Chapter 18

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Jan 15

Sirius entered the Wizengamot chambers and wondered how Dumbledore had retained his position what with being kicked off the ICW and being fired from Hogwarts. He thought about the week in St. Johns talking with Hari and getting to know a bunch of wolf Shifters and vegan vampires.

A lot of his views had been called into question and discussed. Having the discussion about Light and Dark views with the others present had presented even more different viewpoints and he and Remus had spent many sleepless nights re-thinking their positions.

The books Hari loaned them to read made him think hard as well. She gave Remus books on blood related healing spells to read there as well. The fact that these books were banned from England was something to think about to. These books would enlighten people to the nature of Light and Dark; would lessen the prejudice and fear.

Brianne had listened to him. She watched patiently as he paced about the room whining about the Dark and his family and how he had spent his life trying to be a Light wizard and now his Light goddaughter had gone Dark. They had discussed what Hari had told him her beliefs were and the horrific suspicion he had of who Hari's boyfriend was.

Brianna was raised in Europe and had a broader more open mindset than British magicals. She confirmed that many healers used blood magic in their practice and that parseltongues were greatly admired in many countries. She finally told him simply to meet with them and discuss things. Not argue; not lose his famous temper, but really listen to them and judge on what they were saying and doing not what his family did or what others told him about them.

Now he found himself in an awkward position. He wanted to have more discussions. He needed to figure out for himself what Riddle really stood for because he wasn't as blind or stupid as Hari apparently hoped he was. It was clear that she was in communication with Riddle and that she didn't consider him to be the same as Voldemort. Merlin the way her face lit up when talking about Tom Riddle.

They had watched a movie one night in St. Johns. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Two very different personalities. One body. Dr. Jekyll horrified at the actions of Mr. Hyde, but unable to control him. Like Moony when Remus didn't take wolfsbane. Moony would rip a human to pieces and not feel remorse. Remus would be sick for days afterwards, but Sirius wouldn't blame Remus for Moony's actions. Dumbledore had driven young Riddle to desperation. Desperation – horcruxes. Horcruxes had created Voldemort – Britain's Mr. Hyde as remorseless as Moony. Destroying the horcruxes had put Tom Riddle back in control – Dr. Jekyll, Remus.

Sirius and Remus noted that Hari hadn't rid herself of her own soul sliver but hadn't brought it up to her. Issues had to be settled between them and the rift that had begun to develop needed to be healed before they addressed such a sensitive issue. She was aware that the goblins could remove it and must have her reasons for not doing so.

Sirius spied Malfoy starting to exit his private room. With a deep breath he moved to intercept him.

"Lord Malfoy," he murmured from a cautious distance.

Malfoy twitched slightly; eyed him warily. "Lord Black."

"May I have a private word? Best behavior. I swear."

Malfoy paused then nodded and stepped back into his room. Black entered and Malfoy shut the door activating privacy wards.

Sirius eyed Malfoy a moment then shored up his resolve. "I have been having some enlightening conversations with my goddaughter. She has made me realize that my...views may be out of kilter. I would like the opportunity to have frank discussions on the Dark views you hold and just what goals you are promulgating. My friend, Remus Lupin would like to be included."

Lucius watched Black's gaze flick down to his forearm and back up to hold his gaze forthrightly. He barely managed to contain his shock. Black was entertaining Dark ideas and goals for his goddaughter? He gathered his wits about him. "Would the two of you like to have these conversations with me or...someone else, Lord Black?"

Sirius drew in a breath. "You, at least to begin with. Hari has been very discreet, but she is my goddaughter and I have an idea of what she is not telling me. I lost twelve years of her life. I am determined not to lose the rest. We won't support someone bent on terror and tyranny though. Not even for her."

Lucius' eyes widened at the brash statements, but then again Sirius Black was a Gryffindor. He took a minute to think about it then nodded. "Where would you be comfortable meeting to have these discussions?"

"I don't believe either of us would be at ease behind the other's wards."

"No." Lucius shifted slightly. "I know of a small restaurant in Lisbon – Marseille LeBeau's – they offer private dining rooms. My wife may want to come. It has been awhile since she has seen her cousin and she, at times, explains things better than I."

