Chapter 3

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Soaring through the cloudy skies of the elemental nations is the immortal couple Naruto Uzumaki and Mikoto Uchiha-Uzumaki. The method they were using to do this is Naruto carrying his wife in his muscular arms as they were shrouded in Naruto's golden ki aura. Mikoto was having an ecstatic time flying at high speeds. Granted it's not the first time she's done this with Naruto, plus she can fly too. It's just that flying when Naruto is holding her in his arms always makes the experience 100 times better.

As to where they were heading is Kirigakure, it's been a month since the Uchiha Massacre took place. Word about it has spread all throughout the world. Now everyone knows that the strongest village of the 5 great nations has been significantly weakened yet again. It was only a matter of time before someone took this as an opportunity to strike Konoha in the near future. Konoha of course knew this as well as their enemies.

Over the month, Naruto had been informed by his blood clone that it's possible the clone already may have discovered two potential allies. Two allies who with political power and incredible potential with the right training. Honestly he was a bit surprised by this turn out.

Ino Yamanaka and her mother Rinna Yamanaka seems to have taken a strong liking to his clone. It all started when his blood clone went to the Yamanaka flower shop to see if there was anything he could learn about Ino and her family outside of the academy. The conversation actually began with Rinna, his clone asked her a question about gardening which led into a 30 minute conversation. With the clone's maturity and knowledge over plants, Rinna came to enjoy its company. Essentially the marking of the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Soon after that Ino popped up and joined in on the conversation.

In the end his blood clone stayed at the flower shop for three hours conversing with the two Yamanaka women. Then came the next day at the academy, Ino sat next to his clone and stuck by its side for the whole day, even asked it to come over her house to hangout.

Almost everyday since then his clone interacted with Ino and Rinna. Obviously Inoichi was around a couple times, however with his busy schedule in the T&I department and as clan head. More often than not it's just his blood clone, Rinna and Ino hanging out.

Mikoto of course knows Rinna, she even admitted that the woman would make a fine ally and addition to his harem if he wanted her. With Ino, Naruto knows for a fact the girl has a small crush on his clone. Depending on the development of her skills, if she's truly serious about her feelings for him. He'll use one of his aging abilities to age her physically and mentally so she won't be a kid. There's no way in hell he's going to be in a sexual relationship with any girl younger than 18. Any girl younger than 18 who wants to be with him has to agree with allowing him to age them. No exceptions whatsoever.

So it's safe to say Ino won't be a fangirl in this world.

Naruto wonders what other women from Konoha will catch his blood clone's interest over the next few years. He's not expecting much but he's sure something will come up.

Another thing about his blood clone, Naruto gave it orders to make sure it showcases its talents in the academy. He doesn't want the people of Konoha believing his clone,which they believe is him, as weak. No, he wants to see how he overcame Konoha's hatred for him. Personally this is for his younger counterpart's sake. Naruto is going to make sure they have something to fear since they believe that their fear justifies their mistreatment of this world's version of himself. So his clone is going to give the impression that it's the second coming of Naruto's father. With the Uchiha gone, Konoha's greatest asset is Naruto. So by the time the graduation exam comes up in the few years, everyone in Konoha will know of his prowess.

At least the prowess of his blood clone.

He'll give Konoha hope only for them to drown in fear and despair. Also by that time he'll have everything important out of there transported to Kiri.

Yep this is only the beginning of his fun in this world. He can't help but wonder if he should actually do something with the land of Konoha itself once all of its inhabitants are either gone or dead. If the Fire Daimyo has a problem with it, he'll come to see it Naruto's way one way or another.

Speaking of Kiri...

"Naruto-kun, look!" Mikoto called out to him as she pointed down.

Glancing downwards he can see some small islands that are a part of Kirigakure.

"Hmm I'm glad you said something, I might've end up flying over it by being lost in my thoughts." Naruto grinned.

"Knowing you Naruto-koi you definitely would've noticed before it got to that point." Mikoto replied.

"Probably so, now I would say we should head to the Daimyo's palace first in order to get legal documentation for my appointment as the new Mizukage once I get Yagura out of the picture. Unfortunately or fortunately however you look at it, the Daimyo and his entire family line was killed off on Yagura's orders." Naruto said.

