44 With A Smile

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She smiled at her reflection. It was the first day of their two day concert. She just finished being prepped.

"Aigoo, there are those who have nothing to do," Sana commented while reading something on her phone.

"So what if Tzuyu did gain weight?" Sana exclaimed. She sighed hearing her unnie.

"Unnie, you should stop," Chaeyoung scolded.

"Mian," Sana then kept her phone.

"Gwenchana?" Dahyun who was beside her, asked. She smiled and nodded.

With all the great things that happened to her recently, she can't be bothered with these negativity. Plus, she has great people behind her and most of all she has him.

She held the necklace he gave her before then blushed remembering what he did a few days ago.


She pouted while looking at her phone. 1 day. 24 hours and an hour to be exact. It's been a day since he and his group had arrived from Japan.

How did she know? Her Momo~unnie couldn't stop talking about how sweet her boyfriend, Hoseok, was and how cute their date was.

"Tzuyu, are you listening?" she looked to the person beside her and smiled.

"Neh unnie," she nodded.

"I just couldn't believe that Hoseok~oppa could be that sweet," then there goes her unnie again.

She sighed. He did message her but it was just to inform her that they were back in Seoul. Don't you want to meet? She pouted at that thought.

"Are you meeting again today?" Jeongyeon, who just went inside the room, asked. Jeongyeon then sat beside them.

"Ani, it's their anniversary celebration tomorrow. They need to practice the whole day today," Momo informed. Hearing that, her pout became a frown.

She looked at her phone again. Not even 1 message? She couldn't allow this. She breathed in and out. If he was not going to call her then she will.

"Unnie, chakanman," she excused herself as her unnies nodded.

She went out of the room and tried calling him. It just kept on ringing. Her eyebrows met as soon as she heard the voicemail prompt, she then cut the call. She sighed.

She looked to the side as she heard their door open. "Tzuyu, annyeong," it was Mina.

"Annyeong unnie," she greeted with a lopsided smile. "Eodi?" she didn't want to ask as she already had a hint where her unnie was from, noticing Mina's glowing eyes.

"I went out with Jimin~oppa for brunch," she knew it! She sighed again hearing that.

"Are you still meeting him later?" she asked again. Maybe, I can thirdwheel later? Then I could see him? She thought, feeling a little desperate.

"Ani," Mina answered sadly. "They have practice later for tomorrow's event," Mina informed her. She nodded as if she didn't hear that from Momo.

"Haven't Jungkookie called you yet?" Mina asked. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"I clearly told him to call you," she thought she heard Mina whisper.

"Neh?" she asked again. She looked at her unnie who already changed her shoes to slippers.

"Nothing," Mina answered. She furrowed her brows. She was sure she heard Mina say something.

"Don't worry too much," Mina walked to her. "There's nothing you should worry about. You know your boyfriend never gets satisfied. He should be practicing really hard right now," Mina continued while patting her shoulder.

Not even a single call? She sighed while thinking about that. She looked at her unnie before nodding and giving a small smile.

She quietly went to their balcony. She looked up, she smiled seeing the weather was great. She then looked at the streets. Most people were rushing, probably to catch the last bus and be with their families.

18. She was turning 18 in over 24 hours. Time flew fast. She could still remember how she was scouted to join her company now.

That overwhelming feeling she had when she was chosen to join Twice. It wasn't possible if not for her supporters. They were her source of strength aside from her family and friends.

She felt teary eyed missing her family way back home. Still, there were people who are struggling to fulfill their dreams. One or two of those walking in the streets are having tougher problems than she does.

Many people on the street heading somewhere

All walking with haste; everyone lives on like that

Deep within their hearts, they have their own painful stories

They have at least one; everyone lives on like that

"Xie xie ni Mama," she said on the phone. "Wo ai ni," she made sure to say it before hanging up.

If not for her parents, who else would remember it? Your fans, pabo! She smacked her forehead lightly. Yes, she had her fans.

She looked to the side of her desk. She sighed. There was another person she wanted to remember it, a very special person.

Do you still remember it? She grabbed that photo of them together.

"Tzuyu~yah!" someone was outside her dorm, knocking.

"Neh?" she placed back the photo she was holding before walking to the door.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Mina asked.

"Ouh! Maja! Chakanman, I'll just get my bag," she quickly grabbed her bag then went out.

"Are you sure we can go in at this rate?" Mina asked Momo worriedly.

"Let me call oppa," Momo said before hitting her speed dial.

Wow! She mentally exclaimed while looking at the crowd outside. There sure was a lot of people. This year has been great for his group. They have hit it bigger this year and there's no stopping them.

"Manager~oppa is waiting, there he is!" Momo excitedly pointed.

"Ahjussi, could you please drive us there?" Mina asked the cab driver politely. The cab driver followed.

"I thought we'd never get in," Mina stated.

"Kamsahamnida oppa," Momo thanked and bowed to the guys' manager.

"Kamsahamnida," Mina and Tzuyu chorused then also bowed.

The manager bowed. "The boys are in that room," he informed, pointing to the waiting room door before leaving them. The girls nodded and bowed to the older guy.

