Untitled Part 70

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They waited for dawn. The twins had promised Gully they would not leave him behind, so, strapped with every weapon they could carry, they headed for the wingerslink sanctuary together.

'Hello,' said Skip as they rounded a corner. 'What are you three doing up?' She and Preddy were dressed to hunt, and seemed to be heading for the stables.

Primrose's eyes flicked to the other huntsmen striding in different directions across the grounds. 'We can't stay out here – come with us, quick!'

Preddy hesitated, glancing at the stables.

Gully gave him a meaningful look. 'You can be late, Preddy.'

They explained about Ned and the sunnytree on the way.

'I'm coming too,' announced Skip as they entered the sanctuary.

Leo was standing in front of Maestro's pen. His arms were firmly crossed, eyes shaded by a frown. 'What are they doing here?' he barked.

Alba was there too. She'd ordered them out of the kitchen last night and promised to bring some food in the morning. Shooting Nox a distrustful glance, she tucked the last of the supplies into Athena's  saddlebag.

Penguin was pacing back and forth, occasionally snarling or barking at the wingerslinks, who were rumbling in their pens. Shepherds and wingerslinks were not fond of each other, but Penguin had not left Leo's side.

'I'm coming,' Skip repeated, looking Leo in the eye.

He shook his head. 'You're a fledge. Besides, there's no room.' He waved at Maestro, Athena and Nox, who were saddled and ready to travel.

'We can double up,' said Skip, leaping boldly over the gate to Maestro's pen. Maestro swung around and snarled. Skip jumped backwards, and it was a mark of how distressed Leo was that he didn't laugh. Watching Maestro frighten people usually brightened him up.

'We need room for Ned when we get him back,' he said stiffly.

"You can ride with me if you really want Skip," Prim said quietly

'She's coming,' said Ottilie. Skip was wily and tough. They might well need her.

Leo threw up his hands. 'Fine!' He wrenched the gate open. 'We don't have time for this – just hurry up!'

The wingerslinks leapt into the field. Ottilie, Primrose and Leo were the first down after them.

'Whistler won't hurt Ned.' Ottilie forced herself to sound confident – even though it didn't entirely match her feelings. 'Not before he shows her where to go.'

Leo ground his teeth and stared at his boots. 'You don't know that.'

'I do. I'm sure of it. He can't just tell her where to go. He's only had dreams of a place. He wouldn't know where the sunnytree is. He'll have to feel his way there. Maeve says the burns are going to guide him.' Primrose didn't understand magic, but Maeve had been studying the old witch book and she seemed sure that this was how it would work.

Leo grunted and walked away from her. 'Pen, stick with Alba, all right?' he said, patting him on the head. The shepherd slid close and leaned against Leo's legs.

Alba crouched down, offering a consoling pat.

Leo mounted Maestro, Primrose and Skip on Athena and Gully and Ottilie climbed into Nox's saddle. She didn't want to say goodbye. She wanted to believe they would be back soon. Back with Ned. Safe and sound.

Prim sensed something to her left. Bill had appeared at her ankle with a black owl perched on his head. His mouth was turned down and his eyes were heavy with dread.

'She's coming with you.' His eyes flicked upwards. 'In case you need a witch.'

Ottilie smiled. She could tell it hadn't been his idea. No doubt Bill had spent a long time trying to convince Maeve not to go, just like he had once asked Ottilie and Primrose not to go to the Narroway.

'We'll be back, Bill.'

'You've said that before.' His long fingers curled around her leg.

She remembered the last time he had done that, just before Whistler took him and kept him for months and months. 'This time I promise.'

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