"Doesn't that work in our favor? Without a Daimyo, there's no political figure who could try to oppose you. Not that it would happen, but at least you won't have to go through the trouble of either manipulating or killing him." Mikoto asked.

"Exactly." Naruto kissed her cheek, causing the woman to blush slightly and smile. "Without a Daimyo in position already I can easily either appoint one or be it myself. For appearances purposes it may be better off to appoint someone else aside from me for the position. I could pick you though I know you already declared to be my assistant. I'm not worried about it I'm sure I'll figure out who to give the position to."

"So then where are we going first?"

"To the headquarters of the Kiri rebels, not too long ago when I sent clones to spy in the Land of Water. One of them discovered that a young 23 year old woman by the name of Mei Terumi is the leader of the rebellion."

"Oh? I've heard about her. She's supposed to be a powerful S-rank kunoichi. Though I'm sure there's something more to this right?" Mikoto already knew there was.

Naruto smirked. "Yeah she doesn't know that she's part Uzumaki. About the same amount as Tsunade is, so 25% Uzumaki flows through her veins."

"Ah I see now, you plan on seducing her onto our side. She can also help with restoring the Uzumaki Clan." Mikoto concluded.

"Hmm yeah but she won't be the first Uzumaki woman to carry my child or be my wife. Those honors belong to my mother Kushina. Mei will be in the harem , just more of a mistress for the time being." Naruto replied.

Mikoto giggled. "Well that much was obvious, Naruto-kun, as we discussed, me and Kushina will be the first ones to have your children when the time comes." She kissed his cheek.

Obviously Naruto had already known about Mei being the leader of the rebels, though what's different about this world is the fact she's already the leader of the rebellion. In the other worlds, Mei was a couple more years older when she became the rebels leader. He mainly kept his clone spying on her to keep tabs on her.

The immortal couple flew down towards a small island closest to the main island. Singling out Mei's chakra signature, they landed on a roof two buildings away from the place Mei's chakra signature is coming from.

"So how are we going to do this?" Mikoto asked as she got out of Naruto's hold and stood on her feet. She wore a black turtleneck with black pants and black high-heeled boots.

Naruto is wearing a white shirt under a burnt orange and black jacket and black pants. He has on a pair of new black boots, on his back to top it off is his haori back when he was the 7th Hokage of his original world. It's not the same white and red color, it's still white although the red is now orange. Another change is that the kanji no longer stands for 'Fire Shadow'. Now it stands for 'Immortal Fox Demon'.

"Pretty simple actually, I'm just going to be honest and tell them their situation. No point in beating around the bush when they have no power to oppose us." He answered.

Mikoto nodded, she liked his chosen approach. This gives her the opportunity to inject fear into the rebels' hearts by killing some of them. It's not like they'll be missed or needed unless they have families.

Oh well that's not her problem.

Two Kiri rebels were keeping guard of the main entrance to the headquarters, they suddenly became on guard when two people suddenly appeared several feet away from them.

Both jumped a few feet back, one of them yelling.

"Who the hell are you two and how did you ge-urgk!"

Poor fool didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as he was struck dead in the head by a pink lightning spear. His corpse was then cut down in half due to the same pink spear of lightning.

The other guard shook in fear, it all happened so fast. He's too afraid to even speak since the beautiful raven haired woman is staring him down with her Sharingan.

'U-Uchiha! W-Wait! I thought the entire clan was mass-'

His thought stopped short as his entire body had been set ablaze in black fire. Mikoto used her Amaterasu flames to incinerate him.

"It's sexy when you kill like that." Naruto spoke up when he walked passed her.

Mikoto blushed before quickly shaking it off, she can act on her naughty thoughts later. Right now isn't the time.

The immortal couple made their way inside the building, they can sense multiple people heading their way. If only the fools knew they were running to their deaths.

Soon a group of 10 shinobi appeared, most of them only had chunin level reserves.

"Halt intruders! This is as far as you go!" One of them yelled as the other 9 rebels got ready to attack.

