Chapter 6

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Naruto fidgeted in his chair. He didn't know what to do with himself as Sasuke sat across from him, not seeming like he was going to speak any time soon.
"So... uh, Sasuke... What are you doing here?" he asked, his eyes darting to Sasuke's face, to his desk and back to Sasuke's face.


"Uh..." Honestly, if the guy wasn't going to say anything, why the hell was he there?

"You gave me your card."

Naruto looked up, his eyes shining and a grin crossing his face at the fact the bastard finally said something. "Yup." Silence met him again. His grin slowly faded. "Uh... so..."

Sasuke leaned back in the chair he was occupying, looking around the small office. His coat was once more resting on his lap as his eyes turned back to Naruto, who was still fidgeting nervously. The blond started tapping his pen against the desk, wanting something to fill the awkward silence. He licked his lips, and squirmed in his seat as the Uchiha's dark eyes looked out the window behind the blond.

Naruto in turn watched the raven. He was just as handsome as he had been when he left that morning. Well, duh. Of course he would be, idiot, Naruto thought to himself. He nearly jumped when suddenly he noticed three people had plastered themselves against the see-through wall of his office where his door was located. Two women- one with pink hair, one with long blonde hair- and a man with red triangular tattoos and a creepy grin on his face. What the hell?

Apparently Sakura had finished lunch in a hurry, Ino probably having told her about the handsome man who had come to see Naruto. So now she stood outside Naruto's office, eyes wide as she ogled the good-looking man her friend had actually slept with. Tsunade had a smirk plastered on her face, no doubt proud at the handsome man her precious Naruto-brat had bagged. And Kiba... well, he had a devilish look on his face as he constantly winked conspiratorially, showing Naruto a thumbs up.

Shit, Naruto groaned inwardly. Thank god Sasuke hasn't noticed them yet.

The raven, for his part, had noticed them, but chose instead to ignore the creepy people watching them. Noticing out of the corner of his eye the flushed look the blond took on when he saw them confirmed it was probably a good idea to keep his knowledge of them hidden.

Naruto turned his attention back to Sasuke, who was still looking out of the window. "So... you know, I have work to do. If you didn't come here for anything specific..."

"You gave me your card."

Naruto felt a duh moment coming on. Instead, he cleared his throat and said, "Yes, I did."

"You told me to come see you. So here I am. Seeing you."

Naruto gaped. A sudden thought crossed his mind as he recalled that morning when he gave the Uchiha his card. Wait... was that what he meant by "Maybe"? What the fuck! "So then... you... uh..." Naruto scratched his head.

Sasuke turned his gaze back to the blond, an amused smirk on his face as Naruto stumbled around with his words, trying to figure out what he was trying to say as his eyes blinked repeatedly in confusion. Finally those bright blue eyes turned back to Sasuke and he spoke. "So it wasn't a one-night stand?"

Sasuke blinked. "Hmm, I guess not."

Naruto's eyes widened. He didn't know what to say. Which was really saying something, since normally the blond didn't know when to shut up.

The Uchiha shifted in his seat and finally made a move to start up a conversation. "So what happened out there, when that..." He paused to keep himself from saying some really inappropriate things, "Man was... touching you... does that happen... often?" He didn't want to lose his temper so early into the conversation, so he was attempting to pick his words carefully. But still, there was no mistaking the withheld fury in his voice.

Naruto sighed and slouched in his chair. "Ugh, you have no idea."

Sasuke's eye twitched. "What?"

Suddenly Naruto wasn't so keen on this plan. Hell, had he ever been? To use the Uchiha to keep his ass from getting groped... Naruto looked at Sasuke and the anger tracing his features.

His blue eyes widened slightly as a thought struck him. He really really liked the raven haired man.

Naruto fidgeted. "Well... I mean, I'm more or less used to it," Naruto stuttered. "I've been told I have a fuckable ass since I started college. It's just the groping..." Naruto sighed and readjusted himself in his chair, the Uchiha's dark eyes still boring into him. "It's... a bit more recent. Not that it's... never happened before... but now... it's just been getting a bit... out of hand."

"And no one's tried to do anything to make them stop? Have you ever told them to stop? That you don't like it?"

