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"Let's go, I should be with them when they're fighting for my village."

"You feel okay now?"

"Of course."

x x x

Me, Nami, and the villagers were at the entrance of Arlong Park, watching the fight. The fight between Zoro and Hachi ended, then Sanji's fight with Zuroobi also ended, now it was just Arlong and Luffy.

I already knew who was gonna win. So I left the place.

x x x

Ah, yes, a party, of course. A party after defeating the great villain.

"Aolu, are you ok?" Sanji asked, "you don't look so good..."

"Damn Sanji, I know I'm ugly but you didn't have to put it that way."

"N-NO that w-" He stuttered, "I didn't mean it like that!"

I chucked, "it's ok, I know you didn't mean it like that."

"Do you want something to eat? Or drink?"

"I guess I'll grab some beer." I smiled

x x x

After a few days, we set sail. The destination is Loguetown.

Nami got rid of her Arlong tattoos and got a new one, it looked like a tangerine on top of an anchor.


"I refuse to believe that a male could be more flexible than a female." I argued

"But you've already saw it for yourself." Sanji shrugged

"I-it's just a split, I can do it too." I said, trying to bring one of my leg up, but unfortunately for me, my leg wouldn't bend straight

"See," Sanji said as he brought his leg up easily over his head, while maintaining a good posture. "I can do it perfectly."

"F-fine, whatever." I grumbled, about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist.

"I'll teach you how to split." He started, "but, in return, you have to give me a kiss."

"...Nah, I'll pass-"

"Or, I'll give you a kiss, and if you don't like it, you can return it."

"..... no."

"Oh, I guess you admitted your defeat then." He shrugged

"Huh??! Who said? Look, if I can stretch that good, I can definitely do it prettier than you."

"Is that so...."

"StOb iT," my voice cracked, "fine, you teach me, but I will only give you a kiss if you've done good job."


And so, my training began.


"Quiet Aolu, you don't want them hearing us."


"I didn't even do anything!"


"What do you think they're doing in that room?" Nami asked Usopp

"Who knows..."

"Oh, I know you're thinking of something."

"I doubt it-"

"STOP IT SANJI, THAT'S ABUSE" Luffy busted open the door

"LUFFY-" Nami and Usopp whisper shouted

The scene unfolded before their eyes. I was on the floor, trying to split while Sanji had one of his hands on my back to apply pressure.


A/N: well fuck this was such a short chapter- but I'm running outta ideas _

I might end this book after abt 3 more chapters, since I really don't know what to write anymore, even though I had the whole plot planned out :'D

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