Naruto didn't bother to acknowledge their existence, only Mikoto responded by giggling softly before saying.

"Have fun in oblivion." Mikoto smiled as she covered her hand in pink lightning then swiped it across the air.

Her single swipe unleashed 100 pink lightning senbons that brutally took out all 10 rebels in a blink of an eye.

The couple continued their walk, Mikoto made sure to burn the corpses with her Amaterasu.

Next a group of 30 rebels showed up, every one of them essentially fodder.

"You infiltrators will die now!" The group of 30 all threw multiple kunai and shurikens at the couple.

Mikoto released a pulse of her chakra that sent out a shockwave that deflected all of their weapons, shocking the group of rebels. They were about to perform hand seals to utilize a combined water jutsu. Sadly, they weren't going to get far with that idea.

With her Mangekyo Sharingan active, Mikoto speed blitzed the group only to appear behind them with pink lightning chakra coated hands. Her first target suffered by having her hand rip through his heart. The second target was struck through the neck. Another several suffered a lightning sword decapitating them all at the same time. 8 of them were killed due to being engulfed in a pink wave of lightning. The rest of them had the pleasure of having the raven haired Uchiha woman end them with a pink Chidori.

By the end of it her clothes were completely clean but her hands were drenched in blood. Naruto found it incredibly hard to not just fuck her right here and then, especially with the satisfying smirk she's expressing on her face.

"At this point there won't be any rebels left, we've been here for only 10 minutes and you already killed over 40 of them." Naruto noted in amusement.

"It's their leader's fault for taking so long to show up, she could've saved their asses." His wife shrugged.

Naruto chuckled, two more minutes of walking and they were finally greeted by Mei herself. Though she wasn't alone, oh no she has quite a number of rebels behind her.

This time Mikoto didn't attempt to kill anybody.

"Hello my name is Mei Terumi, may I ask who are you two and why are you indiscriminately killing my soldiers?" Mei asked with a smile, her tone was serious as a heart attack.

Naruto returned her smile. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, head of the Uzumaki Clan. I'm gonna cut to the chase, I'm your new Mizukage."

This certainly took Mei and the rebels by suprise, had Yagura been killed without them knowing?

"Is Yagura dead?" Mei asked.

"Not yet however he will be as soon as I'm done here. Now this is going to go two ways. Either you submit to my authority or you die. Well, except Mei, you have a lot more value to me than your weak subordinates." Naruto voiced bluntly.

Mei will admit that she's offended by his insult about her subordinates. Although she's quite curious as to what value does an orphan like her hold for him to not kill her. She wasn't a fool, Mei can feel the power radiating off of these two. A fight between the rebels, who are currently in the base, and them is utterly foolish.

Too bad that her subordinates did not have the same mindset as their leader. Her second in command, Ao the Byakugan Killer made an example by yelling out in his anger.

"How dare you insult us! Coming here and proclaiming to be our Mizukage! You're just a young arrogant fool who is about to die at our hands! Men attack!" Ao shouted much to Mei's fury.

"AO YOU DUMBASS!" Mei shouted in absolute fury at what her second in command foolishly committed.

It was too late unfortunately as all of the rebels including Ao moved in to attack. Mei herself was going to join in until she noticed a glowing light in her peripheral vision. Looking down she saw a strange red glowing seal under her feet. She didn't get the chance to do anything else as she was teleported away. The seal under her feet was a magic seal for a teleportation spell.

Turning to his wife, Naruto gave her a quick kiss on the lips then said. "Wanna kill off every rebel in the base while I go talk to Mei?"

Mikoto gave him a sinister smirk. "Do you even have to ask?"

"No, anyways we'll be outside on a nearby roof when you're done babe." Naruto told her.

"Ok I'll be there soon." Mikoto got in one last peck before she took off to kill off the rebels who were basically moving in slow motion to her and Naruto's view.

While his wife is taking care of the rebels, Naruto teleported to where he sent Mei to.

When he appeared Mei looked at him with a very bewildered expression. Truthfully she could've left to return to her comrades as soon as she appeared here. She was here by herself for several seconds after all. However something told her that it would be in her best interest if she stayed up. As if her fate hung on this single choice.

