October 31 thru Nov 20
"You're awfully quiet tonight." Carlisle murmured sitting across from Reese. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather be out with the boys at the party?"
Reese shook her head. "I probably should have just stayed home. I never am good company on Halloween."
"Nessie told us about your parents dying on Halloween."
Reese shifted to stare out into the darkness. "It isn't just that my parents died on Halloween. It's that something always seems to happen to threaten my life as well on this day."
Esme glided in and sat on Carlisle's lap. Her fingers stroked the nape of his neck. "What do you mean?"
Reese glanced around the room and saw the others had joined them quietly. Rosalie and Emmett were sitting on a love seat, Jasper leaned against the wall to her right; Alice snuggled against him. His chin resting on her head. Edward and Bella sat at the piano. Renesmee and Jacob cuddled on the sofa.
"First year at Hogwarts, I'm eleven. Halloween feast a troll gets into the castle nearly killing me and the two students who became my close friends...well, until I discovered they were pretending to be friends so they could spy on me for Dumbledore.
Second year, the Chamber of Secrets was opened on Halloween night and everyone decided I must be the Heir of Slytherin since I'm a parseltongue. I was ostracized the rest of the year.
Third year, Sirius Black escapes Azkaban. At that time everyone thought he was the one who betrayed my parents and killed thirteen muggles trying to escape capture. They thought he escaped to try and kill me. He snuck into the castle on Halloween and got into the dormitory while we were at the feast and ripped apart our beds and drapes. Turns out he was framed and trying to catch the real betrayer who was a rat animagus living as Ron Weasley's rat.
Fourth year, Halloween Ball with no one willing to be near me because they thought I put my name in for the Tri-Wizard Tournament when you had to be seventeen to enter. I finally left the Ball and wandered up to the Astronomy tower to be alone and someone hexed me from behind. If Dobby, the house elf, hadn't come when I called for him I would have bled out before I was found.
Fifth year, someone slipped poison into my punch and I was barely given the antidote in time."
The vampires all stared at her in horror. Finally, Emmett cleared his throat. "Isn't there seven years of boarding school? What happened the last two?"
Reese looked down nervously. "Well, you see..."
"It's okay, Reese." Alice reassured her coming to sit by her. "We won't be mad and we won't tell anyone."
Reese studied her a minute then swallowed and nodded. "This would have been my sixth year. I'm really just sixteen. I took an aging potion before leaving England so no one would bother me about living alone."
"You're just sixteen?" Jacob asked incredulously. "You've been lying to us?"
"Jacob, stop." Nessie ordered sharply. "Alice and I have known from before we met her who she is and how old she is. Alice saw a lot and I've touched her often and picked up a bunch about her."
Jacob glared then sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. He nodded. "You're right. We have to keep secrets from people too. Lie about things related to shifting and vampires."
Reese relaxed slightly. Since Nessie had settled into being seventeen the Imprint bond had settled and deepened as well causing Jacob to relax and mellow a bit. "The people looking for me are looking for a sixteen year old not a twenty-two year old."
"Does Seth know?" Jacob asked.
"No. I wanted to tell him, but with the way information is shared between the pack I didn't dare." Hari stared out into the night. "I would have went running tonight if I'd been home alone."
"It isn't safe to run at night, Reese." Bella chided. "Even on your property there are wild animals that would attack you in the dark."
"I wouldn't run like this, Bella. I'm an animagus and only vampires and wolf shifters would think I was prey."
"Animagus?" Jasper questioned moving closer to join the conversation as his curiosity spiked.
"A witch or wizard that can transform into an animal. I would have assumed Jacob's pack were all animagus except they don't have the magic needed."
"And what do you transform into?"
"Oh, show us!" Alice jumped up excitedly clapping her hands.
"Remember that I am a human." Hari glared at them all without heat. "Not vegan fare."
Edward looked offended, but Carlisle laughed softly.
"Even I am well fed at the moment." Jasper teased gently.
