Aolu's Story

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After finishing this story, I realized that I haven't explained Aolu's story. So here I go,

Aolu was born in a noble family, her father was a successful businessman. Aolu's mother, after giving birth to her, has grown really weak. It took years for her to finally start to recover. But Aolu's father started to ignore both her and young Aolu, he started going to brothels. So then Mother's condition worsened, considered the relationship she and Father had. After Mother's death, Father suddenly remembered all the promise he made to her, all of his love for her, so he blamed everything on Aolu. 

"Your mother would've not died if you weren't born."

That was how rumors started, that Aolu has cursed her mother to death.

After a few years, when Aolu had grown a bit older, she decided to leave the seafloor. She stole from the palace, killing every guard standing in her way, basically declaring that she will no longer be a citizen in the kingdom.

Then Father came, saying things like

"You shouldn't be doing this" "I know you have hatred in you but this is wrong" and such. Trying to create the image of a good father lecturing a rebellious daughter. Aolu grabbed a sword from beside her and thrust it into Father's left shoulder, though it wasn't an injury that'll cause death.

After Aolu left, Father was slowly recovering, but suddenly died one night, maybe from some kind of shock. This was added onto the 'cursed-her-mother-to-death' rumor, stating that Aolu had also killed her father. When Aolu received the news, she had a breakdown inside, but she convinced herself that her father was better off dead and that she did kill him.

(Aolu's half-brother had the same father as her but a different mother btw)

After writing out this character, I felt that she had kind of a similar experience as Doffy, mother and father's death, their experience, the only difference was that Aolu decided to forgive. So that's why I decided for her to be Donquixote Aolu at the end of the book.

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net