"W-What happened? How did you send me here? What kind of jutsu was that?" She questioned.

Letting her believe it was a jutsu is better than exposing magic to her, so for now he allowed her to believe he used a jutsu.

"I sent you here with a very special space-time jutsu I created. Look Mei, my intentions were not to come slaughter you or your subordinates. I came here for you and you alone honestly. Yagura's reign as Mizukage is coming to an end by me personally. I've heard much about you and your skills through my reliable sources and wanted to offer you a proposition. By the way I hope you didn't have any special attachments to any of your subordinates in your headquarters because they all are either dead or about to be killed by the woman I was with." Naruto said.

It's not like she thought any of them had a chance of surviving in the first place. But it still pangs her heart to know that all the people who she fought alongside in battles with are deceased. She blames Ao for allowing his anger to get the better of him.

"What are you proposing?" She asked in a defeated tone. If this guy was planning on defeating Yagura, then at least the rebels goal will be accomplished in the end.

"I want you to become the Daimyo of Mizu no Kuni." Naruto told her.

To say Mei was stunned to the core is an understatement on several levels. This pure amount of disbelief in her expression is amusing to the long haired blond. Then again it's not everyday a person is asked to be a Daimyo.

"W-W-What did you say?" Mei stuttered.

Naruto chuckled. "You know how Yagura sent out an assassination team to slay the Water Daimyo and his entire family right? Not leaving a single member of the former Daimyo's bloodline alive?" Mei nodded, he continued. "Well it's obvious he did it so the Daimyo would not have any say in his actions. If there was someone still of the family line who was still alive and suitable for the job. I would've had them take it while manipulating them to follow my orders. But that's not to be, normally I wouldn't even bother appointing a Daimyo when I'm going to be ruling over all of Mizu no Kuni. Though I figured for appearance purposes that I should appoint one, usually I would've given the title to my wife. She on the other hand chose to be my assistant. This is where you come into play, if you take this position you will be nothing more than a figurehead."

Honestly...his offer doesn't sound so bad. True she won't have any real political power being a figurehead. But it's a hell of a lot better start than what Yagura is pulling.

"There's another part to this offer you should listen to before you give your answer." Naruto's voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"I'm listening." She replied.

"Mei, you believe you are a clanless orphan am I correct?" He questioned.

Mei rose an eyebrow at his question, but she answered nonetheless. "Yes as far as I know, I'm assuming you know about my lava and boil release if you're asking about this."

Naruto smirked, an expression Mei found sexy as hell on him. "Well you see that's not entirely accurate, you harbor blood of the Uzumaki Clan in your veins. You're 25% Uzumaki also I can tell you're an Uzumaki by sensing your chakra. All Uzumakis share a particular trait in their chakra signature that allows our clan to sense if you're a true Uzumaki. It doesn't matter if you are a sensor or not, your body will instinctively let you know if the person in front of you is kin to you. Don't ask how it works, I still have yet to figure that out myself. Our blood is weird and special like that." Which is true to an extent, As much as Naruto has learned over his many extravagant travels throughout different worlds. He has still yet to figure out why Uzumakis have this ability, not even Hagoromo or Ashura knew when he asked. "I plan on restoring our clan, the Uchiha Clan and possibly the Senju Clan in the future. I want to know if you are interested in joining my harem?" He offered.

Mei blushed brightly at the sudden proposal. The last thing she was expecting to hear was for him to ask her to join his harem. She took a deep breath then quickly changed her expression to a thinking one.

Thinking about everything clearly, his overall offer isn't a bad one. Even though she'll only be a figurehead she's still a Daimyo nonetheless and that title comes with quite a lot of respect. Power too but obviously she won't have any real power or whatever minimal power Naruto decides to give her. It also won't seem as if all of her efforts against Yagura were for nothing.

Checking out the blond Uzumaki in front of her, he's definitely sexy husband material when it comes to looks. He's definitely not a weakling, she's not saying that because of his muscles either. The aura he gives off screamed alpha male, power and dominance in the highest order. Sure she would have to get to know his personality

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