"Alright then." Hari stepped back from them a few feet then pulled her magic up from within her picturing her animal form. She felt the soft caress of magic then she was closer to the ground and the colors of the room had all bled to grays and sepia. She let out a quiet yowl.
Nessie moved to crouch before her. Jacob hovering at her elbow nervously. Carefully, she reached out and touched the tawny-brown fur. "Wow," she murmured excitedly. "You're a cougar."
Reese chirred and bumped her head against Nessie's shoulder. Nessie laughed delightedly.
"No eating green eyed cougars." Rosalie intoned solemnly. "Got it."
Reese backed up and shifted again. "I have fifty acres of no hunting allowed forest to run in. Still I'm glad to know you'll check eyes first."
November 7
Kalida Bryce nearly wept as another basket of resumes were placed on her desk. This was the fourth one today. Most of the people applying didn't have the credentials to teach a five year old to write their name much less anything else. They still had to be weeded through though.
Enough was enough. She needed help. Getting to her feet, she stormed into her boss' office. "I need help, Ma'am. At least two clerks that can sort the resumes into what subject they want to teach and if they can even write properly themselves. For Merlin's sake, if they can't spell correctly themselves how are they to teach children too?"
Margaret Thams sighed and nodded. She scribbled out an authorization and handed it to Kalida. "Go down to the clerk pool and pick out two."
"Thank you," Ms. Bryce murmured sincerely.
Two hours later, two junior clerks were sorting the incoming resumes into neat piles and Kalida was scanning resumes from people that might actually qualify.
Nov 10
Harold Hess, Robert Towler, Georgia Dunbar, Evelyn Massey and Newton Todd were going over the resumes that had been forwarded from the Department of Education to select the teachers from.
They would need two teachers for each location to teach reading, writing, basic math and magical beings. A history teacher plus a social customs and etiquette teacher for children up to age seven. Another history and math teacher for eight to ten. The magical beings and social etiquette teacher should be able to cover all the years. For the children eleven to seventeen math, history, charms, household finance, basic potions and advanced customs and etiquette. So a total of twelve teachers per school ideally. If necessary they could make do with nine utilizing the history, math and etiquette teachers for the eight to ten could teach the older students as well.
They also had to find an administrator, two cooks or house elves, a librarian and a medi-witch or advance medi-apprentice to be on hand for any illnesses or injuries.
It was going to be a long month.
Nov 13
Tom frowned at what his followers were telling him. "One moment," he held up a hand to silence them and pulled the journal from his desk drawer while reaching out to Hari mentally.
Gaffe, Rostler and Greengrass are here discussing the upcoming session. Are you near the journal? You should be aware of what they are telling me.
Give me three minutes to get upstairs.
Hari put her potion in stasis and ran up the stairs to her study. She flipped open the journal.
I'm here. Are we talking about the Early Integration?
We touched on the early integration bill. We intend to wait for the elementary schools to have operated a while before introducing it. If Black votes with us, we will have a clear majority when we do.
Hari felt the questioning tone in their link.
I haven't spoken with him recently. He agreed it was a good idea when he first read it. If it isn't changed, I don't see him voting against it.
Very good. I will have a copy sent to him so he could search it for hidden Dark agenda.
He smirked when he felt Hari's amusement.
We'll cautiously assume it will pass. A rough outline of what to teach them is already being drafted.
Tom turned back to his followers. "Alida you were saying that Potter's name has been being bandied about the chamber?"
Alida Rostler glanced at the journal curiously. Who was he corresponding with? She drew her gaze back to her lord. "Yes, my lord. Several of the Light members are beginning to talk about sending out teams to track the girl down and force her to come back and fight."
Oh they don't want me to come back and fight. Hari responded when Tom informed her of the talks. Her anger was like a living thing in the back of his mind. How dare they hunt her? How dare they try to force her to fight their war for them?
Are you training all that lovely power, Hari?
The uncomfortable shifting of the three Death Eaters brought his attention back to them. "Is this proposed action still just talks in private rooms or is it being discussed officially on the floor?"