Sirius took a breath and nodded. "Tomorrow at noon? The four of us?"


Lucius moved to open the door.


Lucius paused with his hand on the door handle.

"Is he serious about her?"

Lucius looked back, startled anew, and saw the honest worry in Black's eyes. He sighed. "I believe so." He opened the door and stepped into the hall.

His goddaughter and the Dark Lord. Sirius shivered and whined softly before he pulled himself together and strode from the room.

The Dumbledore that called the meeting into order was not the congenial wizard that he usually portrayed. He was furious. His eyes glinted today not with benevolence, but with barely restrained fury.

"I must demand, Mr. Tessron, that you inform Lady Potter that her presence is required. She will quit hiding wherever she is and return at once to answer for the allegations she made the day she disappeared along with the false allegations she made that forced the Board to remove me from Hogwarts."

"The report the Board of Governors received was sent anonymously and had no signature." Lucius refuted. "That Lady Potter sent it is a guess, a desperate guess made by a man whose foul deeds are becoming public knowledge. The report was corroborated by twelve students, three from each House."

Dumbledore glared at him. How dare he?! How dare they call him to task?! He was their leader! He knew what had to happen for the Greater Good. "Do none of you wonder why Lady Potter is being championed by Lord Malfoy, Voldemort's right hand man? Perhaps Potter didn't flee from the war. Perhaps she switched sides."

Lucius inhaled sharply at the blatant accusation. Before he could respond he was cut off.

"Perhaps this is a desperate attempt to switch attention from you to a sixteen year old." Arthur Weasley snapped.

He had realized since a bit before the last session that his devotion to Dumbledore was fading. He had spent the past few weeks reexamining the past and came to the conclusion that he had been under some type of compulsion to support Dumbledore even when he disagreed with him. That compulsion had been removed by someone subtly. He had thought had about who had been around him in the days before the realization hit and narrowed it down to a handful of Dark or Neutral voting members.

At the last session he noticed that Filsmer and Brody had been slightly confused and angry as well. They had met and discussed things. They had all come to the same conclusion after pulling their voting records and wondering why they had voted as they had on some issues.

Dumbledore was staring at him now. It was one thing to cast doubts on Malfoy. He was a known Dark Wizard and Marked even if it had been by a so-called Imperious command. Weasley was Light. So Light he was blinding.

"I agree with Weasley." Lady Longbottom spoke up rarely, but when she did she carried weight. "The ICW denounced you and removed you from their ranks. The Board of Governors investigated claims against you and found enough evidence to remove you as headmaster. Perhaps the Wizengamot should follow their example and truly look into your past actions and associations, Mr. Dumbledore."

Dumbledore nearly radiated fury. His magic flickering into view as it struggled against his control, wanting to lash out and destroy those who would vilify and stand against him. "How dare you question my integrity or my actions, Madam. I am Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Defeater of Grindelwald. Leader of the Light."

"And supposed co-conspirator with Grindelwald in Muggle domination until you had a spat with him." Lord Ackerley stated.

"The Leader of the Light shouldn't fear investigation." Amelia Bones added. "I was there with my niece when the Board questioned them. They had to remove heavy layers of compulsions from the children."

Dumbledore's fury overrode his common sense. His magic lashed out viciously at Bones. Only the fact that several members had been expecting his temper to explode allowed them to react in time to save her life.

Everyone stared at him in shock except Black, Malfoy, Longbottom and Gaffe who had all quickly shielded Madam Bones. They turned to stun and incarcerate Dumbledore. He quickly blocked their spells and rushed from the chamber.

The three men rushed after him. He had enough of a head start to elude them to the lifts. He traded several spells with them as he grappled with the lift doors and cast a strong shield once inside the lift until he was out of sight.

The people in the lobby of the Ministry gawked as a clearly furious Dumbledore rushed from the lifts running across the lobby, knocking people aside in his haste to get to the floo system. He disappeared in a wash of green flames just as Black, Malfoy and Gaffe appeared and dashed forward as well.

They stopped and glared at the empty fireplace.

Dumbledore had finally shown his true colors.