"Of course!" Naruto shouted indignantly. "You think I like feeling their disgusting hands on me? It's infuriating."

"You should break their fingers."

Naruto huffed. "If I could, I would. But it mostly happens at work, and even on the train, there's only so many times you can get away with breaking someone's arm." A dark eyebrow rose as the Uchiha watched the pouting blond.

"And your boss? She can't do anything?"

"She's tried. Tsunade-baachan, when she first found out a couple of weeks ago, went out there and yelled for a good hour or so. And she was kinda drunk, so it scared the shit out of everyone for a good couple of days, but then it started happening again. No matter how many times she threatens maiming, the bastards don't get it."

Sasuke's eye twitched again.

"It's really annoying you know. Can't even get away from it for a little. They stare when I get off the elevator on my way to my office, when I go to the bathroom- you know, I can't even go to the bathroom without Kiba keeping an eye out for the perverts anymore? Do you have any idea how infuriating that is? It's like every chance they get, they stare, grope. And I can see the look in their eyes, like they would accept the slightest invitation to start humping away."

Those blue eyes had turned away from Sasuke, focusing on his clenched hands which rested on his desk.

There was silence for a few minutes. Not even the three still plastered to the door made a move, their eyes intend on the dark haired man, waiting for his next move. This was it. It all depended on him now.

Finally he spoke. "You've never... been with anyone... except me..." His voice was tight with restraint.

Naruto nodded.

"So does that mean... If it angers you so much to be touched, why... why were you willing..."

Naruto bit his lip. He wasn't expecting to be asked outright. His mind raced for an explanation. Would Sasuke accept the truth? Or should he lie? He could say the raven had just turned him on. That no one who groped him was his type, but the raven...

Blue eyes chanced a look up at serious dark eyes. Naruto gulped and then sighed. "When I saw you... I mean, I'm not a slut, by any means. I seriously wish I could castrate all of those perverts who look at me. But when... when we met... I... I really wanted..." He took a deep breath and continued. "I really wanted you to touch me." Naruto could feel another blush coming to his face.

Sasuke watched him carefully. He shifted slightly in his seat but didn't say anything.

Naruto rubbed his neck and continued. "And... well... I thought, wanting it is different that just, you know...just being groped all the time. And... and I thought, maybe... maybe if there was someone... if I had someone... maybe I wouldn't have to be so scared to come to work all the time." Naruto's voice had faded slightly. The three at the door leaned in closer.

Sasuke's dark eyes continued to watch the blond, waiting for him to say more. But the blond was silent, and instead turned away from Sasuke, his gaze focusing on something outside the window.

The raven fell into silent contemplation, musing over the words the blond had said, remembering the night they had shared. His face remained impassive, his dark eyes the only indication of his musing state as they rested absently on the blond who was no longer looking at him.

The three outside continued to watch, not daring to breathe, hoping everything worked out and that the blond moron hadn't screwed anything up.

Quite suddenly the raven stood. His action caught everyone off guard; the three still plastered to the door nearly fell over, and Naruto turned his blue eyes back to the obsidian-eyed man.

Sasuke strode over to Naruto's side and lifted him by his arm, then led him back toward the door, his coat still clenched in his hand, the others gaping and trying to hide before they were caught. Sasuke ignored them.

"Hey... uh... Sasuke, what... where are you taking meee..." Naruto whined as he was dragged to the door and pushed back out into the busy office. The blond chanced a glance at the raven, only to see his brow furrowed as his gaze scanned the people. The room gradually fell silent, until everyone had turned to look at the two men and three undignified people attempting to hide behind each other on the floor.

Once more Sasuke scanned the office, noting all the eyes either directed at himself (mostly women trying to catch his attention) or at Naruto (mostly men hoping for a chance to see his ass again). Sasuke growled and the whole room froze. He turned to Naruto and kissed him roughly, the blond flailing for a moment until Sasuke's tongue forced its way into his mouth and he froze, before giving in to the kiss and clasping onto the raven's shoulders tightly.

They kissed thus for a full minute until they were forced to part for air. As Naruto struggled to catch his breath, the Uchiha turned back to the stunned office and growled out one word. "Mine!"

Before Naruto could fully regain control of his dislocated senses, Sasuke was pulling him along again, glaring at any man along the way who still had the nerve to try to catch a glimpse of Naruto's ass, dark eyes promising a very messy death.

