Standing with you

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It was one in the morning when the wedding celebration had finally came to an end. Everyone was feeling exhausted as they had all started early in the morning and had no breaks in between, but it was all worth it when they got to see Milya and Jun happily married. Even though feeling drained, Shirayuki still laid in her bed wide awake, unable to sleep. She felt overwhelmed with all the things that had happened in such a short period of time.

Sighing, Shirayuki sat up on her bed and saw that it was two in the morning. She gave up on sleeping and decided to take a stroll. Shirayuki grabbed a light coat and opened her bedroom door, at the same time another door opened. To her surprise she saw Zen step out, who was also surprised in seeing her still awake.

"Couldn't sleep?" Zen asked as he approached her.

Shirayuki smiled, "No."

He nodded his head in understanding. "The same thing. Do you want to take a stroll outside on the terrace?"

She chuckled, "You read my mind."

Zen smiled, "I'll grab my jacket and be right back."

The couple soon found themselves walking hand in hand outside in the chilly night. The wedding decoration was still up on the terrace, including the incandescent small lights that made the sky look like it was filled with stars. Both were conscious of each others warmth and presence as they aimlessly walked around with no certain destination. Zen then gently brought her hand to his lips and planted a kiss. Shirayuki looked up and saw his eyes soften and tears somehow emerged from her eyes.

"What's wrong Shirayuki?" Zen asked feeling a bit worried.

She just shook her head feeling silly, "I don't know why, but I just don't want to be apart from you anymore."

Zen's heart squeezed tightly as he gently brought her into his warm arms and enveloped her delicate figure. "I couldn't sleep thinking the same thing." He confessed, "Yesterday I felt my world fall apart the minute I knew you were taken away from me. I don't ever want to feel that way again."

Shirayuki felt his jaw clench as his arms protectively brought her closer to him. Their hearts were feeling the same emotions and beating the same rhythm.

"I really love you." She found herself whispering.

Zen's heart rushed as he gently stepped back and wiped her tears away with his fingers. She then saw Zen kneel down on one knee, "Shirayuki I vow to protect you and to never make you feel sad ever again. I want you by my side forever. Please be my wife."

Shirayuki stood there stunned, even though she knew that this was going to eventually happen, she didn't expect him to propose so soon. Her heart beat faster as his blue eyes gazed at her adoringly. Shirayuki's tears began to flow again as she smiled beautifully at him.

"Yes Zen. I will be your wife and I promise to always stand by your side." She answered before circling her arms around him and hugging him in happiness.

"I love you." Zen whispered into her ears feeling overjoyed.

Zen then lifted her up and twirled her around, as he couldn't contain the feelings of elation taking over him. Shirayuki laughed. Slowly he came to a stop as he looked into her glowing emerald eyes that spoke of love. His eyes reflected back the same feelings as he leaned down and caught her sweet lips. Shirayuki pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, and leaving both out of air when they pulled back smiling.

"You are forever mine now." Zen spoke possessively as he kissed her once again.

The couple stayed on the terrace, sitting at a bench snuggled together, until the sun rose. They then returned to the mansion still feeling wide-awake and jubilant. Zen and Shirayuki were the first at the breakfast table when everyone else joined in and were surprised to see them so happy and alert that early morning.

"What happened to you both?" Obi commented as he walked in the dinning room and suppressed a yawn, "Did you guys make out or something?" He teased with a grin.

Zen and Shirayuki looked at each other and laughed, "You can say that." Zen smirked back at Obi who looked surprised that he failed to embarrass them both.

Obi's eyes suddenly opened wide in realization, "You finally did it, didn't you master?"

Zen looked at Obi and nodded his head. Both friends looked at each others eyes in content. As a knight and especially as a friend, Obi couldn't help but to smile back in great joy to such great news.

Obi bowed down. "It is going to be my pleasure and honor to protect and serve Shirayuki as the future princess of Clarines."

Everyone in the room quickly looked at the couple in surprise and shock. Zen and Shirayuki now began to feel embarrassed but still overjoyed to be sharing this news with their close friends.

"What? Are you both now engaged?" Spoke Vivi surprised and excited.

"It's about time." Kiki smiled in satisfaction and joy, knowing how much they had been waiting for this big announcement to happen.

