Sleep | Faith Seed

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Faith x Deputy

"Faith." You rose your head, "Faith." You softly rested your hand on the body beside you, "Faith wake up." It took a moment for a woman's voice to give a soft hum, "What is it, [Y/n]?" You hesitated, "I can't sleep..." your tone was tired, and the past few nights had been like this. "I keep thinking about the Sheriff and the rest of my friends..." Faith hummed in response before sitting up herself and wrapping her hands around the back of your neck, pulling you into a hug, "It's alright... They're okay and they're happy you chose to stay with us here..." she gave you a loopy smile before kissing the corner of your lips. She inhaled your scent and gave a soft giggle, "You need to try really hard to sleep... You don't want to be snoozing off at The Father's Sermon tomorrow, do you?" You shook your head, but continued to stare, "It wouldn't hurt us to miss at least one sermon..." she hummed, "Joseph will forgive you for all the trouble you've caused us, [Y/n]. You can re-introduce yourself to him and everything will be alright." Her fingers intertwined with yours as you took in a small breath, "I know he will, but John and Jacob won't." You stared at her again, "Just tell them you're sorry for what you have done..." she smiled again, "You're safe with us, you have nothing to fear anymore..." you pressed your face against her shoulder, "My friends would take this as a betrayal, Faith..." she sighed a little, "If they can't forgive you for it then shame on them." She squeezed your hand in her smaller one, "But I still can't let go of the thought of them... They were like Family, Faith..." she looked at you again, "They lied to you and made you take so many people's lives... They were snakes, fooling you into believing their lies..." you paused and cuddled up to her, "You're right..." Faith's arm pulled you closer to her smaller form as she pressed a soft kiss to your nose, "Even if my brothers choose not to trust you, I will... You were mindlessly following orders, not even making your own decisions..." she smiled, "and now you're here, with me." You smiled and closed your eyes, "That's all that matters, right?"
"Yes, It is."
Her voice filled your ears as you rested your head back,
"You really can calm me, Faith..." your breathing relaxed.
"Then I must know how to tame beasts..." her fingers tightened in your hand as she smiled, "Misunderstood Beasts." She giggled for a moment and kissed your cheeks, "If you don't want to confront The Father yet you don't have to go tomorrow..."
"I'll go if you're beside me..." you pulled your hand from hers and pulled her to you. "I don't want to go back to the Resistance, Faith..." you could feel her smile, "You won't ever have to..." she pressed her lips to your ear and nuzzled into your neck.
"Please come with me to the Sermon... So my brothers can see you're not what they think you are..." you could smell her hair and feel her soft breath on your neck.
"I will..." you could feel her smile widen as she pulled back and started to pull you down onto the bed, laughing like a child and pulling herself closer to your now laying form.
"I'll see you soon, Deputy..."

You shot up and about head-butted the sheriff in the face, hitting and thrashing, claiming you were fine, and that you could leave the bliss without their help. Angrily shoving the Sheriff off, "I'm fine." They stared, "Rook, you should lay down for a bit alright?" Your eyes lulled to the Marshall who laid on the cot next to you and let yourself go back to sleep for a little while... Waking up to the smaller noises and rubbings your eyes, pushing your legs off the cot and getting up, and wobbling a bit. You checked your watch and grinned, there was still time to rush to the Sermon, and your eyes rolled to the Marshal. You shifted on your feet before nudging him awake; smiling when he raised his brow at you. "You wanna go and ride around Hope County?" He slowly sat up and nodded, reaching a hand out to be helped up, and you helped him to the door.
Whitehorse caught you, "Where are ya'll going? It's so early..." you smiled, "I was going to take the Marshal around Hope County." Waiting for him to move out of the way you helped the Marshal to your car and helped him get situated. Once you got in you started driving.
"Burke, I'm sorry for dragging you out of the Bliss." He turned his head towards you, "It's alright Rook... We'll be there soon anyways..." you raised your brows, "You know what I'm doing?" He nodded and looked back at the road, "You realised what you've done. You want forgiveness and you're bringing me with you... Not hard to see."
The rest of the drive was quiet until a question popped up,
"Burke, should I be scared to face them?" He was quiet for a moment, "No... They want to help you and they'll accept you into the family." You nodded and read the welcoming sign to Joseph's region, watching unfamiliar faces passing by as you drove.
They didn't shoot at you like they usually did, they didn't scream insults either, and they didn't dodge out of the way either. You weren't driving fast. You went slow so peggies could get out of the road. Your car stood out, the black "SINNER" scrawled on the hood told them who you were, but the man in the passenger seat said a different story.
The compound was already packed, so you parked across the road before getting out, it felt like the beginning all over again, your hands shook as you helped the Marshal cross the road, he limped a little so you wanted to make sure he wouldn't fall on the concrete. Eyes fell on you when you approached the Church, pushing the doors open, and helping Burke get situated again. You sat beside him and waited, the Seeds had noticed you and each of them had different reactions.
Joseph smiled and said something to Faith, Jacob raised his brow, John scowled and shook his head, and Faith... she was excited. Her eyes brightened at the sight, you had come, come to be forgiven, and come to be with her.
You had even brought the Marshal as an apology, which had already been accepted.
Faith was happy she could have you by her side and vice versa.
She loved you and she knew her family would too.

1139 words
This one was hard for me to write and will definitely need editing :c I'm sorry the update took so long.

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