The Uchiha made no indication he would be pausing any time soon, so Naruto just let himself be dragged away, until quite suddenly, Naruto found himself being practically tossed through an open door. He staggered in as the heavy wooden door shut behind him, only stopping in his momentum when his leg crashed into a table. Slightly dizzy, he blinked and tried to scan the room to figure out exactly where the raven had taken him.

At last he seemed to get his bearings back and peered around, noticing that they were in a conference room that he had visited several times, mostly when Tsunade had something to yell at him about.

He looked at the Uchiha who had yet to move away from the door. He leaned against it, his arms crossed and a frown on his handsome face.

"Uh..." Naruto began, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Is there... uh... a reason you brought me here? 'Cause, you know, I still have work to do."

Sasuke finally took a step towards the blond, slowly closing the space between them as Naruto found himself pressed against the table's edge.

"S-Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

Those dark eyes were fixed on wide blue ones as the Uchiha moved forward, pinning the blond against the table, until at last he captured those stuttering lips. Naruto's eyes widened at the kiss before he let them slide closed, enjoying the feel of the raven's lips on his, that warm, wet tongue brushing against his bottom lip. So deeply immersed into the kiss, Naruto just barely noticed the sensation of being lifted onto the table, the Uchiha's hands on his waist as he hoisted him just enough so that now the blond was sitting on the cold, hard surface.

He shuddered at the chill feel, but his mind soon turned back to the tongue seeking entrance and opened his mouth, letting out a moan as that wet muscle crashed into his own. His arms reached out and clasped onto the man before him, bodies pressing close as Sasuke pulled him to the edge of the hard surface, the blond's legs coming to wrap around the raven's waist as their tongues meshed and Sasuke's hands traveled the hard surface of Naruto's body.

Those lips moved away from Naruto's mouth, traversing over his face and down to his neck, Naruto gasping for breath as he felt himself growing steadily harder. Sasuke's hands untucked his shirt and slipped his hands under, smoothing over the blond's skin, slowly making their way up his back and front up to pinch a hardening nipple. Naruto groaned at the sensation, tilting his head back further as Sasuke's mouth moved over the flesh of his neck, sucking and biting, leaving bruises for later, further proof that the blond was his. Sasuke's hands moved away from the blond's heated skin and began unbuttoning Naruto's shirt, pulling it off gruffly before pulling off his own so that their bare chests now rubbed at each other, Naruto's hands returning to clutch at firm, pale shoulders.

That mouth that was so good at tormenting Naruto's skin continued in its mission to mark as much of said tan skin as possible, Sasuke's tongue emerging occasionally to lick at the appearing bruises as his hands returned to Naruto's nipples, squeezing and rubbing. Naruto gulped and tried to reign in his throbbing arousal. Sasuke, however, seemed bent on encouraging any arousal, as he pulled back slightly and allowed one of his hands to disengage and moved to rub at Naruto's hardness through his pants. Naruto found himself panting, clutching even harder at Sasuke, sweat starting to bead on his forehead.

Sasuke at last moved to crushing his mouth back onto Naruto's already bruised lips. One hand placed itself on Naruto's hip while the other moved to unbutton the blond's pants, pulling them down as Naruto grasped onto Sasuke tightly as he was lifted from the table enough. He kicked off a shoe when they got in the way, letting his pants hang from one leg. Naruto nearly called out in shock as his naked behind came in contact with the still slightly cold table. But Sasuke's mouth was there again, cutting off anything he might have shouted.

A second later and Sasuke was grinding his hardness between Naruto's legs, up against his throbbing erection. Naruto groaned and panted harshly, trying to keep his vision from blurring at the sensations Sasuke so easily caused in his body. Giving up, he shut his eyes, letting his sense of feel take charge of his mind.

And so Sasuke took advantage of the panting blond and returned to kissing his neck and lower, his mouth coming to rest over a hard nipple and sucking roughly. Naruto gave up any attempts at stifling moans, holding them in took too much energy which could be put to use in other (better) ways, such as grinding against Sasuke's stomach, which was pressed firmly between the blond's legs.

