Mutant Cave
Biggs and Bluefur looked at the box in front of them and then at each other before putting their hands on the box and starting to energize it with the same sludge that created them.
"This will work, Bluefur. When the world is covered in slime, then all of them, including Vrak, will have to obey us!" said Biggs.
"I hope you are right, my friend," said Bluefur.
Biggs laughed, thinking this was the perfect plan. Even if Bluefur wasn't sure about it, he followed the plan, knowing there was nothing else he could do.
Command Center
Billy walked into the Command Center, ready to start another day checking the zords and several other connections, when he saw something coming his way and barely had time to avoid the piece of metal that fell right behind him.
Confused, Billy walked towards the center of the Command Center, where he saw Tensou working on something while Gosei's eyes shone.
"Billy, it's good to see you," said Gosei.
"Same, Gosei... what is Tensou doing?" asked Billy, looking down.
"He is working on a new weapon for the Rangers," said Gosei.
"I am working as fast as I can, but I still need to analyze the circuits and test it," said Tensou, not taking his eyes off the weapon.
"Uhm... would you like me to help?" asked Billy.
"Please..." said both Gosei and Tensou.
Billy smiled and took off his backpack and jacket before kneeling beside Tensou and helping him to work on the new weapon that, hopefully, would help the Rangers to win this battle that was getting more and more complicated.
As soon as Biggs and Bluefur got to the city, they decided to test the power of the box on themselves. Biggs used the slime from his body to cover the box while Bluefur looked on as the slime fell over the box and started covering the ground.
"Quickly, Bluefur! Throw me around and I will cover the city with the slime!" said Biggs.
Bluefur nodded and used his weapon to throw Biggs around the city. The slime stuck to buildings and the ground, growing as the power of the box started to make itself present. Part of the slime moved, standing beside Bluefur to transform into Biggs.
"Ah! The plan is working!" said Biggs.
Biggs and Bluefur turned around to see the Rangers and RoboKnight appear. RoboKnight fired at the slime, but it only made it worse as the slime started to grow bigger while both mutants laughed and the Rangers called for their weapons.
"What are you going to do, Rangers!? This is your fault! You created us, and we will be your downfall!" said Bluefur.
Before the Rangers could react, Biggs moved towards them, surrounding them with his slime. Then, Bluefur moved, attacking them with his weapon. The blast was so hard on the Rangers that all of them lost their morph while they fell to the ground.
"Now! Let's continue with the spectacle!" said Biggs.
Biggs threw part of his slime on the broadcast tower, creating several clouds of toxic slime around the city that, if no one stopped it, would spread around the planet. The Rangers, looking in horror, did their best to get up and get ready for a second round while RoboKnight stood in front of them, grabbing one of his cards.
"We will protect this planet!" said RoboKnight.
Using the card, RoboKnight managed to freeze the broadcast tower, stopping the spread of the slime. Biggs and Bluefur looked at him, and angry because of RoboKnight's movement, they acted without thinking.
"You have messed our plans long enough, RoboKnight!" said Biggs.
Using his staff, Biggs concentrated on the new power he had been given and threw a powerful attack on RoboKnight. But at the same time, Jake ran towards the robot, pushing him away and receiving the attack while RoboKnight fell to the ground and the rest of the Rangers looked in horror.
"Jake!" screamed the Rangers.
Jake was sent flying against a building covered by the slime and disappeared under the slime while his friends looked in horror and RoboKnight looked up, confused.
"Why...?" asked RoboKnight.
RoboKnight looked at his hands, confused and feeling something... pain? Because of him, the Black Ranger might be dead now. He knelt, hitting the ground with his robotic hands while the others looked at the building going down with Jake inside.
The Rangers didn't think twice and tried to go to the building when suddenly, a light blinded them. In front of them, Jason, Kimberly, Tommy, Zack, Billy, and Aisha appeared. Jason was leading them, but their expressions were serious and angry.
"Jason..." whispered Troy.
Jason nodded and put his hands on Troy's shoulders, almost giving him strength as he nodded.
"You Rangers have to go and make sure this mutant can't spread more of that slime," said Jason. "We will look for Jake."
"That goes for you too, RoboKnight," said Tommy.