"It has been a long time coming." Mitsuhide spoke in contentment.

"Shirayuki, I am so happy for you!" Milya spoke as she came and hugged her cousin tightly.

"Shirayuki." Spoke Renalia as she entered the dining room. A few of them looked at the queen in apprehension, but they all smiled as the queen's green eyes softened. "Congratulations. I am very happy for you." Spoke Renalia sincerely.

Breakfast turned out to be a joyous meal. The queen had also begun to open up, transforming the atmosphere in the room to be more comfortable. Renalia was slowly learning not to be so uptight and allow the young adults to make their choices, after all that was what Ayra wanted and wished for. To live your life freely and to the fullest. Renalia was beginning to comprehend what it meant to live her life with no regrets.

Zen, Vivi, and Mitsuhide decided to stay until the end of the month with Shirayuki. It seemed Zen wasn't willing to leave Akigaya without her by his side. As for Shirayuki she was still taking her lessons with Milya and pharmacist Sho at the main hospital. In one of the lessons Renalia had come down to observe the two princesses. She couldn't help but notice how focused the girls were and how much they seemed to enjoy the subject. Renalia herself felt very curious as she watched and felt the urge to join the experiment taking place in the room.

"Ah Renalia!" Spoke Sho as he appeared carrying some books. "It's rare to see you here."

Renalia greeted Sho with a small bow. After all he was one of her father's best friend, and a respected person in Akigaya. Sho knew Renalia since the day she was born, and she recalled that he would give her and Ayra biology and herbology lessons. Those lessons were always very interesting and fun, especially when she and Ayra would go down to the forest to explore. She wondered why she had ever stopped taking the lessons in the first place.

"Do you care to join us?" Sho spoke as he stepped into the room calling Shirayuki and Milya's attention.

The princesses then noticed Renalia as they smiled. "Come in mother!" Milya spoke happily as she came to grab her by the hand.

"I must not interrupt your lessons." Renalia reasoned, but Milya wouldn't let her mother go.

"Please aunt, it would be fun to have you join us today." Shirayuki insisted as she made room for her to join at the table.

"You always had a knack for herbology Renalia." Sho spoke with a knowing smile on his face.

Renalia looked at all their insisting eyes and gave in. Besides today she had some spare time to spend with her daughter and niece. It wouldn't hurt to have some bonding time. To Renalia's great surprise and fun they had stayed past the lesson time and into the late afternoon. Everyone was having a great time and Renalia got to learn more about both girls, especially Shirayuki.

"You would have made your mother very proud." Renalia acknowledged as she learned how skilled, patient, and caring Shirayuki was.

Shirayuki looked at her aunt and smiled gratefully, feeling her heart squeeze in content that she had finally got to show her aunt a part of who she was.

Zen, Obi, Vivi, and Linna showed up carrying food. They had figured that they would forget about eating if they didn't bring them dinner. Renalia stayed for a few minutes before retrieving and leaving the group to enjoy the rest of their time together.

"Vivi I was considering in offering you a training position in Clarines Knight Academy." Spoke Zen as he finished his meal.

Vivi looked up surprised. She immediately looked at Linna who smiled at her and nodded her head in encouragement. She then gazed at Obi who grinned back proudly at her.

"It would be my honor!" Vivi exclaimed excitedly to have such a great opportunity.

Zen chuckled, "I thought you were going to ask me for more time to think."

Vivi smiled, "Of course I will miss my friends and family here in Akigaya, but my goal was always to be a great aide to my master."

Vivi then looked at Shirayuki kindly and realized that she wanted to be able to protect her dear princess from any danger. Vivi wished to be more skilled and wanted to advance and become more reliable so that she could protect the people that she loved.

"I will be counting on you to continue to be my aide outside of Akigaya." Shirayuki spoke.

Vivi nodded her head, "It will be my honor princess to keep serving you."

Zen then looked at Linna, "My offer extends to you as well if you ever wish to come to Clarines."

Linna bowed her head, but they knew her answer. Linna's place was here beside Milya. "Thank you for your offer Prince Zen."

"Milya." Shirayuki then spoke thoughtfully, "You are always welcome to come to Clarines to expand your knowledge if you ever wish to do so someday."