They went to the door silently. Momo knocked lightly. Taehyung opened up for them.

"Look who's here!" Taehyung exclaimed to the guys, opening the door wide.

"Momoring!" Hoseok hopped his way to Momo. Momo had a huge grin.

"Minari!" Jimin walked to Mina with arms wide, hugging her as he reached her to which Mina didn't even bother to protest.

She raised an eyebrow as she noticed him having no plans to welcome her. Really? She looked down, playing with the sling of her bag.

She felt a warm hand catch hers. She looked up to see his smiling face but she could recognize in his eyes that he was tired.

He walked her to the couch and sat beside her. She looked at him. He smiled at her, she returned it.

"Jungkookie, do you remember the steps after this?" Jin asked.

"Hyung, I already taught you that just an hour earlier," Jungkook reprimanded. He scratched the back of his neck before sighing.

He held her hand, asking her permission to leave. She smiled and nodded as reply.

"Tzuyu~yah, could you go with me to the washroom?" Momo whispered. She nodded.

"Why'd you bring her here?" she furrowed her brows as soon as she heard his voice, opening the door a little, about to go in.

"She'll be more suspicious if I and Momo were coming and she wasn't," it was Mina's voice. "She was worried for two days," Mina continued.

"It's difficult to keep secrets with her around. I don't want to hide anything from her," he stated.

A secret? Her suspicion was growing. She was getting even more worried. There are a lot of thoughts going in her mind.

"You can tell her here," Jimin suggested.

She couldn't handle it anymore. "Tell me what?" she asked as she opened the door wider.

She saw how his eyes widened. This has got to be something big if he was keeping it from her.

"It's time for the show!" their manager opened the door to announce.

Great! What great timing! When she was already about to know what he's been up to for the past 2 days of no contact with her.

"It's showtime! Let's go guys!" Namjoon announced.

She saw him walk to her. "I promise you it's not what you think it is so please don't think about it too much," he told her before giving her a peck on the forehead.

What could it be? What could it be that even Mina was part of it? Of all her unnies, it was Mina.

"Let's go?" Momo, who just arrived, asked both girls.

"It's not something you should worry," Mina assured her. She sighed then nodded.

The three girls walked hand in hand to the side of the stage where there was a clear view of the guys but without getting to interact with the guys' fans as it would definitely create trouble.

"Geonbae!" everyone clinked their glasses together.

"Chukahae!" Momo exclaimed. Hoseok patted Momo's head as Momo gave him a smile.

Everyone was now having drinks in the waiting room to celebrate the success of the guys' anniversary celebration.

She smiled at everyone, her way of congratulating without a word. She picked up her glass and smelled it. She automatically scrunched her nose, smelling the alcohol from the glass.

She looked at the person beside her when he grabbed the glass and changed it into a glass of soda. She smiled at his act. Of course, she still couldn't drink alcohol.

She pouted noticing the glass he was holding but smiled again when he placed it down and replaced it with a glass of soda like hers. He only had a sip of that alcohol to show respect to the older guys.

Her smile grew wider as she felt him hold her hand. "Chukahae," she whispered while looking at him.

He showed his bunny smile before whispering, "gomawo."

"Dangyeonhaji, Jiminie was so sexy dancing!" Taehyung complimented.

"Ani, I just followed the steps," Jimin humbly responded.

"I thought I wasn't allowed to dance sexily yet you can?" Mina sulked, showing her pout.

"Ani, ani, ani," Jimin turned to his girlfriend. "Mian hmmm, I was just following instructions, mianhae," Jimin said while caressing both of Mina's arms.

Mina turned to the other side, obviously playing with the nervous Jimin, still with that fake pout on her lips. Jimin scratched the back of his head watching Mina turn her back on him.

"Oh Jimin! You're in trouble!" Namjoon started the teasing.

"Mianhae, hmmm, Minari, mianhae," Jimin didn't stop apologizing. The other guys started teasing Jimin too.

"Let's go outside," she heard him whisper. She looked at him and nodded. He grabbed her hand tighter before both quietly exited.

Before exiting the building, he offered her his jacket. She raised her brows, unsure of what he was doing.

He sighed. He then took the initiative to wear it on her. He even placed the hoodie on her head and put on a mask on her face.

He did the same to himself before grabbing her hand again. They took a cab, the ride was silent but it wasn't awkward. What are you really hiding? She thought while peeking at him.

She noticed the cab stopped and looked outside. There? He opened the door, he first got off then she followed. He didn't fail to assist her. She smiled as he grabbed her hand immediately after closing the cab's door.

They were still silent while walking to their favorite spot. She bit her bottom lip. She started feeling anxious.

As they reached the park, they sat on the bench. Silence still prevailed for a good 10 minutes. She couldn't take it anymore.

"What are..."

"I'll just go get some snacks for us. What do you want? Ice cream?" he asked cutting her off.

She sighed. "Anything," she answered. He nodded before running off. She looked upfront and breathed deeply while looking at the beautiful skyline of Seoul.

She looked at her watch, he's been away for almost 15 minutes already. She started fidgeting with her fingers.