"At the moment in the private rooms," Gaffe replied. "It won't be long though before it's on the floor. If we can break Dumbledore's hold, we may be able to stall it."
Tom nodded as he wrote. "Keep working on the individual members. I want them freed from Dumbledore's control. Dismissed."
Gaffe, Rostler, Carnaq and Nott are working through the Wizengamot members checking for compulsions and modifications. This is a slow process as they have to be subtle about it, but they have freed Marshbank, Jones, Weasley.
Weasley. Dumbledore had compulsions on Arthur Weasley?
Yes. To support him, to vote as he directed.
"I see," Hari hissed in his mind. Her mental voice taking on a sibilant edge. Dumbledore is going to make me forget I'm being a pacifist if he isn't careful.
Why the strong reaction to Weasley? Tom wrote curiously.
He's been more a father figure to me than anyone. I spent part of each summer since first year with the Weasleys. He showed me what a parent was supposed to be like; let me feel like I was part of the family. I respect him immensely.
Nov 20
Lucius listened as discussion was made on increasing the auror force. It was denied since the Dark Lord was not attacking anyone.
Several other topics were broached about taxes and expanding Diagon Alley. The progress on the schools and the staffing of the institutions.
Then talk was made about searching out Potter and forcing her back to fulfill the prophecy.
Malfoy tensed when Lord Black was acknowledged. Would he agree to force her back to fight against the Dark Lord?
"My goddaughter has made her position clear. She is sixteen and has no desire to fight our war for us. She was correct in her letter. We are the adults. Voldemort was our problem before she was born. He is our problem now. Not hers. Leave her alone."
"She is the prophesied Savior, Lord Black." Abner March stated firmly.
"Is she? You have heard this prophecy, Lord March?"
"I heard it." Dumbledore interjected; his voice heavily indicative that his word should be taken at face value and not questioned at all.
"Then produce it. Only those it pertains to and the one that it was made to can activate the prophecy orb. If the prophecy is true, produce it. Let us adjourn to the Hall of Prophecy and watch you retrieve it from the shelf and activate it."
Dumbledore glared at him. "My word should be good enough for you!"
"Hmmm. Like your word that I was the Secret Keeper for the Potters. Like your word that Harika Potter was safe, healthy and happy behind strong wards when the Dursleys actually hated her and all things magical, starved and beat her routinely.
"That is enough, Lord Black." Dumbledore snapped furiously.
Arthur Weasley raised his wand and was acknowledged. "I agree with Lord Black. If this prophecy is real, prove it."
"Prove it."
"Prove it."
"Adjourn to the Hall of Prophecies."
Dumbledore was backed into a corner. How was Weasley, Brody and Filsmer standing against him? It shouldn't be possible. He caught the barest hint of a smirk on Lucius Malfoy's face. So. Malfoy had freed his pawns had he?
There was nothing for it now. He could admit that it was false or go to the Hall and act shocked that it wasn't there. He stood. "Then let's adjourn to the Hall."
Dumbledore strode from the Wizengamot chambers followed quickly by nearly every member. His mind whirled creating plans and discarding them rapidly as they took the lifts down to the Hall of Prophecies. He noted that Black, Malfoy, Longbottom, Weasley and Bones was on his heels. He would have no chance to cast a spell on the Prophecy guardian.
Shocked disbelief then would be his best bet. Shock that Trelawney's prophecy was not recorded in the Hall.
The guardian looked almost frightened to see the majority of the Wizengamot members in their red robes bearing down on him. He stumbled to his feet knocking his chair backwards in his haste. "May I help you?"
Dumbledore smiled congenially at the wizard. "Yes, my boy. I would like to retrieve the prophecy made in my hearing by Sybil Trelawney. I wish to have it heard and verified by this esteemed body." He waved at the Wizengamot members.
The guardian gawked then swallowed. "Ah, yes...yes, of course. My, my, my...I haven't had a request in three years. Exciting. Very exciting."
