you have to think like one, dress like one and talk like one.
The truth is you become what you see.

Every billionaire started with little. They were able to grow thier finances because they saw themselves as wealthy people already and they believed in their vision. They were ready to take big risks, because they know that it was an opportunity to realize thier vision. They believed that their vision would bring wealth to them so they worked hard to achieve it.

Billionaires are risk takers, they don't focus on what they lose on the way but their gaze is on the reward at the end. Non leaders do not want to take any risk at all, they're just comfortable with their status quo,they don't want to move forward. That's because, they've not seen something spectacular about themselves, they've not sat down to look at their potentials, at what they can achieve if they start up something, they've not seen themselves as geniuses yet, they are still locked up in a negative vision about themselves. The moment they change what they see and what they believe about themselves, their whole life would change for the better.

The road to success ain't easy. You need to be prepared for problems, that's why you need the "I can" mentality, it will give you courage and boldness to face those problems.
You don't have to runaway from problems, if you do, you won't make progress. Learn the techniques of solving them. Problem solving is a skill. You acquire it by, solving more and more problems.

Believe what you see, believe in your vision. The law of faith says, "whatever you ask, believe that you have received and you shall have them". It means when you lack belief you will achieve little or nothing at all. You then become the creator of your misfortune. Likewise, you can also be the creator of your own fortune, only if you believe.
The one who wins, is the one who thinks he can.

Maintain your vision
Belief helps in the maintenance of vision. When you lack belief, your vision changes, you begin to see things differently.
Maintain a solid belief system.

How do you maintain your belief system?
1. Shut your mind to all negativity
2. When negative thoughts come, do not meditate on them. A thought becomes a strong hold when you meditate on it long enough. It begins to grow. Meditation nourishes your thoughts, causing growth.
3. Converse with people of like minds. One of the first things you do when you decide to pursue purpose is to change your friends. You prioritize your relationships. Spend more time with people that inspire you and believe in you.
4. Read motivational books. Read biographies of people who have excelled in your field.
5. Improve yourself. Go for seminars, workshop and any event that will add a plus to you. That way you are building confidence because you know you cannot be defeated in areas where you are knowledgeable.
6. Continue to believe even in very odd circumstances.

Take Action
You don't create a vision and sit, doing nothing thinking the vision would miraculously become a reality. You take major steps to make it a reality.
No great thing happened by luck, people took great steps to make it happen.

The world greatest leaders created their visions, they had the ability to look into the future and they took actions from the present. They designed their future and they made plans on how to achieve it. They set goals in place and they maintained focus. They evaluate themselves regularly, to check if they've drifted away from thier goals.

Write down your goals. Goals are results that you are attempting to achieve.
What are your expectations, turn them to your goals. Pick each goal and write out ways you can achieve them.
There should be something you want to achieve everyday. Before you go to bed write them down, the next morning you look at them and start out to achieve them.

Evaluate your progress by checking out your goals to see those you've achieved and the one's that you are yet to.
If you are finding it difficult to achieve a goal, do not change it or discard it. Rather, change your approach, think of other ways to achieve it. Be rest assured that you will come up with another strategy.

Most people would want to wait for the perfect moment, the truth is there's no perfect time to start something, if you continue to wait, you'll wait forever. Start now, take action immediately. You start small to grow big.

Do not allow your past failures to stop you from taking actions. A project failed, doesn't mean that you are a failure. See failure as been temporary. See failure as a teacher, it makes you get better at what you do. The next time you'll be starting that same project, you'll do it in a better way because you've learnt from the previous one.
The world greatest leaders had so many failures before they finally got it right. They didn't stop, they kept their visions alive, they were persistent and they believed against all odds. That's the right attitude to overcoming failure.

Thomas Edison said and I quote, "many of life's failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success before they gave up".

That's the problem with so many people, they stopped when they're close to success. Be persistent no matter what. if you don't succeed now, you will some day. Don't give up hope, believe and continue to believe.

Be a "goal getter". That's someone whose gaze is at achieving his or her goals at all cost. They maintain focus, they don't allow distractions. If their goals requires special skills before it can be achieved, they get trained to acquire it. If it demands them to go back to school,they will. If it's to spend their last penny, they will. They are always ready to give up everything to ensure they achieve their goals.
Are you ready for that kind of life? If you're not then I think you don't want success.
Until you get to the stage where you are willing to do anything to be successful, i mean positive things, you never will.

Imagine you are a super powerful being, what things would you do to achieve your goals?. The truth is you are a super powerful being. There are potentials locked up inside of you, you've just not realize it yet.
You unlock those potentials by going into action, solving more and more problems, taking bigger challenges. You'll be amazed at what you can do. Try doing something you thought you never will be able to do, and see how blessed you are.

I never thought I'll be able to write a book, but I started anyway, I had to believe that I could and here I am today, an author. You are steps away from success because of lack of believe and not taking any actions at all.

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