Declan Rice Secret girlfriend part 2

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You had just arrived at the restaurant Declan send you and had texted him saying you were here, he texted back saying he was coming out.

"Wow you look great" Declan said while kissing your cheek.

"Thanks I don't have all my clothes yet there still getting shipped from Australia" you said while playing with your hair.

"That's been weeks, but you still look breath taking, also heads up two of the guys are crazy and seem very excited to meet you"

"Oh great, oh quick question what happens if I don't understand them, you know Australia has different words and what if they don't understand my accent?" You asked starting to feel your nerves coming on

"Don't worry you will be fine, I can understand your accent and if they can't they are dumb but if you don't understand just look at me and I can tell you it ok?"

"Ok but do they know I'm Australian?" You asked wondering if Declan told them anything about you

"No I didn't really tell them anything, Mark Noble the teammate you once met told them how you had blue eyes, dyed grey hair and pretty tall then I went on to say that you weren't actually that tall and that you always find them need to stand on my feet"

"Well that's incorrect" you said while trying to stand on his toes

"Hey watch it this is my good foot"

"You have a good foot? What? That's crazy I've never seen it during games" you said smirking

"Let I remind you I'm your Uber driver home so you better be nice to me or I'll made you walk home" he said

"Wow lovely, moved from Australia to London and you are gonna make me walk home wow I see how it is but that's ok I'll make you sleep outside" you replied laughing

"Your not much nicer than me threading you kick me out of our house"

"I know but it's fun"

"Hey Declan" replied someone you didn't recognise"

"Hey your late"

"If I'm late why are you outside with your girlfriend?" The guys asked

"Because I made everyone come early so I could tell you the rules before meeting my girlfriend and you missed them"

"You made rules to your teammates before meeting me?" You questioned feeling confused

"Yeah the normal rules, don't look flirty with you, don't talk British slang, don't made fun of your accent, don't steal you and some more" he replied like it was the most normal thing in the world

"Your so weird honestly" you replied

"Oh I'm Jesse by the way" the guy who was late

"Y/n" you replied shaking his hand

"Well we are late shall we go in?" Questioned Declan

"Sure" you replied before walking into the restaurant

You walked into the restaurant and made your way to the table. Soon enough all eyes were on you.

"Mase?" Declan asked staring at someone who you recognised

"Y/n?" Mason asked completely ignoring Mason

"Hey what's up?" You asked in your Australian accent

"Not much your dating Declan?" He questioned a bit confused

"Yeah have been for what a good year and 7 months, what are you doing here I know you don't play for West Ham unless you decide to move to West Ham?" You asked

"No no still at Chelsea, but I wanted to see who my best mate was dating and wow let me tell you I'm surprised" he said while you laughed

"Wait how do you guys know each other?" Declan asked a bit confused

"We grew up same area and dated for what like 3 months?" You asked

"Yeah three months and 24 days" Mason replied

"Oh that's cool I guess why did you break up anyways?" Declan asked looking back and forth at the two of you guys

"I moved to Australia and he got the big move to Chelsea, plus we were better off friends" you replied while looking at Mason

"Yeah and it's a good thing or else you guys wouldn't be together right now" Mason replied back

You sat down between Declan and Jesse and was across the table was Mason.

"Hey are you ok?" You asked Declan while everyone was having a conversation

"Yeah I guess it's a bit weird that my girlfriend and best mate dated for a bit" he said back

"Don't look to much into it, I'm so happy with you and wouldn't want to be with anyone else I mean come on I moved 21 hours away just to be with you, I've changed my life for you, which means your stuck with me for a pretty long time"

"Yes I'm sorry maybe I got a bit jealous, also thanks for deciding to move to London with me, even through it took about 5 months"

"I wasn't ready to move away from my home, I mean I got taken away from it when I was 5 and I was so happy to move back but you know it's a new thing"

"Hey so we know nothing about you apart from your dating Rice over here" asked Jesse

"Oh well I'm Australian, so if I don't understand your accent that's why, I owned my own business started it up in Australia and moved it over here like couple days ago"

"Oh what is your business" some guy asked

"Oh I own my own clothing line, I've got some picture if you want to see?" You asked while grabbing your phone out your purse

You got the photos up on the screen and they got passed around the table.

"Oh so that's where you get like all your clothes from then?" Asked Mark

"Yes that's why I never told you where they were from because I couldn't just go up and say oh yeah I got them from my girlfriend who's has her own business in Australia" replied Declan

"I mean you could have" suggested Jesse

"Yeah no" replied Declan while you ended up laughing at his response

After a while your food arrived, and you got around to knowing some more of the boys name and all that.

After dinner you said goodbye to everyone.

"Stay safe my g" spoke Jesse

"Huh?" You questioned confused

"It's a British thing"replied Declan

"Oh ok, oh actually I'll be a minute I got to go to the bathroom I won't be a minute"

You made your way to the bathroom

Declan POV:
"She's nice, good for you" Jesse said

"Yeah I know I'm just glad she actually got up and moved for me"

"Did she moved from Australia?"

"Yeah Melbourne"

"Nice so is her brand a full time thing?" Asked Jesse wanting to know a bit more

"Yeah she's gets a new order everyday, she's always try to made me help, I normally get made to help but no since moving to here she's gotten a lot more business and it's good"

"Hey you ready to go?" Asked y/n

"Yeah I'll see you at training tomorrow then" Declan said while spinning around to see you

"Ok stay safe"
End of Declan POV

You made your way out to the car and started to drive home.

"Your friends seem nice" you spoke

"Yeah they are"

You arrived home a couple minutes later and started packing up a few orders are getting them ready to ship out tomorrow morning.

You got ready for bed, and started cuddling in with Declan and falling asleep.

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