This one shot is for TinyZombieGirl I hope you enjoy! π Comment who was your favorite ending.
Dempsey and Nikolai have been acting strange lately. The two of them would usually talk and have a fantastic time, but they had grown distant and cold from each other in the past few days. It, it frightened you. What could make the two best friends suddenly hate one another? The questions with no answers baffled you. This led to you hanging out with Richtofen a little more often. Of course, you would notice Dempsey and Nikolai giving him nasty looks out of the corner of your eye, but the two of you ignored the looks.
Currently, it was your turn to take the night watch and Richtofen offered to help you out. Unknown to anyone but the two of you, he is your brother. Exhaustion was finally beginning to hit you as you leaned against Richtofen's shoulder. Being the kind older brother he is, he placed you in his lap and rested your head on his chest.
A smile surfaced on your lips as you cuddled closer. "Big brozer, it's getting difficult to hide my accent, my zhroat hurts from doing it zo much," you sighed tiredly. Richtofen kissed the top of your head.
"Zhen stop hiding it, little frau," he smiled. You shook your head.
"Vhat vould zhey zhink? Takeo, Nikolai, und Dempzey? I don't vant zhem to hate me, zhey vere furious vhen zhey heard Doctor Groph giving us a status report yesterday."
Richtofen shook his head and rubbed my back reassuringly. "If zhey have half a brain, zhey vouldn't hate jou," he whispered. You nodded in understanding and slowly fell asleep. Richtofen chuckled while holding you protectively. It felt like the two of you were children again, him holding your small, sleeping figure in his lap as he stared at the stars.
Dempsey fumed from somewhere else, just like Nikolai, as the two of them saw Richtofen holding you. Both walked away, thinking of what they could do to win you over.
You woke up with a yawn, noticing you were in the bed. A smile surfaced on your lips. You thanked your lucky stars that you had such a sweet brother.
Picking out a (f/c) shirt with (2f/c) pants, you quickly got ready for the day. Once ready, loud yelling ensued. It shocked you. You quickly ran outside, shivering in the cold.
Richtofen, Dempsey, and Nikolai were throwing punches at each other. Richtofen had a bloody lip whereas Dempsey had a black eye and Nikolai had a bruise forming on his arm. All of them had cuts and scrapes.
Without thinking, you ran between Dempsey and Nikolai as they ran at each other. "Stop!" you yelled. Time seemed to slow. They couldn't stop their fists. Richtofen pushed you out of the way, taking two fists to his stomach. The impact sent him flying to the wall, coughing blood when his back hit. He collapsed onto the ground. "GroBer Bruder!" you exclaimed in German, running to his side.
Richtofen coughed again, splattering the snow with red splotches. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you gently hugged him. "C-careful, little frau, I h-have a few c-cracked ribs," he whispered. Your eyes widened. Dempsey was the first to step forward, taking Richtofen into his arms carefully. The three of you rushed to the bedroom that Samantha had inhabited during her time in the castle, laying him on the bed.
You were thankful your brother taught you to be a doctor. You made quick work of helping Richtofen first before helping the other two. After cleaning and bandaging their wounds, you returned to Richtofen's side, softly stroking his hair.
The guilt ate away at Nikolai and Dempsey, both of them leaving to be alone. Richtofen smiled weakly at you, softly cupping your cheek. "Little frau, go to zhem," he softly spoke.
Go to Dempsey:
You nodded your head and kissed Richtofen's forehead before leaving. You looked around, finding Dempsey at juggernaug after searching practically the whole castle. Honestly, you felt like slapping yourself for not checking here first since this is his favorite perk.
"Dempzey? Are jou alright?" you questioned, letting your German accent show. He sighed.
"So you really are his little sister," he whispered.
He shook his head and rushed over, gripping your shoulders softly and looking into your (e/c) orbs. A dark pink blush surfaced on your cheeks. It was a little intimidating seeing him loom over you since he's about a head and shoulders taller than you. "I don't care that Richtofen's your brother or that you're German. I may be breaking a f****** s*** ton of rules, but I love you," he growled lowly. You gulped softly and bit your lip.
"Ich liebe dich auch," you whispered, blush darkening. His eyes lit up as he kissed you passionately. Without much hesitation, you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as his arms cinched around your waist quickly.
When the two of you pulled away for air, Dempsey was smirking and you buried your head into his chest to hide your flustered state. A squeak left your lips as he picked you up bridal style, carrying you back to the castle. The two of you sat in Doctor Maxis's old room, you in his lap facing him as he lavished your lips and neck with warm kisses.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear those words from you," he murmured against your lips. You smiled shyly into the kiss.
"About as long as I've vaited to hear zhe same vords from jou," you sighed. Dempsey finished by placing a gentle kiss to your lips and laid on the bed, cuddling you close to his chest.
Go to Nikolai:
You bit your lip. "Are jou sure jou'll be alright?" you worried. Richtofen nodded. Leaving a kiss on his cheek, you left to find Nikolai.
It wasn't hard to find him, he was sitting on the castle wall near the watch tower, taking some sips of the Widow's Wine he just got from the Wonder Fizz. You nervously walked over to him, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
"N-Nikolai? Are jou alright?" you asked softly, almost in a whisper. He set down his unfinished bottle of Widow's Wine and stood. He was at least a head taller than you.
"Nikolai is fine, but you look so exhausted," he worried and cupped your cheek with his large, gloved hand. "You're really Richtofen's sister?"
You gulped. "Ja, I am. I am sorry I didn't tell any of jou sooner. Jou vere all zo angry vhen Doctor Groph began to give us status reports yesterday," you sighed and looked at the floor. A few tears dropped from your eyes that he wiped away as he brought your head up so he could gaze into your eyes.
"It is okay, Nikolai understands," he reassured as he pulled you into his warm embrace. You returned it, burying your head into his shoulder and enjoying his scent. "(Y/N), Nikolai loves you." Your eyes widened before closing as you held him tighter.
"Ich liebe dich auch," you whispered happily. He pulled away slightly, asking your permission. You nodded and he gently kissed you on the lips, you immediately responding as your arms wrapped around his neck. Nikolai snaked his arms around your waist.
The need for air was great after a while, so you pulled away. A crimson blush dusted your cheeks as Nikolai smiled at you. Wishing to hide your flustered cheeks, you buried your head in his chest. His chest rumbled as he chuckled. The two of you sat down, leaning against the wall as he pulled you into his lap, kissing the top of your head.
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