He indicated they should follow him to the Index. He activated it and clearly stated
Dumbledore's name repeating it after Dumbledore.
Nothing showed up.
He tried Headmaster of Hogwarts.
He tried to locate prophecies made by Sybil Trelawney.
Harika Potter
S. Trelawney.
"I am sorry, Mr. Dumbledore. There is no prophecy recorded."
"What?! But she made one. It was at her job...interview." Dumbledore managed to raise a blush to his cheeks. It was actually ire at being caught out, but no one would know that.
"At her job interview. I...I was sure it was a true prophecy." He let his voice sound deflated, embarrassed. "Her voice changed. Her eyes turned white. She...she didn't remember it afterwards."
"Tricked by a charlatan?" Lord Malfoy drawled, voice laced with amusement and disdain.
Dumbledore's face flushed redder. He forced his shoulders to slump instead of whirling and hexing the arrogant ponce. "I can't believe..."
"Are you telling me that James and Lily died and it wasn't even true?" Sirius growled.
"Are you saying that my son and daughter-in-law were attacked by Death Eaters over a false prophecy?" Augusta Longbottom shrilled.
The guardian quailed beneath the combined fury of the two Nobles.
"You have not heard the last of this, Dumbledore!" Lady Longbottom warned as she turned sharply and shoved her way through the shocked Wizengamot members.
There was no prophecy. Potter had insinuated it was false but everyone had thought she was just trying to evade her destiny.
Mr. Tessron quickly strode to the lifts waiting impatiently for the lift to reach the foyer. He hurried to the fireplaces and floo'd to his office. He penned a missive to Lady Potter detailing the attempt to force a search for her and the trip to the Hall of Prophecies cumulating in the shocking revelation that there was not only was there no prophecy overheard by Albus Dumbledore in the Hall there was no prophecy made by Trelawney in the Hall at all.
Lucius Malfoy turned on his heel and followed Potter's proxy swiftly out of the bowels of the Ministry. He floo'd to his home and immediately stepped back in the fireplace headed for Westmoor.
A house elf acknowledged that the Dark Lord was in his study and that Lucius was welcome. Lucius strode hurried up the stairs and down the halls to the study. He knocked perfunctorily before opening the door and moving across the room to kneel.
"Lucius, sit. What news?"
Lucius rose and settled in one of the chairs. "As suspected, several of Dumbledore's lackeys were pushing to search for Lady Potter to force her back to fulfill the prophecy. Lord Black called Dumbledore out. Demanded that he produce the so-called prophecy before we authorized a hunt for his goddaughter. Enough members backed him that Dumbledore had no choice. The majority of the Wizengamot members traipsed down to the Hall of Prophecies. The guardian searched thoroughly – he used Dumbledore's full name, his first and last, the title Headmaster of Hogwarts...nothing. He tried Harika Potter – nothing. He then searched for any prophecy made by Sybil Trelawney, S. Trelawney and just Trelawney...nothing. There is no prophecy."
"Tom, I was right! There is no prophecy!" Hari whispered in his mind. Excitement, happiness and anger mingling in her mental voice.
"We are not fated enemies." Tom murmured back feeling a tense knot of worry in his chest unravel.
Nov 22
It has been widely accepted since the night the Potters were killed by You Know Who that there was a reason Harika Potter survived.
In 1994, it was leaked that there was a prophecy in play stating that she was the one destined to defeat He Who Must Not Be Named.
Wednesday, the Wizengamot converged on the Hall of Prophecies to discover, in lieu of her disappearance, just what exactly the rumored prophecy said.
To everyone's shock there was no prophecy. You read correctly, my dear readers. There was no prophecy. The Index was searched thoroughly in many different ways. There was no prophecy listed as being heard by Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts. No prophecy pointing toward Harika Potter. No prophecy recorded as being made by Sybil Trelawney at all.
Reactions of Wizengamot members Page 3
Reactions of Lord Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, the Potters best friends Page 5
Reactions of Madame Augusta Longbottom Page 6
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