Naruto panted as Sasuke's mouth continued to move lower. The raven suddenly pulled away from the blond's grip, kneeling on the ground, and before Naruto could gather his wits and question the event, Sasuke's mouth was firmly wrapped around Naruto's throbbing erection, causing a squeak of surprise and pleasure to escape the blond's mouth. Tanned hands found their way into dark locks of hair as Sasuke began to suck gently at the blond's hardened length, causing shivers to race through Naruto's body.

"Sa-Sasuke," Naruto panted as he pulled on that soft, dark hair, his hips losing control and fighting to thrust into that warm, wet mouth which so thoroughly engulfed his manhood. Sasuke's firm grip on his hips were in the way however, and Naruto resigned himself to clutching desperately to the hair in his hands and wrapping his legs more firmly around the raven as Sasuke's mouth continued to work at his throbbing member.

The blond gulped as he felt Sasuke swallow, taking him in further into his mouth, that wonderful tongue rubbing against all of his most sensitive areas. He let out a sharp cry as that tongue swiped at the slit at his tip, and he was so sure he was gong to come then and there. Sensing that, the raven removed his mouth from Naruto's erection, a trail of saliva coming away with his lips. Naruto stared with wide blue eyes at the incredibly sexy vision, and came hard.

Sasuke smirked and moved back to hover over the blond as those glazed blue eyes opened again after his release. Sasuke's hand found its way back onto Naruto's still half-hard member and quickly and effectively worked it back to life.

"You're," Naruto paused to gulp audibly, his voice slightly hoarse. "You're not going to let me get back to work today, are you," he panted.

That smirk widened, and the raven pulled himself closer to the blond, their lips nearly touching, but still just barely too far away, teasing. "No, I'm not," the Uchiha murmured, his voice low and husky.

Naruto was fully hard again just at the sound of that voice.

The raven paused momentarily and moved away from the blond, picking up his coat where it had fallen to the floor during their most recent activities. He searched the pockets quickly and pulled out a small tube, then returned to his place before the blond. One of Naruto's eyebrows rose questioningly. "Prepared?" he murmured.

The raven kissed him, chaste, but not entirely gently. "Of course," he whispered when he pulled away. "Did you think I would come only to look?"

Naruto swallowed hard. Really, if this man kept giving him those looks, if he kept talking like that, Naruto wouldn't ever be able to get rid of his erection, no matter how much he came (which would definitely be a lot, the way things were going).

The raven slowly opened the tube and squeezed some lubricant out onto his fingers. He rubbed those digits together calmly, almost lazily, as if he had all the time in the world and not a horny blond before him waiting for him to get on with it. He cocked his head at said blond, a sly, sexy look on his face as he stepped closer, one agonizingly leisurely step after another. Naruto gulped again at the teasing display.

Finally the Uchiha was before him again, one hand coated in the clear substance, the other still holding the small tube. His hand, the lubricated one, moved forward deliberately, blue eyes focused on its progress as it made its way to his entrance between his spread legs. Blue eyes shut as a finger finally, at last, probed his entrance, a moan escaping his slightly parted lips as he felt that cold, slick digit push inside. He reached out, grabbing hold onto the raven as another finger pushed in, scissoring inside, stretching him.

"S-Sasuke," Naruto gasped as those fingers moved inside of him, reminding him of the last time, not even a week ago, when this same man had first claimed him- the way he felt inside of him- and Naruto could barely contain the memories of the intense pleasure, anxious for that same pleasure to take hold of him again. Growing increasingly impatient at the measured pace, he lunged himself onto those fingers, causing those dark eyes to widen in surprise as the blond began to impale himself on those teasing digits. Sasuke smirked, putting in a third finger as the blond moaned as he continued to pierce himself with the Uchiha's slick fingers.

He watched, amused, his fingers moving, stretching the blond more as he moaned and thrust those fingers deeper. Naruto whimpered as the Uchiha suddenly pulled out before the blond could thrust forward again.

"Sasuke," the blond panted as he opened his glazed blue eyes and focused them on the raven haired man. It was Sasuke's turn to gulp audibly as those lust filled pools of blue fixed on him, and he tossed his slow actions aside, quickly unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them. He pulled them down rapidly freeing his painfully hard, throbbing member, pre-cum freely dripping

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