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Chapter 27:Broken
Enjoy.. this took a lot of effort to fix up. I HATE this phone.>:(

Beast Boy shakily reaches for the mirror on his bedside table and brings back to see his reflection.Messily green hair, pointy ears, green skin, and roaring red stitched up scar on his cheeks.Starfire winced when he smiled.Robin flinched upon looking at his face.Cyborg won't even look in his way.And Raven cannot love a monster."Hello Garfield, it has been a while isn't?"Beast Boy turns toward to the familiar sound of the voice behind him, "J-Joker?"Joker smiles sinisterly, "I'm glad you still remember me."Beast Boy backed up and stumbles then fell down, "No, I killed you. Y-You are supposed to be d-dead.""Yet I am still here and breathing," Joker laughs, "You think you are going to rid of me that easily?"Beast Boy whimpers as Joker gets closer, "Remember Beast Boy, I am part of you whether you like it or not. You are me and I am you."Beast Boy shakes his head furiously until Joker's hand grabs his chin, making him stop, "Don't believe me then see for yourself."Joker twists Beast Boy's head, facing a large mirror that appears beside Beast Boy.Beast Boy whimpers at the reflection: Green skin, messily green hair, elf pointy ears, and the smile.Joker smiles at Beast Boy's expression before twisting his head back facing Joker, "Now you see, I live on even though I am dead."Beast Boy manages to find his voice, "I may look like you, but I will never be you."Joker smirks, "Oh really? I won't be so sure of that."Beast Boy gulps, "You have no control over me. Cyborg took the Silver Jokester out of my system and you are not alive anymore.""Then why am I here?" Joker moves his face closer to Beast Boy's, "If I have no control over you, yet you still fall by the sight of me."Beast Boy tries his best to not shiver in fear as Joker's face inches closer, "L-Leave me alone…"Joker lets go of Beast Boy's chin and backs away, "Why does your voice waver? It seems to me that you don't want me to leave you alone."Beast Boy snaps his head away from Joker and saying nothing.Joker chuckles, "I think I know why…"Against his own inner battle whether to look at Joker or not, Beast Boy slowly brings his head back to Joker; waiting for the answer.Joker smiles even bigger, pleased with the reaction, "You are alone, right?"Beast Boy lets out a small sob, turning his head away."The fearless leader fears you, his girlfriend cringes when she sees your face, your best friend won't even look at you…" Joker inches closer and closer, "And the one you love dearly, doesn't even love you back.""I-It is n-not t-true…" Beast Boy gasps, holding back his sobs.Joker continues to get closer to Beast Boy, "It's all because you are a monster."Beast Boy's head snaps facing Joker angrily, "IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"Joker backed one step with his hands up, "Whoa, Garfield, you know that it wasn't my fault. You are a monster from the day you were born. You left your parents to die, abandoned Doom Patrol, killed your own uncle, and betrayed your teammates. Face it, you are always a monster.""N-No…""Yes, and do you remember the video I showed you?"Beast boy's teary emerald eyes weakly glances to meet Joker's evil black eyes."The one of your teammates discussing whether to save you or kill you…"A tear falls from emerald eye as he remembers…"Hey Garfield, come here and look." Joker calls his apprentice.Beast Boy walks to Joker who is standing beside the big screen.Joker smiles before continuing, "You know that I placed few cameras around the Titans Tower?"Beast Boy slowly nods as Joker presses a button, "Well, take a look."The big screen flickers alive, showing all of his teammates sitting around the crest shaped couch."Please, why does our Friend Beast Boy attack us?" Star fire whimpers sadly.Robin scoffs, "It was bound to happen anytime, and I was surprised that it wasn't during the time he transformed into the Beast."Cyborg nods slowly, "Yeah, you are right. That Grass Stain always did have that beastly look in his eye, like he is goin' to attack anytime."Beast Boy whimpers, 'Is that what they think of me?'Starfire lays her head on Robin's shoulder, "He hid so well…"Robin puts his arm around Starfire's shoulders, "Don't worry, Beast Boy got all of us fooled."Cyborg bangs his hand on the table, "I say that the next time we see him, we eliminate him for good."Beast Boy's eyes widen, 'This cannot be true. Joker must have edited this. Yeah Joker edited this…'Beast Boy turns to Joker, about to say something but stopped when he hears something that rips his insides."It won't be hard for me to finish Beast Boy off since I already hate him with passion," Raven monotones with hint of excitement in her voice, "After all; he is only a salad head with the lame jokes and gay clothes. He is nothing."Beast Boy drops his knees onto the floor, staring at the screen, "Rae…"Joker clicks, turning off the screen and turns to Beast Boy, "Are you ready?" Joker smiles down at his apprentice."I am ready as I'll ever been," Beast Boy growls, his eyes are no longer green. They are now fiery red, burning with anger.Beast Boy is full on sobbing now, "I-It is n-not true… R-Raven told me."Joker smiles, "The same Raven who told you that she doesn't love you?"Beast Boy stares at Joker with eyes full of tears.Joker backs away further, "There is your chance" Pointing at something or someone behind Beast Boy.Beast Boy slowly turns toward the direction that Joker is pointing at and gasps, "R-Raven…?""Hello Beast…" Raven monotones, "You know, everything that Joker told you are true. You are nothing but a salad head with the lame jokes and gay clothes. You are a monster."Beast Boy flinches at her hurtful words, "But Rae…"Raven growls, "It is Raven, you bumbling idiot. Know what, you should just die."Beast Boy's eyes widen, "Y-You don't mean that…""Really? Then why do you think I threw you out of the window toward to jagged rocks so many times? It is clear, I want you dead."Beast Boy growls angrily, "I thought we are friends."Raven chuckles, "We never were…"Beast Boy's eyes are pouring out tears, "Then what's the point of saving me?"Raven shrugs, "We are heroes, aren't we? We are supposed to save