On the way back to the Wizengamot chambers, Black looked at Malfoy. Lucius nodded. He would be sure Potter was warned.

Pandemonium ruled inside the chambers until Madams Longbottom, Bones and Roulat sent off deafening bangs from their wands.

"Now," Madam Longbottom looked down her long nose at them. "Stop acting like frightened children and start acting like the important members of society that you are."

Lord Preece rose to his feet. "For the record, I submit Albus Dumbledore be removed as Chief Warlock."

"I second the motion." Arthur Weasley declared loudly.

Madam Bones nodded. "All in favor?"

All but three hands went up.

"Albus Dumbledore is removed from the position of Chief Warlock. Nominations will be accepted at an Emergency meeting next Wednesday. I have a warrant to issue and none of us are settled enough to make an informed decision today. This meeting is adjourned."


Lucius made his way to Westmoor as soon as the Wizengamot session ended. He was now in the Dark Lord's study across from him and Potter. "Dumbledore demanded Mr. Tessron summon Lady Potter to account for her accusations of July and blamed the report the Governors received on her. He accused her of not fleeing the war, but switching sides when I stated the report was received anonymously and casting blame on her was an attempt to refocus attention away from him."

They all jumped to their feet, wands out as a house elf popped into the room.

"It is Dobby," the house elf squeaked flinging up a shield as the two wizards sent powerful stunners at him.

"Stop," Hari cried out. "It's Dobby. He's loyal to me."

Dobby held out a note in a shaking hand. His eyes round with fear as he realized who his Hari was with.

"It's okay Dobby. They won't harm you." Hari murmured reaching for the note.

Tom stopped her. "Who is the note from, elf?"

"It is from Miss Hari's godfather, Lord Black, Mister Dark Lord, Sir."

Hari snorted. Mister Dark Lord, Sir. She snickered at Tom's affronted glare.

Tom let go of her arm and let her take the note.

She read it quickly going white. "He's telling me about Dumbledore. He's quicker than you, Lucius." She passed the note to Tom. She drew parchment and quill to her and wrote back telling him she was safe and would take added precautions. She handed the note to Dobby and sent him off.

Tom looked at her worriedly. She was white as snow. He knew that feeling. The feeling that a more experienced less moral wizard was after you. He had fled to Europe and Asia disappearing as completely as possible and learning as much as he could as quickly as he could. He didn't think Hari would. "Perhaps you should finish recounting today's events, Lucius."

Malfoy settled back into his chair. "A heated discussion ensued ending in Weasley, Longbottom and Bones accusing him and demanding the Wizengamot investigate him as the ICW and the Board has. Dumbledore lost control and attacked Madam Bones. I, Lords Black and Gaffe and Madam Longbottom were alert enough to shield her. Dumbledore then fended off our attempts to stun and incarcerate him and ran from the chamber escaping through the lobby's floo system." He looked at Hari seriously. "Be very careful Lady Potter wherever you are when you are not here. He has nothing to lose now and will most assuredly come after you."

Hari and Tom were both stunned into silence by his recounting and Black's abbreviated telling. In six months, Dumbledore had lost all his positions because of her. He would most definitely hunt her down.

"I won't throw Light spells at him if he shows up at my home." Hari murmured. "I'm not the weak witch he last saw."

Tom drew in a sharp breath and exhaled. The absolute fury he felt at the thought of Dumbledore hunting Hari down and hurting her surprised him. He suddenly realized that he was in love with the witch at his side. Had been for a while. "Call your solicitor, Hari. I know you added some intent based protections to your wards. Have them check them over. Tell them who is after you. Beef them up beyond what is reasonable."

Hari jerked her gaze over to him at the raw fury and panic and...something she felt sizzling over their link. She nodded. "Alright. I will as soon as I get back home."

"Now. You have the means to contact them with you, yes?"


"Please do not argue with me on this. Dumbledore is searching for your home as we speak. I do not want you to portkey home to find he has breached your wards and is waiting for you."

Hari stared at him. No one had ever been this afraid for her before. His voice shook with emotion. She nodded and pulled parchment and pen to her. She quickly wrote a letter to Mr. Willoby and put it in her messenger pouch that she had on her today since Mr. Tessron might need to contact her. "Willoby," she murmured activating it.

