C H A P T E R 30

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jasmines pov

we finished the first week of tour, 2 more weeks to go

i haven't seen joey since we're in different places for the shows, but for the chicago show, we're supposed to do it together. that's in 2 days from now, & i can't wait. i miss him like crazy. i have to go to the airport in 1 hour & i'm not even ready

"jasmineee, hurry uppp" sophia says groaning

"i'll be ready in 20 minutes" i say looking through my bag to find some sweatpants & a comfy sweater

"okay" soph says

she goes on her phone

"have you talked to joseph?" sophia asks

"no, not really. we've been busy"

"oh, that sucks"

"have you talked to him?" i ask

"no" sophia says smiling.

i turn to her

"have you talked to charlesss?" i say winking

sophia starts to blush

"yes" she says shyly & hides her face

"awh that's so cute" i say i go up to her to pinch her cheeks

"ow get away" she says & starts to laugh

i laugh & go back to picking my outfit


soph & i are in an uber blasting music, as always


imessage: jojo <3

i unlock my phone to see joeys message

jojo <3

can't wait to see you again

same pal :)

i miss you like crazy

i miss you way more bro

i already wanna hug you :(

you'll see me soon hoey ;))

gotta go play fortnite w the bros

bye love, see you soon

bye hoey, i hope you lose, you ugly rat ;))

i never lose babygirl ;)

whatever you say birlem

i'm smiling so hard. joey makes me so happy i can't even explain


we're now in chicago. i can't wait to get to the hotel & sleep

soph calls an uber. the uber gets here pretty quick & we get inside

30 minutes later

we pull up at the hotel. it's huge

soph & i go inside & go up to our room

we walk around through the hallways trying to find our room

210, 211, 212, 213...

"I FOUND IT !" i y'all out to sophia

"room 214" i say happily & slide the card on the door to unlock it

we step inside & immediately start picking out our clothes for the next day. we hear some yelling next door & we get annoyed by it

"i swear if those people don't shut the fuck up i'm gonna-" sophia starts, but i cut her off

"how about we go say something" i suggests

"good idea" sophia smiles

we get out of the room & head over to the room where we hear the yelling

as i was about to knock on the door calmly, sophia gets in my way & bangs the door

"open up" she yells

i hear the room get quiet. we hear some whispering & arguing over who gets to open the door

we hear footsteps approach the door

it opens slowly, but sophia gets inpatient & pushes the door open, i see joey

i run to hug him. i jump into his arms while he holds me by the waist. i bury my head into his shoulders & neck

"i missed you so much" i whisper

i back my head away from his shoulders & kiss him. it was slow & passionate, i wish it would last forever but we soon pull away

he puts me down

he cups my face & starts kissing me all over my face

i start to giggle

he steps away from me & heads over to sophia

"hey little sis" he says & hugs her

"hey jo, nice to see your annoying ass again" she laughs

"come on, let's go inside guys" he says

we go inside & we see charles & chad sitting on the couch, playing fortnite

"so that's why you guys were screaming" sophia asks laughing

"haha yea" joey says

he sits on the couch

"guys, scoot over so that jasmine can sit here. soph, you could sit on the floor" joey says, smiling viciously at sophia

"she could sit next to me" charles shrugs

sophia's eyes light up as she makes her way towards charles

i smile since it's adorable. they begin talking soon.

i cuddle up against joey. i stare up at him & laugh at how concentrated he is while playing

after a while, i start to get bored

i poke joeys cheek

"can i play?" i ask

"no, you suck" joey says making fun of me while laughing

i cross my arms & pout

"fine, no more hugs nor kisses for you" i say & turn my head to the other side. i'm trying so hard not to laugh

"oh shit, here take it, for as long as you want" he says handing the controller over to me

"thanks" i smile brightly

"you're such a child" he chuckles

"hey, stop bullying me" i pout & focus on the game

i get killed right away

"i hate this game" i say

"it's rigged"

"i told you, you suck" joey says & grabs he controller from my hands

"i'm still cooler than you so, suck it" i say smiling

"shut up" he laughs


i start getting tired

"hey jojo, imma go to my bed" i say & start getting up

i look over at sophia, her & char are sleeping, but they're cuddling

i smack joeys arm so that he could see

"jo look, how adorable" i say smiling

"ew, my sister & bestfriend, no thanks" he says with a disgusted face

i laugh & so does chad

i didn't even notice he was still awake, but of course he's still paying fortnite

"jas, ill go with you" joey says & stands up

"no, you're playing fortnite" i say

"you're more important than fortnite" joey says smiling at me

chad immediately turns his head over to joey

"bro" is all chad says & shakes his head

"oh my god, you guys are so addicted to that shit" i say laughing & shaking my head

"chad, shut up stupid" joey says & walks towards the door

i follow him & guide him to my room

we open the door & i lay down on the bed

"can i cuddle with you?" joeys asks

"of course" i grin

he lays down next to me & cuddles me

i soon fall asleep, & so does joey


i hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter :))

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