Chapter 19

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Few Weeks After the Wedding: Tanaka's POV
I smiled, waking up next to my husband. I will never get tired of calling him that, ever. Ennoshita still tended to wake up earlier than me, but I didn't mind because it meant that I got to look at his glorious face each morning. After waking up for a little bit, Ennoshita had to get ready and going for work. He kissed me goodbye and headed off after giving Thunder's head a kiss too.

Thunder looked up at me as I patted his head and turned to go to the kitchen to get us both breakfast. I wish I had woken up earlier just so that I could eat breakfast with my husband, but, maybe I could stop by and bring him lunch or something. Yeah, I'll do that.

Around 2, I made Ennoshita's favorite food and put it into a container. I grabbed Thunder's leash and collar and managed to get it on him before heading out to go see Ennoshita. Thunder was in training as a therapy dog, and children and adults loved him. So he was allowed into the center with me. His good behavior came in handy. Well, he was good when he had his little vest on that told people he was a therapy dog in training.

"Hey Suga. Where's Chikara??"

"Finishing up with a new patient." Suga said with a smile, giving Thunder a pat. I thanked him and took a seat in a little chair where I could see. Ennoshita had a kid this time. Looked like a little boy. He had a prosthetic leg it seemed and was getting used to walking around and balancing with it. It made me smile, getting to watch Ennoshita smile happily and work cheerfully with this little kid.

After a couple of minutes, the little boy's mother picked him up and thanked Ennoshita before walking off. Ennoshita walked over to me, patting Thunder's head before leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"Hey Ryu. What're you doing here?"

"I brought you lunch." I said, holding up the bag. Ennoshita took it and curiously looked inside before smiling.

"It looks good. And my lunch is now, come eat with me." He said, extending his hand to help me up. I walked with him to the break room and sat down at a table with him. Ennoshita ate while Thunder did his best to beg for some.

"Hey Chikara, I saw your new little patient."

"Hm? Oh yes, he's doing good."

"How old?"

"I believe 8." He said before taking another bite of food. I nodded to myself, zoning out a little bit as I stared at Thunder's tail thumping on the floor. After a couple of moments, I snapped myself out of it and shook my head.

"Chikara. I know we talked about it before, and it was usually hypothetical. But, seriously, What... what do you think about us having kids??"

"Do you want children, Ryu?"

"Kind of, yeah."

"I'm not opposed to having children. I love kids, and I do want to have a family with you."

"So, which do you think would be better though? Like, a surrogate or something like adopting?"

"Well, it'd be nice to have a baby that is genetically one of ours."

"That's true. But if we do that, I think we should definitely use your seed. I mean... the last thing I'd want to do is sentence our son or daughter to get the same thing I have." I said with a small smile. Ennoshita gave a tiny smile and nodded in understanding. It'd be great to have my own son or daughter, even if it wasn't genetically mine. It'd be from Ennoshita which is just as good, if not better.

Ennoshita's POV
After I finished eating, I put the things away back into the bag and let Tanaka take them. He stood up to head home and I got up to get back to work. Before he left, I gave him a soft kiss.

"We'll talk more about it when I get home, okay?"

"Okay. Love you."

"I love you too." I said, watching him and Thunder leave, of course after Thunder got a couple pats from patients on the way out. I got a water bottle and sipped it when Suga walked in with a small smile.



"Tanaka leave already?"

"Mhm. He just left. Did you need something from him?"

"No, I was just wondering. So. How is married life?"

"I have to admit, with Ryu, it's quite perfect."


"S-shut up..!"

"I didn't even say anything bad this time!" Suga said while laughing. I blushed with a tiny smile before nodding.

"Yeah yeah alright. Hey Suga? Uh, I have something to ask."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you think that I'd be any good at being a dad?" I asked, Suga tilting his head before smiling gently.

"I think that you would make a wonderful dad. Are you and Tanaka thinking of adopting?"

"Or hiring a surrogate. I told him that we would talk more about it when I get home tonight. I think Ryu's leaning more towards a surrogate though."

"Oh? Who's seed would you use? Or do you know yet?"

"Well, he said that if we do end up going with a surrogate, that I should be the one to give it. He said he doesn't want our child inheriting the same things he has. And I agree, my family's medical history isn't quite so, grim." I said, Suga laughing. He shrugged and nodded, patting my shoulder.

"Well, whatever you guys decide to do, I know you both would take great care of your kid."

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