Milya smiled gratefully as she grabbed Shirayuki's hand tightly, "I will consider that."

"Clarines will always welcome you Milya." Zen spoke and Milya nodded her head in understanding and great appreciation.

When finally they left the main hospital, it was already dark. Vivi pulled Obi back from the group as they walked slower, allowing the rest to move ahead. Obi looked at her nervous eyes and smiled encouragingly.

"I hope you don't mind me joining the academy in Clarines." Vivi started unsure if this was the future Obi also wished for them.

"Why would I mind?" Obi spoke, "Now I get to see you everyday."

Vivi looked up into his caring eyes and sighed in relief, "You are also the reason why I said yes to Prince Zen."

Obi nodded his head, "I am glad you accepted, because if you hadn't, I think I would have kidnapped you."

Vivi fervently blushed as he chuckled at her reaction. He took her into his arms and hugged her tightly making her heart beat faster. "I am so happy Obi." She spoke as she embraced him back.

Obi smiled, inwardly thanking Zen and knowing that he did this for his sake. Zen really meant it that he would guarantee his happiness and Obi couldn't be more grateful for his friendship with the prince.

Time flew by and soon it was the end of the month. Shirayuki stood at the terrace with Zen by her side as they looked at the huge amount of people gathered to say goodbye to the princess. Holly had showed up as well and presented Shirayuki with a crown of flowers that was placed on the princess's head. Holly was sobbing before her mother took her away.

Milya was also in tears. She hugged her cousin tightly as Shirayuki soothed her. "You must come see me." Milya nodded her head and smiled knowing how much she would miss her presence.

"Take care of yourself and don't forget to write to me often." Milya spoke before she stepped back to stand beside Jun.

"You will be greatly missed Shirayuki." Spoke Renalia as she approached and gave her niece a hug, which Shirayuki returned warmly, "I am glad you came. Know that Akigaya will always welcome you home."

The Aki birds chirped and music played as Zen helped Shirayuki mount the Aki bird that would be flying them to the tunnel where the horses awaited. She waved goodbye and saw all of the happy faces gazing back at her. Shirayuki felt lucky, she had truly gained more than she had expected in Akigaya.

"I will miss you all. It has been an honor." Shirayuki spoke before she waved goodbye and the crowd cheered back.

The Aki birds opened their wings and took flight. It was time to leave and head back home to Clarines.


Zen and Shirayuki stood side by side before Izana in his study room. The minute they arrived in Clarines they had went straight to the castle to make their presence known to the king. He sat there with his usual expression on his face as he took the note on his desk and read it out loud.

"An urgent matter has occurred and I must delay my return to Clarines." Izana read the note that Zen had sent back with the knights and the carriage. "And what urgent matter was this that you prolonged your stay for two more weeks?"

Zen answered without hesitation, "I went back to propose to Shirayuki. We are now engaged and I wish you to honor us with your blessings brother."

Izana's eyes looked back wide in shock. He looked at Zen's serious expression and burst out laughing. Shirayuki gazed at Zen in confusion but saw that he was also perplexed by his brother's rare reaction. They waited as his laughter died down and he smiled back at the young couple.

"You will be married in a week. How does that sound?" Izana spoke as he leaned back on his seat, feeling pleased that Zen had finally took the plunge.

The couple stood there paralyzed in disbelief, were they hearing him right? Tears unexpectedly streamed down from Shirayuki's eyes as she quickly tried wiping them away with her hands. Zen smiled at her reaction and offered her his handkerchief, which she took. Shirayuki then addressed Izana with a beautiful smile he hadn't seen before.

"Thank you King Izana, I feel really blessed."

Izana in return gave her a rare smile, "You earned it Shirayuki."

Zen held Shirayuki's hand and squeezed it, as they both were overwhelmed with joy to hear those words. Shirayuki was finally acknowledged and accepted to be Zen's wife and the princess of Clarines. Her efforts and dedication had finally paid off. They had been through so much together and their affection for each other only grew stronger each passing month. The path that they decided to walk together hand in hand had finally reached it's final destination. Zen couldn't hold back his urge to kiss Shirayuki's cheek. Shirayuki fervently blushed in reply.