people, including the green lump."Joker whispers into Beast Boy's ear, "Kill her, she is going to throw you in the jail and let you rot until you die unless you kill her."Beast Boy couldn't think straight, he is angry at Joker, angry at Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Raven. What is even more, he is furious with himself.He lost control, lets out a roar and pounces at Raven. Before Raven could even react, Beast Boy sinks his fanged teeth into her neck and rips out.Monster, monster, monster…Beast Boy is panting, staring at Raven's horrified face, "B-Beast Boy… W-Why…?"Monster, monster, monster…Beast Boy lifts himself off Raven and stumbles backward, "Rae, no… What have I done?"You are a monster…Glancing down his bloody hands, Raven's blood, he let out a scream.Beast Boy woke up, screaming, and springing out of bed, hitting his head on the ceiling then flops on the floor, "Owww…."Beast Boy moans in pain, suddenly remembering Raven lying in pool of blood. Beast Boy quickly searches for Raven, but realizes that he is on the floor in his messy bedroom.'It was only a dream…'Beast Boy stiffs a sob, 'It felt so real.'"Because it is…"Beast Boy flings his head around the room, "W-Who said that?""Me."Beast Boy follows the voice and stops in the front of the mirror. His reflection contains nothing but messily green hair, pointy ears, green skin, and roaring red stitched up scar on his cheeks.Beast Boy's tears are streaming down his cheeks as the reflection glaring at him with sinister smirk, "Like what you see?"Beast Boy growls weakly as the reflection laughs, "Face it BB, I am you whether you like it or not.""No, you are not me. I am hero, I have friends. I am nothing like you."The reflection shakes his head, "It has been three weeks since you killed Joker; three weeks since you have been back into the Tower. Tell me something, did your friends treat you any differently? Did the people of the Jump City welcome you?"Beast Boy frowns. Past three weeks had been hard on Beast Boy; the nightmare of his wasn't new to him. In fact, he had the exact same nightmare every night past three weeks. Beast Boy's friends haven't been exactly friendly toward to him.Robin acts like as if Beast Boy never existed. Every time a mission comes up, Robin will break into teams of twos, Robin with Starfire and Cyborg with Raven, never including Beast Boy. Beast Boy had to ask, "What about me?" The response was never different, "Oh, you can stay here and watch the cameras." Beast Boy hasn't gotten to go any missions since he got back.Starfire treats him like a fragile glass that is going to break anytime. She doesn't say anymore more than a hello to him. Starfire still flinches every time she takes one look at Beast Boy's face. It doesn't go unnoticed by Beast Boy, and it hurts him to see innocent Starfire being afraid of him.Cyborg still refused to glance at his way. Beast Boy won't admit it outloud, but he knew that he had lost his best friend. Cyborg only mumbles a good morning, something about food, and occasionally asks him to play the game station with him. The fact that they still play game station together gives Beast Boy a glimpse of hope, but instead, it hurts him even more. Before the incident, if one of them loses against each other, they will yell at each other and demand a rematch. Now, they just play one game quietly, and when it's over, they part their ways without other words than "Good game." After all of those interactions between two old friends, Cyborg never once meets Beast Boy's eyes.Raven, the last time they talked was in the Med-Bay. The moment Raven stormed out, Beast Boy instantly regretted it. Raven hasn't spoken a word to him after that day. She watched over him few times while Beast Boy was in the Med-Bay, but only because it was her turn to watch. She doesn't even glance to meet Beast Boy's eyes; she kept her eyes glued into her book. Beast Boy longed to hear Raven's voice even though if it was a threat, as long it he hears her voice. After Beast Boy was released from the Med-Bay, he never saw Raven again. Raven disappears at the same moment when Beast Boy enters. Beast Boy asks his teammates if Raven is fine, they answered him with "Yeah" "Leave her alone" "Give her a time." He even tried to knock on her door, but he never gotten a response.Also, the people of the Jump City haven't been friendly toward to him. Every time Beast Boy went out, the people either will cower in fear in the sight of him or yell and threating him. Once a man ran toward at Beast Boy with knife, luckily Beast Boy reacted by transforming into a bird and flew away. Beast Boy told Robin what happened, Robin only shrugged and told him that it will pass. Thing is, it hasn't passed. Beast Boy cannot go out without a worry of being attacked by either a villain or a normal citizen.Three weeks has been hard on Beast Boy.Beast Boy glances up from the floor to the mirror, this time, the reflection isn't smiling evilly toward to him. Instead, the reflection looks broken. His hair has grown shaggy, his pointy ears are flopped down, and his face looks grim despise the evil smile upon his face. Then it hit Beast Boy hard, the reflection is him. The Beast Boy he once knew, with goofy smile, constantly joking with his friends, pranking with his best bud, and so full of life.Beast Boy sighs, wiping his tears out, standing up and walks to the door, casting one last look toward the mirror.That Beast Boy never was real; it was only his mask to hide his true self.He collected the fact, and that fact is…The mask is broken.
Beast Boy is going through a hard time, to the point where he second guesses himself. His biggest fear are coming true front of his eyes, his friends aren't even his friends anymore and the people of Jump City hates him. His hallucination involving with the reflection on his mirror and his nightmares of Joker and dead Raven forcing him to admit the truth that he kept deny for the last three weeks. Beast Boy kept holding the "false" hope that everything will be back to normal. This chapter is basically a slap on Beast Boy to face the reality instead of wallowing himself on the false hope.
I  hope you all enjoy that.
Ttyl... I really hate this phone!

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