Baby Ava

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So when you get to matttia house you guys go inside and matttia mom say omg mattia home and Mia and the baby she hugs you and holds the baby she say go to matttia room and get unpacked because you were speeding the night there so you and matttia go down stairs he says my mom but things to put Ava stuff you said ok you get Avas stuff and put it in there and matttia cames back brown stairs with the baby you said aww my two baby and matttia put her in her swing he said ok Bebe he puts her in he swig and kiss you Ava started crying so you said some one is tried so you get Ava bottle ready and change her in to this

And put her to bed
Matttia comes down stairs with all his friends you say matttia the baby is sleeping he say it's ok you say ok I guess 🙄 they started yelling you say Shhh guys matttia say ok Mia you say I'm just going to call my friend Dani to pick me up he say ok
Dani was on her way you get the baby stuff ready to leave then Dani text you said I'm out side you said ok then you leave without saying bye to matttia you only said by to his mom you go to Dani car she's what happened you say matttia his acting like a dumb Ass she say ohh so do you was to go to the mall you say yeah
So you guys get to the mall and go to the shoe store and buy this

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