25. shut up and run

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"So how was the date??"

"Was it magical?"

"Did you kiss?"

"Did you more than kiss?"

"They couldn't have-"

"Can you guys both back the fuck up?" Niki yelled at his two friends who all but pounced on him at school the next day. Jake and Jungwon took a step back, before they immediately began asking questions again so quickly Niki's head spun around.

"Maybe let me answer one question before you ask another one" he said again, and finally the two excited boys calmed down. "We can't help it!" Jungwon said, "This is the first time any of us have been in a relationship since Jake's ex"

Jake nodded, "even that wasn't a real relationship, it was like, half a relationship"

"Not even," Jungwon added, "like quarter, probably less. Anyways the point is it didn't meet the standards of a real relationship"

"But we don't talk about him"


"For people who don't talk about him you guys have been talking about him for a while" Niki said, and the boys snapped out of their train of thought, instantly excited again, "tell us everything"

Niki blushed, "it was nice, and we did kiss, but I'm not gonna talk about my sex life with you dirty pervs" he said, the boys didn't seem to hear anything after the word 'kiss' and instantly squealed in excitement for their friend. Niki rolled his eyes, but his face showed his true feelings as he couldn't hold back a smile at the sight of his friends being so happy for him. He was still somewhat like a kid in that way. "Okay you idiots go to class" he said, making the boys let out their final screams out before Jake turned around and walked to his first period, in a good mood.

He wouldn't have noticed Sunghoon walking by him if the taller boy didn't drop his books on the floor. Jake reached out to help him pick up his books. "Thanks," Sunghoon said, both of them looking up and being shocked to see one another. "N-No worries" Jake replied. The two stared at each other for a moment, before breaking their gaze and going their separate ways. Jake's good mood turned into a sad one while Sunghoon's already bad mood turned worse.

"Are we gonna help Heeseung?" Niki asked Jungwon, the duo saw the whole situation enrol in front of their eyes, still lost on what to do for their friend. "I mean... at first I was really hesitant, but after what we just witnessed I think Heeseung might be right" he replied, watching as Jake walked away while lightly hitting his head, as if scolding himself for falling harder for the boy he knows is bad for him. Niki nodded in agreement, "me too."

"So we're doing it?"

"We're doing it"




"CAN YOU GUYS BREATHE" Jake said to his two overly excited friends. Sunoo slowly backed away from the trio, slightly intimidated. Jungwon scoffed, "we're breathing fine now answer"

"It was some guy at the library. I left my textbook there so I went back to get it but it was gone so I asked the librarian if she's seen it but she said no. So I left and met up with Sunoo to get our drinks and this guy just appears from the corner and starts running towards me so naturally I get scared and drop everything and then he started laughing so I got really embarrassed and started to clean up the drinks and he helped me out which was so nerve wracking because he was so close BUT ANYWAYS he gave me back my book and said I was cute which duh, have you seen me, but like it was nice to hear it again."

"THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE BEGINNING OF A LOVE STORY" Jungwon practically squealed. "But did you get his number?" Niki asked. "Yeah," Jake responded, "but I don't think I'm gonna text him."


"I'm single by choice babes"

"But are you really?" Niki asked, to which Jake glared at him. "I'll have you know I just came out of a serious relationship"

"You weren't even dating"

"It felt like it!"

"ANYWAYS," Jungwon said, linking arms with Jake as the 3 of them began to walk. "I left something in my classroom so we gotta go get it"

"Get it yourself"

"No come with me" Jungwon said, glaring at Jake. "Anyways I want a boyfriend"

"That was random"

"No I've been so focused on your love lives and now I'm lonely" Jungwon said with a pout. Jake scoffed, "you have me"

"Do I? Do I really?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing"

"Where are we anyways this isn't your class" Jake said, looking around the dark hallway. "Shh" Jungwon said as they walked into an empty classroom, just to be met with the sight of Heeseung, Jay and Sunghoon eating their lunch. Jake remembered why this place was familiar, it was the trio's personal cafeteria for when they don't feel like dealing with people. The group all stared at each other silently.

"Heyyy" Jay said awkwardly, "fancy seeing you here"

"Did he just say fancy"

"Oh God Jay"

"You're a disappointment"

"Any more obvious"

"What are you guys talking about?" Sunghoon asked, looking at everyone in the room who were acting weirdly.


"What's going on?" Jake added.

"Nothing is going on," Jay said, "why would you think something is going on? Pfft."

"Shut up and run Jay"

In the blink of an eye, the four of them ran out of the room and closed the doors, leaving Sunghoon and Jake confused at what had just happened, sitting in silence.

"Well," Jake muttered, breaking the silence, "I can't say I'm surprised."

Sunghoon looked away awkwardly, "me neither."

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