5. i hate mint chocolate

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Jungwon pouted at his almost empty wallet, then looked up at his two friends who happily licked their ice cream cones. "Here have some of mine"
Niki said, holding the cone in front of Jake. Jake shook his head, "I hate mint chocolate" Niki gasped, "the disrespect is astronomical."

"Why did I have to buy for Niki to?" Jungwon whined, staring at the two boys who innocently licked their ice cream cones, sat on the park bench, "I'm already broke." Jake smiled, "exactly."

Niki and Jake then began to joke around again, making Jungwon pout. Eventually Jake gave in, inviting Jungwon to join them in their game.

"Nooooo" Jake said as he watched his ice cream cone fall to the floor. The other two laughed at the pouting boy. "There's was only like, 3 licks left, who cares" Niki said, throwing his arm around Jake's shoulder. The 3 were now walking back to their dorm. Jake was still sulking "3 licks I could've savoured."

They continued to walk back, joking and laughing until Jake suddenly turned to Jungwon with a serious expression. "Do do anything stupid again, okay?" He said, making Jungwon nod. Jake then smiled and they continued into their route.

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