Tom's hand trembled slightly as he took hold of hers. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He scares me too.

He is the only one that has ever scared me once I came to my maturity.

Lucius cleared his throat. "Lord Black approached me before the session started. He asked for a private conversation. In my room with wards raised, he informed me that his goddaughter, Remus Lupin and he have had some enlightening conversations that are causing them to reassess their views and requested an opportunity to have a frank discussion with me in a neutral location on the Dark views I hold and the goals I am promulgating. He stated they had lost twelve years of your life, Lady Potter and they are determined not to lose the rest."

Color drained from Hari's face again. This on top of the news about Dumbledore was almost more than she could handle at once. The room spun about her.

Tom stared. "Black is asking about our views and goals? He insinuated that he knows Hari is with me?" He asked as he unconsciously rubbed her back in gentle circles trying to calm her.

Lucius cleared his throat. "After we agreed to meet tomorrow at noon at Marseille LeBeau's, he outright asked me if 'he' was serious about his goddaughter."

"He..." Tom murmured. "Black asked you if I was serious about his goddaughter?" Shock was clear in his voice.

Hari moaned and dropped her head in her hands when Lucius nodded. "He knows? He knows...that we..." Hari trailed off with a small whimper thinking about what exactly Moony and Padfoot apparently knew. She swallowed noisily. "I swear I said nothing. I...I don't know how he..."

Tom stroked the back of her neck soothingly. "It's fine, Hari. It'll be fine."

"Your answer, Lucius?" Tom asked after he calmed Hari slightly.

Lucius swallowed. "That I believed so."

Tom stared at his follower a long moment before shifting his attention to the distraught witch beside him. Lucius was correct. He was serious about Hari. It would hurt her badly if her godfather cast her off. Her panic was leeching through her shields. "Calm down, Hari. He is meeting with a Malfoy to learn our views. He is not turning from you. He sent the note after the conversation. He is reaching out to connect with you. He is still trying to protect you."

Hari leaned back and nodded weakly. "I know. I don't know why I'm panicking. I was prepared for him to hate me and break all ties when he found out. Now he's guessing and he's reacting better than I could have hoped so why am I..." she trailed off with an embarrassed look at Lucius.

Rambling. She was rambling and spilling emotions and...

She jerked from the chair and shifted to her animagus form and padded out of the room before either man could respond to her sudden action.

"My lord, I didn't mean to upset her." Lucius murmured, honestly distressed. He had come to respect the young witch over the past months.

"I believe you. I'm not sure what has her so upset. Be convincing tomorrow, but remain honest. I don't want him to say he accepts us then turn against her later."

"Yes, my lord." Lucius stood, bowed and swept from the room.

Tom sighed and went after Hari.

Jan 16

Tom scowled at the sound of Hari getting sick again. Whatever was going on wasn't the brandy and it wasn't a stomach virus. She had been sick at Yule and been picky about what she ate especially at breakfast ever since. The past week it had gotten worse not better. He summoned Emily.

Emily was in the suite when Hari came out of the bathroom. Hari stared at her then glared at Tom. "I'm's no big deal...a stomach virus or stress from everything we've learned or something."

"It's the 'or something' that worries me." Tom retorted. "Maybe it was the brandy or something you ate at Yule. Maybe it's the stress of everything, but you've been picky since Yule and were sick four of the last five mornings."

Emily frowned now. "Brandy?"

"She started throwing up at Yule. We thought the brandy didn't sit well. She's thrown up randomly since then and four out of five mornings this week.

Emily stared at him then at Hari. They were glaring at each other obstinately. Her gaze flickered back and forth several times before she shook herself and smiled gently at Hari. "Well a quick diagnostic should get to the bottom of it. You have been doing a lot of portkeying and are dealing with a lot for your age. It could just be an upset stomach."

Hari sighed at Tom's unrelenting stare. She crossed to the bed and flopped down on it.

Emily laughed at her put out expression and cast the diagnostic. "Oh," she muttered faintly surprised at the results.

Tom stared at the results, stunned. His gaze flicked to

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