Scuffle At Oniyuri

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My attacker comes in close forming a glass sword. They bring it down hoping to cleave me in half. I however side step slicing open their side. They face me with hate consuming their face.

Figure: "Miserable child."

They swing their sword at my face. Leaning back barely saves it. I attempt the same move but they block it. Then forming another sword they cut my chest open. Reaching into a pouch I use the line launcher to pull myself away.

Figure: "Get back here!!!"

They emit fire from their feet flying after me. They bring down their swords. I however roll avoiding their attack. In the clear I send my sword forward. They however twist making my sword impale their cloak. 

One of their swords switches to a hammer which is swung into my chin. I go flying backwards before slamming back first into a tree. Looking forward I roll out of the way making the sword impale the tree instead. 

I repeat the previous action sending my sword forward. The attacker however blasts fire through their feet. They flip avoiding my sword. Then aiming their hand they launch a fireball into my chest. I'm rocketed away before sliding to a stop.

Ruby: "Leave him alone!!!"

They try to rush in. The attacker however waves their arm making a ten foot tall wall of fire separate us.

Figure: "You meddling kids stay out of this."

I use this distraction to rush in. I bring down my sword. But the attacker manages to catch it.

Figure: "Was that your best shot?"

Y/N: "Nope."

Reaching into a pouch I withdraw a sphere flicking it at my attacker. It explodes coating their face with slime. They wildly swing their sword trying to hit me. I easily weave past their attacks. Flipping my sword around I whack their legs taking them to their knees. 

Reaching into another pouch I withdraw a box. I toss it at the attacker. Their forehead hits the button making the box explode. The force knocks them out. I turn to the others as the fire wall fades. I then smile walking to them.

Y/N: "That sure was scar-"

I'm cut off by something entering my body. Slowly looking down I see a spear exiting the right side of my chest. I look back at the others to see a look of horror on their faces.

3rd POV

The heroes watch in horror as a spear exits out Y/N's chest. He drops to his knees before falling over. This grants the others the sight of Cinder with a smile on her face.

Cinder: "Never take your eyes off your oppo-"

She's cut off by a bullet being sent into her shoulder. After a scream of fury a hammer is sent crashing into her face. She's violently sent flying backwards crashing through several buildings. On the last one she falls onto the ground before being covered in rubble. With her taken care of the heroes surround Y/N. Ren places his fingers on Y/N's neck.

Ren: "He's got a pulse. But it's fading."

Nora: "Then let's get him somewhere safe."

Jaune: "We can't move him. Not without removing that spear."

Ren: "He'll bleed out if we remove it."

Nora: "Then what do we do?"

Ruby: "Best we can do is stabilize him enough for travel."

Jaune: "We're still a week from Haven. He won't survive a day."

Ren: "There may be another option."

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