She straightened her back as she heard something pop. She looked around as the place got brighter.

"Saengil chukahamnida, saengil chukahamnida," she heard familiar voices singing. She stood up and saw her unnies appearing one by one.

"Saranghaneun uri Tzuyu/ Tzuyu~ssi," the guys also appeared one by one.

"Saengil chukahamnida!" she smiled Jihyo went closer with a cake and a candlelight.

She closed her eyes, asked for a silent wish before blowing the candle. "Kamsahamnida!" she bowed to everyone around. "Kamsahamnida!"

"The one you should be thanking is the one who prepared everything," Taehyung informed her. She raised both her eyebrows.

"Jungkookie here prepared everything just for you," Jimin clarified. Her heart swelled learning that.

"I told you it's not something you should worry about," Mina who was beside her whispered.

"Gomawo unnie," she thanked the older girl. Mina smiled at her.

"Now, it's time to exit!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"But," she was about to protest when everyone already left.

"Enjoy you two!" they could hear Jin's voice.

He walked closer to her. "Saengil chukahae," he scratched the side of his head with a finger.

"Gomawo," she thanked him.

"Did you like it?" he asked, curious.

She looked all over the place. He had completely transformed the park. It was very summery. She then started walking around.

There was a corner that looked like the set of a live broadcast she did with Sana. She stopped there.

Little Prince? There was a reading table with her favorite book.

She turned to the side. There were 2 bikes in one corner. She remembered that time when she used to go biking around Han River with her unnies during their trainee days.

She looked down. There was a cute statue of a rabbit. She giggled, of course, he knew that she cried over that rabbit she thought they would be leaving in the set of their latest music video.

There was even a portable swimming pool at the center of the park. He had promised to teach her how to swim someday.

"How is it?" he rephrased his question.

"How did you do all this?" she asked him. She couldn't believe how meticulous all the details were.

"I did it the past 2 days," he told her. So this was what kept you busy and kept me worrying? She giggled again.

She looked at him. He had a nervous face on. She wanted to laugh at how he looked but opted to just close their gap and hugged him tight.

"You made me worry for 2 days," she whispered. She buried her head on his chest, inhaling his scent.

"Mian," he apologized then returned her hug. "It was really difficult to keep this from you," he continued. She lifted her head up and looked at him.

"I asked Momo~noona to guard you at home and Mina to help me out. I knew I'll fail in keeping this a secret once I talk to you," he cutely explained.

"Gomawo," she thanked him again.

"You're going to Japan later, are you sure you can stay up late?" she asked worried. Both of them were now sitting at a huge bean bag by the reading table.

"I asked permission for this. If I can't spend your birthday with you then I can at least welcome it with you," he told her. She smiled at him and placed her head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm over her shoulders.

"Gomawo," she couldn't stop thanking him, feeling overwhelmed with all the efforts he had put up for this surprise.

"My gift will come in a little late though. I was told that something went wrong," he sadly informed, unable to hide his dissatisfaction.

"Aniya, this is enough," she told him. He shook his head.

"Ani, it's for you. You deserve this," he said before kissing the top of her head.

She looked at him and gave him a peck on the lips. "Gomawo."

Not feeling satisfied, he closed their gap again and gave her a chaste kiss.


"Tzuyu, are you ready?" Jihyo asked.

"Neh unnie, I'm ready!" she answered.

She gave her all in every performance she did tonight. When it was time for all the members to talk and give out their thank you speeches. She talked about her parents and couldn't help but tear up.

Jihyo, the ever responsible and caring leader she is, comforted her. Mina did too. She went on with her speech after pausing. She just couldn't help but be emotional with all that's happening around her.

They had performed an encore stage before finally going back to the waiting room. A few of her tears still threaten to fall.

On their way back, she rubbed her eye, thinking that she was seeing something else but then realized that she wasn't hallucinating.

By the door of the waiting room, he was there, waiting. As soon as he saw her approaching, he opened his arms wide. Her emotions are taking over her again.

She ran her way to him and hugged him tight, burying her head on his chest. She let out the remaining tears she thought didn't come out on stage.

She knew she can't please everyone but she also knows that there are more people who love her than those who hate her.

He caressed her head with one hand and her back with his other hand. As soon as she stopped crying, she looked at him.

"Smile," he reminded her and so she followed.

This was the path she chose. She will fulfill her dreams with a smile.

Nothing's goes right sometimes

Although I feel smaller and want to give up...

I have one dream

Even when others say it is hard, I want to just let it go with a smile

Even if others say I don't know about the world and I still have a long way to go

My heart still beats as always... I want to let it go with a smile


AN: This is a work of fiction, based solely from the author's delusional mind. Please do leave a comment and tell me what you think. Rightful credits to the owner of every media used in this story. Credits to the owner of the lyrics used in this chapter.

Song: With A Smile by JRabbit

Do you remember Tzuyu & Sana's Liev? Hope you could imagine how the park turned out.

Who's excited for Likey? Let's go wait for it tomorrow and stream! Kkk...

A long chapter for you! What do you think? I always get encouraged with your comments, so please leave one.

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