Izana chuckled, "If you were going to do that then please leave the room already."

Zen grinned before bowing to his brother who grinned back.

"Thank you brother."

The announcement of Prince Zen and Shirayuki's marriage spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom of Clarines and its neighboring kingdoms. Everyone was sending out their congratulations to the young couple and was preparing their journey to attend the royal wedding. This was an immense occasion and no amount of money was going to be spared on this wedding. The wedding was going to take place at the same church where Izana was crowned king. All the preparations were carefully being made so that everything would turn out perfect. The whole world had their eyes on Clarines.

Zen looked at his own reflection on the mirror and couldn't help but to feel very nervous. He took one of the pins with his shaking hands and was unable to place it on his clothing. Mitsuhide grabbed the pin from his hands.

"Let me." He spoke and Zen turned to face him. "Please don't faint in the middle of the ceremony." Mitsuhide joked as he finished placing the pin.

Zen chuckled, feeling that that might just happen, "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time and it is finally here."

Mitsuhide smiled and saw that the young boy he had met years ago was now standing in front of him as a grown man. "I am very happy that you found Shirayuki. I can now rest assured that you will be in good hands."

Zen smiled knowing that Mitsuhide had always concerned himself with his well-being and happiness. It was truly a joyous occasion for him to witness his master finally getting ready to marry a special girl.

"Thank you Mitsuhide. I hope I will be witnessing your wedding very soon too." Zen grinned making Mitsuhide blush, as he thought of Kiki in a wedding dress.

Zen then excited his room with Mitsuhide to the adjacent waiting room. Obi, Vivi, and Kiki were there as well, dressed in their formal attires. They were not in their uniforms because today they were attending as special guests and friends.

"Looking good there master." Spoke Obi surprised to see Zen look very handsome in his grand attire.

"I can't believe how many people are here today." Spoke Vivi as she had seen the crowd outside and still more arriving before she had entered the castle. "This is ten times bigger than the crowd in Akigaya."

Kiki smiled, "They are all here to bless and witness their beloved prince getting married."

"Oh I see you are ready." Spoke Izana as he walked into the waiting room.

"Brother." Zen spoke and everyone bowed his or her heads in respect.

"This is going to be an interesting wedding." Izana started, "Not only will we be seeing more people with red-hair, but also Shirayuki will be escorted down the aisle by her aunt."

Zen nodded his head, "Yes. Not very traditional I suppose."

Izana grinned, "I guess you and Shirayuki were never adhered to tradition."

He chuckled, "I hope you enjoy the wedding brother."

"Of course." Izana spoke, "After all I get to see my little brother smile more than usual. If you would excuse me, I am going to join mother at the church. See you in a few minutes."

Izana left and Zen began to feel nervous again as he realized that it was indeed in a few more minutes until his wedding would begin. They were then informed that Zen was to head to the church as well and the next thing he knew he was standing near the altar in the presence of hundreds of people inside the church and thousands more outside the church. His nervousness began to build in anticipation and his heart wouldn't stop beating fast. He looked towards his side to see Obi and Mitsuhide smiling encouraging at him and his eyes traveled up to the box where Izana sat looking at him with a small smile. Zen then looked at the doors and heard the organ begin playing the wedding song. Everyone stood up. His heart jolted.

There at the entrance stood Shirayuki in the most impressive, embellished, white wedding dress seen in Clarines, but her dress didn't compare to the look of happiness on her beautiful face. Her red hair stood out like always, but it was beautifully styled with delicate ornaments to match her attire. Overall, Shirayuki was simply stunning.

The nervousness that Zen was feeling was quickly replaced by a sense of calmness once he laid his eyes on his bride. Zen was breathless at the site of her walking towards him with Renalia on her side. The guests were transfixed as well, as they looked in awe and admiration towards Shirayuki.

"Take good care of her." Renalia spoke to Zen as he came to take his bride once they reached the front.

"Rest assured that I am always going to protect her." Zen replied and Renalia smiled in comfort.

Zen felt Shirayuki's hand tremble in nervousness as he squeezed her hand gently in assurance. She looked into his blue eyes and her nervousness easily slipped away. They smiled at each other joyously,

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