"No, I want to stay," said Gia.
"Me too. I can't leave Jake," said Noah.
Aisha walked towards them and put a hand on their shoulders, trying to calm them down while she too, did her best to appear strong.
"We will look for Jake, Rangers, but you still have a duty and no matter what, you must complete the mission," said Aisha.
"We will find Jake, I promise," said Tommy while Kimberly hugged Emma.
Billy and Zack nodded with them, and the Megaforce Rangers, seeing there was nothing more they could do, nodded, looking one more time towards the ruined building while the slime continued engulfing the city.
As they ran out of the scene, Jason looked down at his morpher and sighed, looking over his shoulder at his friends.
"Are you sure this will work, Billy?" asked Jason.
"That's what Gosei and Tensou said. It may give us the chance to have a few more fights if we are careful," said Billy.
"Okay then... ready?" asked Jason.
The veteran Rangers nodded, and like old times, they walked to their original formation and got their morphers ready, looking in front of them with determination.
"It's morphing time!" screamed the veteran Rangers.
The Rangers morphed and looked at each other. It felt good to finally be able to come back into action, even if it was under these circumstances.
"Now let's look for Jake," said Red.
"Blue, look for any signals of life," said White.
"On it," said Blue.
Blue used the scan on his helmet to look for signals of life when he found a small light coming from one of the ruined floors and pointed towards the top of the building.
"There!" said Blue.
"Okay... Black. You and Yellow with me, Pink and Blue with White. We divide and search for a way to get to that signal. The first team that gets there lets the others know and gives them the coordinates so they can find them," said Red.
The veteran Rangers nodded and they separated, getting into the building in hopes of finding Jake and that he was fine.
Broadcast Tower
The Megaforce Rangers ran towards the broadcast tower and morphed again. Together with RoboKnight, they used the card to freeze the tower again, stopping the slime from engulfing the city when they saw Bluefur and Biggs appear again.
"Be ready, Rangers! Ultra-Mode!" said Red.
"Ultra Mode!" screamed the Rangers.
With their new power, the Rangers took a step towards Bluefur and Biggs. Their anger for what the mutants did to Jake was presented in the form of a powerful attack that broke Biggs' staff and pushed both mutants towards the wall, almost defeating them.
"Biggs... what do we do now?" asked Bluefur.
"The box..." said Biggs.
Almost falling to the ground, both monsters touched the box and got absorbed by it while the Rangers watched them disappear before they could finally defeat them.
"Damn it!" said Yellow.
Yellow almost threw her staff to the ground when RoboKnight looked over his shoulder. Something was calling him, and suddenly, all of them saw a White Lion coming towards them. The Lion stopped in front of RoboKnight.
"RoboKnight, old friend. You must understand that the events that happened today are not your fault," said the White Lion.
"But why? Why would he end his life for me!?" asked RoboKnight. "He wasted a chance to save Earth just for me?"
"For the same reason I wanted him as my vessel and don't believe he is gone. His human body is tired, but he will make it," said the White Lion.
"Is that right? Jake is okay?" asked Blue.
Yellow almost fell to her knees, but Pink held her while Red stood beside RoboKnight, who lowered his head. The White Lion looked at them and nodded slowly.
"His destiny is far greater than any of you can imagine," said the White Lion.
"What do you mean?" said Blue, walking towards the lion.
The White Lion said nothing as he disappeared, but Blue wasn't letting this go. He tried to grab the Lion, but RoboKnight stopped him, allowing the White Lion to disappear while Blue, frustrated, looked at the robot.
"We have the right to know!" said Blue.
"RoboKnight, what do you know about this?" asked Red.
"Not much... Bastro always appears for a reason, but he has been more mysterious than usual," said RoboKnight, looking at the Rangers. "The Black Ranger must be really powerful to be able to handle him."
"He is, but that's not the point," said Blue. "What the hell is going on?"
"I don't know, Ranger, but Bastro is even more powerful than Saba is. And Saba is the tiger that represents the White Ranger, a legend," said RoboKnight.
The Rangers looked at each other, impressed and even a little scared because now, they really didn't know what the future would bring not only for Jake but for all of them.
"Are you telling me Jake will become a legend?" asked Yellow.
