Chapter 4 - Ploughman's lunch

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After an evening of potion crafting and funny drinks making, the sun started to set. The day was really refreshing compared to your usual routine, and even though you had many preconceptions about Weasley, he was rather nice.

- "I think we can call it a day!" The boy began to sort out the station's mess.

- "Here! Let me help you." You lend a hand.

In no time you were done putting things back in place. Two heads are better than one, as they say. When you were done you proceeded to return to your respective common rooms before dinners. The Hufflepuff one was warm and welcoming as per usual. You loved this place for the comfort it brought you and were grateful to have been sorted in this house.

Once you reached your dormitory nobody was there yet, you took the occasion to jump on your bed, letting out a big sigh as you melted in your mattress. This was the best sensation ever, laying down after a big day. You started to remember your journey and Weasley exploding Honeydukes. Little giggles escaped your mouth as you began to punch the air. It was so fun! Poppy would kill you if she knew.

You took a short nap and Adelaide was the one to gently wake you up. She was by far the most gentle of the roommates. If you could choose a big sister, she would be the first one on your list for sure.

- "Wake up, it is time for lunch. Poppy and Lenora are already in the common room." She delicately nudged you.

- "Hum... Ten more minutes..." You snoozed.

- "Too bad, the other will eat all the Ploughman's lunch..." Adelaide falsely signed and slowly went to the door.

- "Ploughman's lunch? With the cheese?" You sat right up.

- "Ah! I knew you would get up!" She proudly pointed at you.

- "Do not tell me it was a lie..." You pouted.

- "No, there is really Ploughman's lu-"

You rushed past her to the common room where your friends were waiting for you.

- "Girls let's go!"

The four of you were the first one to arrive at the great hall, which was a rare occurrence. Due to the never ending buffet you tend not to care about arriving late, except for special occasions, implying food that others might finish first.

At the instant you jumped in your seat, you were already getting your favorite meal, making your friends giggle from your eagerness to eat.

Students started to arrive little by little, filling the room. But as you were already served, you were not concerned.

- "You truly are going to eat just that?" Poppy looked at your plate.

- "It depends what is on for dessert!" You proudly responded.

- "I think we might have caramels!" Natsai leaned over your shoulder.

- "Oh! Natty! Come quick! There is Ploughma-"

- "Ploughman's lunch" She said in unison "Yes I know. Did not doubt you would be there first!" She laughed.

- "You are already eating?" Weasley came in surprised "We spent our afternoon drinking. How could you be hungry?"

The girls all turned to you with wide eyes.

- "Come on! We just made experiments in the potion classroom. Stop looking at me with those eyes!" You rolled them.

- "Yes, we basically are friends now!" Garreth declared proudly "Just friends, please." He added, well aware of Poppy and Lenora's tendencies to exaggerate details.

- "That is a good thing! The more the merrier." Natsai smiled "As long as you do not go around misbehaving." She threw a stare at Weasley.

- "We are angels! Natsai, You know me!" He smirked.

- "Yes I do..." The stare became a slight frown.

- "If you keep fighting, you will not have any Plounghman's lunch." you remarked.

The Gryffindor went to their table, but Natsai was surely not going to let Weasley slide before lecturing him a little.

- "So, you really are becoming friends with Weasley?" Lenora noted.

- "He can be really nice! We had a lot of fun brewing beverages this afternoon!" You beamed.

- "Beverages?" Poppy mentioned "What kind?"

- "All sorts! Professor Sharp is open with letting us propose some during the next school event." The happiness was seeable on your face.

- "That is wonderful! I did not knew Garreth was capable such things." Adelaide added.

- "Me neither. But he is indeed very smart! When he wants..." You giggled.

All your Hufflepuffs roommates started to laugh too. You continued talking about Garreth's concoction, classes, and other topics.

Following the meal, you waved your Gryffindor friends goodbye and descended near the kitchen, where the Hufflepuff room was. In the dormitory Lenora started to talk about a big discovery of hers implying magical mirrors reacting to the Lumos charm. All of you were really curious about her finding. Hogwarts was so full of mystery, it was a real delight for all of the students.

You tried to fall asleep, but the thought of one of those mirrors in the great hall would not let you close your eyes. It was not too far. Who could catch you on this side of the school anyway? You got out of bed as quietly as possible but noticed Lenora looking at you.

- "Do not even think of going alone!" She whispered "I discovered it first, I deserve to know!"

- "I am also curious." Poppy heads pop out of her duvet.

- "Wait... Where is Adelaide?" You asked.

The three of you turned to her empty bed. She surely was not in the bathroom.

You stealthily went out in the empty common room. Not so empty, as Adelaide was about to go outside.

- "Adelaide!" Whispered scream Lenora.

Adelaide turned around, stunned to see all of you there.

- "I guess we all had the same idea." She giggled "Come on girls, We may want to be quick before getting caught!"

The quadrio escaped the Hufflepuff room and followed Lenora's direction to the closest black mirror in the great hall. After a little stroll you eventually reached it. She casted Lumos, revealing a picture of the faculty seats. You and your friends spend half an hour searching the area without understanding the purpose of this puzzle. You eventually grew tired and went back to sleep, feeling a little frustrated none of you were able to figure out the mystery.

Waking up was complicated. You did not sleep a lot due to the late night exploration and had Divination classes early in the morning. Lenora was in the same lesson as you, so you both went together. The way to the classroom was long and full of staircases, a pleasure for sleepy students, really. After a lengthy and painful ascension you finally managed to reach the classroom. Lenora immediately sat down and laid her head on a table.

- "I think I might die. Tell my parents I love them." She breathed out.

- "I will, I promise" You sat next to her and yawned.

A pack of students arrived and Weasley was part of it. They were the Gryffindors. Natsai was not part of it as she attended this class the day before.

After looking around, Weasley came to sit next to you and Lenora.

- "You both look pale. How was your night?" He questioned.

Lenora only let out a frightening lament.

- "We went exploring to solve a school's mystery, but we did not manage to find the solution." You answered the boy.

- "What kind?" He replied.

- "The black mirrors..." Lenora finally let out.

- "The ones on which you use Lumos?" Weasley raised an eyebrow.

Both of you turned to him, confused he was aware of it.

- "Yes those ones." you added.

- "You sure are not Ravenclaws!" Weasley laughed.


You cut your interjection as Professor Onai walked in the room, wishing a good morning to everybody.

- "You better tell me what you know after this!" Lenora whispered to Weasley.

- "Yes, tell us!" You backed up.

- "Alright, alright! I will tell you! But you will owe me a favor after." The boy grinned at you.

- "Deal!" Lenora shook his hand.

- "Hey! That is not fair!" You complained.

You could not finish your conversation as the class started, but you frowned at Lenora for selling you while she just responded with a smirk.

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