"That, Ranger, only time will tell," said RoboKnight.
Inside the building, White, Pink, and Blue looked for a route that would bring them to Jake, but all seemed either covered by slime or ruined.
"How are we going to get past that? Any movement could bring the whole building down," said Pink.
"Maybe there is a passage somewhere. Keep looking," said White.
Blue was following the line of rocks in front of him when he saw something appearing under the slime and quickly caught the attention of his friends, pointing to the soldiers the aliens sent to keep them away from the building.
"Like old times," said Pink.
"Yes, ready?" asked White.
Meanwhile, Red, Yellow, and Black were on the other side of the building, trying to get to Jake too. They seemed to have better luck, as they didn't find enemies, at least not soldiers to bring down, but still, there was something in the building... something different.
"Be careful," said Red.
"There is something in the air..." said Yellow.
Black nodded, and as they walked, he started to feel something sticking to his boots. Looking down, Black was surprised to find a big, long eye and jumped back, making the other two Rangers do the same when they saw that they were stepping into the slime of the monster.
"More Rangers! We can destroy them together!" said Biggs.
Red, Yellow, and Black got ready to fight when a soldier rolled on the ground and Blue, Pink, and White appeared beside their friends while Bluefur appeared beside Biggs. Red could see Jake, behind the aliens, and tried to move towards his son, but Bluefur's staff stopped him when the mutant pointed it to the top of the building.
"Look up, Rangers. The power of the Aurora Box has grown, and now we are part of this building," said Bluefur while Biggs disappeared into slime. "This will be our new house until Biggs covers all the planet in slime and makes it ours."
The veteran Rangers looked at each other. Now they had more than one problem.
The Megaforce Rangers ran back to the building with RoboKnight and saw, horrified, the building completely covered by a gigantic box and Biggs' slime. They looked at the ground, where Biggs was starting to expand, and the Megaforce Rangers and RoboKnight realized what the mutants were trying to do.
"We need to stop this," said Red.
"Then we have to go in. Hopefully, we will find the other Rangers and Jake," said Blue.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" said Yellow.
She ran, followed by Pink and the Rangers, but RoboKnight stood there, at the entry, ready to fight the slime and the soldiers that came out of the slime. Red Megaforce stopped his run and tried to come back to RoboKnight, but the robot raised his hand.
"Go and find the Black Ranger, Red," said RoboKnight. "I will make sure they don't go in and the slime doesn't cover the city."
"But RoboKnight..." said Red.
"Let me repay the sacrifice he made for me," said RoboKnight. "And if he is still there, tell him I will never forget it."
Red looked at him for a few minutes and then nodded, running behind his friends while RoboKnight prepared his cannon and pointed at the soldier.
"No one is touching this planet while I'm here," said RoboKnight.
Inside The Building
The Megaforce Rangers hurried only to find the veteran Rangers surrounded by a mutant with tentacles. His face, familiar, quickly made the Rangers realize they were fighting Biggs, and Biggs was winning this fight.
Bluefur was nowhere to be seen, but that didn't matter now. The Megaforce Rangers hurried, using their staffs to free the veteran Rangers who fell to the ground. But Biggs was not giving up and aimed to grab the Red veteran Ranger.
"Don't you dare!"
A roar was heard, and a hand stopped Biggs' tentacle from reaching the Red Ranger, who looked up to see his son in front of him. Jake's eyes were glowing, but his body had a black aura that surrounded him and made him transform into the Black Megaforce Ranger.
"You!" screamed Biggs.
"Don't you dare touch my father!"
With a movement of his arm, Black Megaforce flew over Biggs and called for his ax, hitting him in the face so hard the mutant was thrown out of the building while Black fell to the ground with elegance. He turned around quickly and grabbed his father's arm, helping him to get up.
"Are you okay, Dad?" asked Black, worried.
Red looked at his son and touched his helmet slowly before bringing him into his arm, hugging him. It was fascinating to see both Rangers hugging in their suits, but there was something about this moment that made the others emotional, at least until they heard an explosion.
"That must be RoboKnight. He was fighting outside!" said Red Megaforce.
The Rangers looked at each other and ran towards one of the openings of the ruined building only to find RoboKnight in his Megazord form fighting a grotesque mix of a gigantic Bluefur and Biggs. This mix, powered by the Aurora Box, was proving to be a challenge for RoboKnight.
And there were also more soldiers coming from the rest of the slime in the city.
"Go, we will take care of the soldiers," said Red, putting a hand on his son's shoulder.
Black Megaforce nodded and looked at his team. They all nodded, ready to leave when Blue moved his head, receiving a message, and quickly raised his hand.
"Wait!" said Blue, running towards the Megaforce Rangers and giving a device to Red Megaforce. "Here, Tensou gave me this for you. He said to activate it and that it's ready."
"What is it?" asked Red Megaforce.
"Something Tensou was working on and that will help you defeat them," said Blue.
Red Megaforce nodded and confused, activated the device while they ran towards the exit of the building where the veteran Rangers were fighting the soldiers. A loud noise made the Megaforce Rangers look up, and they saw a spaceship but... that face...
"Gosei!?" asked the Rangers.
"Your power gave me the chance to give you a powerful new tool for your fights, Rangers," said Gosei. "Call your ultrazords and combine them with the spaceship."
The Rangers looked at their new cards and did what Gosei told them, creating a new Megazord that was waiting for them. Once inside, they could feel the power of their new weapon, ready to put an end to the horror of Biggs and Bluefur.
"No!" screamed the mutant.
The mutant tried to attack the Megazord, but Pink and Blue used the hands to grab Bluefur's staff, and Yellow first and Black later kicked the mixed monster, pushing him away before Red finally got the ultimate card that would put an end to this fight.
"Ultimate Strike!" screamed Red.
The Megazord attacked with a powerful strike that made the mixed mutant finally fall to the ground, defeated. The veteran Rangers looked, amazed, as the slime disappeared, and RoboKnight walked towards them, nodding at the Rangers.
The Megaforce Rangers just breathed in relief. Finally, Earth was safe again.
Jason and Kat's House (Night)
Jake laughed as he passed around several Rangers to get to the backyard and get some fresh air. He had seen Troy talking with Tommy and Jason, Gia and Emma chatting with Kat, Kimberly, and Aisha, and Noah laughing with Zack and Billy.
With all his team in peace and enjoying the party, Jake walked out and breathed in the fresh air, closing his eyes and smiling. Today they got a huge victory, and now all they had to do was finish with the aliens. They could do this.
"Ranger," said a voice in front of Jake.
Jake opened his eyes, looking at RoboKnight standing in front of him in the backyard. Surprised, Jake smiled and walked towards him.
"RoboKnight?" said Jake, then pointed to his house. "Do you want to come in? We have food and drinks... oh, wait, what do you eat? Do you eat at all?"
"Ranger, I didn't come here to celebrate," said RoboKnight. "I wanted to say 'thank you' for saving my life today, even if it was extremely stupid on your part."
"Uh, you are welcome?" asked Jake, confused. "RoboKnight, saving your life wasn't stupid. You are strong and capable of protecting the planet. Why wouldn't I risk my life for you?"
"You are as capable as a human can be, and you hold the snake and Bastro inside you," said RoboKnight.
Jake nodded and put a hand on RoboKnight's shoulder.
"Whether you like it or not, you are a friend now, and I don't think risking your life for your friends is stupid," said Jake, giving him a silly smile.
"A friend?" asked RoboKnight.
"Yes, a friend."
RoboKnight looked down at his hands, confused, and then raised his head towards Jake, looking at him for a few moments before he turned away, giving his back to Jake, and walked away. Jake looked at him when he felt hands surrounding his waist and looked down to see Gia there.
"He didn't want to come in?" asked Gia.
"Ah... I think he is trying to make sense of the way we act," said Jake, hugging her. "I thought you were having fun inside."
"I was, but I looked around and my boyfriend was nowhere to be found," said Gia, looking at him.
"I'm fine..." said Jake.
"That doesn't make me worry less, Jake. This is the second time you almost died, not counting the others times you were hurt since we started our Ranger duties," said Gia. "I'm worried."
"There is nothing to worry about. Look at me, strong as always," said Jake, smiling at her. "It's going to be fine, Gia. We
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