It was on Friday when Sasuke made his reappearance before Naruto.
Naruto was napping on the couch when he let himself in. He still had the key Sakura had given him the week prior, and he utilized it, as was, he figured, his right.
The room was dark as Sasuke removed his shoes by the door and padded his way to where the blond slept on, oblivious to his arrival. He had waited all week for the next chance to visit, and quite a week it had been.
After Tuesday, Itachi had made it his new mission to attempt all sorts of coercive tactics to discover more about Sasuke's new form of sexual entertainment. And, of course, as was his way, it was mostly to the purpose of aggravating his beloved little brother. Itachi loved to see Sasuke squirm. But, proving triumphant, hard though it may have been, Sasuke had managed to ignore him. No, he had decided, As much as possible, Naruto will be my little secret for the time being.
He smirked as he made his way closer to his blond and sat on the edge of the couch beside him and slowly began stroking his hair, running his long fingers between the soft golden strands. He next stroked the marked cheeks, brushing his fingers gently over soft lips before he finally gave in and leaned over, touching those lips with his own.
It was at that touch, though light, that Naruto began to stir and blue eyes slowly blinked open. At the proximity of his lover hovering over him, he instantly blushed, earning another kiss, though deeper this time.
When he pulled away, Naruto smiled up at him sleepily, and wrapped his arms around his neck, shifting on the couch to line up their bodies. Sasuke smirked and went in for another kiss.
But as his hand began to wander, Naruto suddenly gave a strange, and not very welcome reaction.
"Gyahh, let go!" was shouted in his ear just before he was roughly shoved off the couch to land hard on the floor.
"Tch, what the hell?"
Naruto looked away, his cheeks still flushed noticeably even in the dark and got up. He turned the light on before looking back at his glaring lover, who was now standing.
"Sorry," Naruto mumbled in apology. He still wasn't entirely able to get thoughts of that incident out of his mind.
Sasuke growled in annoyance and went back over to Naruto, wrapping his arms around him, skeptical that Naruto was going to shove him away again. Needless to say, he didn't like that.
But Naruto let him hold him, even let him kiss his lips gently, and then more deeply.
But as his hands wandered lower once more, he found himself once again shoved away, once more landing hard on his ass on the floor.
Dark eyes focused upward and glared with everything he had at his blond. Naruto, in the meantime, was struggling to keep from banging his head against the wall.
"What the hell, Uzumaki?" Sasuke growled. After his week with Itachi hovering over his shoulder, trying to annoy him into giving details on Naruto, he wanted to screw, and he wanted to screw now.
Thus, the whole pushing away was not acceptable.
"S-Sorry. I've had a... stressful week." Naruto blushed and turned away, heading toward the kitchen, trying to keep some distance between them. The kissing and holding had been nice, but damn! Those stupid images wouldn't stop! Definitely, definitely no sex any time soon.
"Yeah? Well, join the damn club." Sasuke made his way into the kitchen where Naruto was washing his hands, preparing to make dinner. "You're not the only one who's had the week from hell." He stood behind the blond and lowered his voice seductively, whispering in the blond's ear. "Now, I want you. Help me erase the terrors I've had to endure, and make me feel better inside your body."
Sasuke's arms wrapped around Naruto again, and the blond gulped. Damn, Sasuke was warm. And his voice was sooo hot...
Warm, wet lips brushed over his tan neck and his blue eyes slid closed as Sasuke began to suck gently. The pleasure was engulfing him, then...
Kakashi the Freak's voice rang in his ear... "There's a lot that makes Iruka horny, for instance, but he does seem to especially like to be licked in that spot just above that cute tuft of brown hair down there. Perhaps I should tell your boyfriend to try that on you...?"
Naruto squeaked and elbowed Sasuke roughly before scurrying away from his grip.
Sasuke groaned and leaned on the counter formerly occupied by his cute blond lover.
"Na-ru-to," Sasuke growled furiously.
"Sorry! Sorry! You don't know what horrors I've been through! I can't get that pervert's words out of my head!"
Sasuke frowned in the terrified blond's direction. "What?" he gasped.
"Yeah, yeah! You remember Iruka-sensei, right?" Naruto was nodding fervently, and Sasuke nodded himself. "Yeah, well, he got... got..." Naruto paused and gulped. "Well, you know... A lo- lo- lo..."
"Damnit, moron. Spit it out." Sasuke felt himself recovering and made his way to sit at the table, safe from Naruto's strange retaliations. Naruto watched him and, feeling the chairs were a safe distance from each other, sat down as well.
The blond took a deep breath and tried again as Sasuke rubbed his injured stomach. "A lover." Naruto paled.
Sasuke frowned and rested his arms on the wood table top. "So?"
"So?" Naruto squeaked. "The guy's a pervert!"
Sasuke was admittedly intrigued by the fact the lover was a "guy". This could work in his favor...
"Really, Sasuke! The entire time we had dinner, he kept talking about sex! He kept volunteering information about him and Iruka-sensei... doing... stuff... Sexual stuff. And he kept asking about us! Asking if you were any good in bed." A dark brow went up. "And... And... this is after I walked in on them... doing it. Like, out in the open and everything! I saw it all!" Naruto's head met the table top and he banged repeatedly. Sasuke frowned.
"Well..." Sasuke didn't know what to say.
"And, you know what? That's not even the end of it!" Sasuke's dark eyes stared at the blond.
"Yeah! The freak! They want us to have dinner with them! Like, the four of us! As in, like, a double date!"
A brow went up as the raven took in the presented information. Naruto continued to look distressed.
A double date, huh. With the father and lover of his own lover...
"Hmm," Sasuke spoke after a moment of contemplation. "How will it affect my relationship with you in his eyes?"
"If I say no, will he forbid me from ever seeing you, withhold giving permission, decide I'm not good enough or whatever excuse?"
"Uh, well..."
Sasuke sighed. "I guess I'll have to say yes then. I can't soil my chances getting on your father's good side."
"What? Why does that matter?"
"It's important for me. For us."
Naruto frowned. He really didn't want to do this. "Alright," he began, ready to pull out all the stops. There was no way he was going to a dinner with them. "Then you'll have to pay the consequences."
Sasuke glared. "What consequences?"
Naruto fixed blue eyes on black and replied, "Better get reacquainted with your hand. No sex for a week."
Sasuke's face fell. "What?" That was not a part of the plan.
"You heard me. You make me go, and you get no sex for a week. Final word." Naruto nodded supremely.
Sasuke's head fell in his hand. He thought it over a while. Naruto marveled at it all, really, the bastard was really, seriously considering this. He smiled a little.
Finally Sasuke took a deep breath and looked up. "Alright, no sex for a week."
It was Naruto's turn to gape. "You're seriously..."
"I told you, it's important for our future to get on your father's good side. I'm looking at the long term. If he starts liking me and allows me to date you freely because of this stupid double date thing, then it's worth the agony of the day itself."
Naruto couldn't help feeling a little flattered by it all, that Sasuke was willing to hold off his libido for the long term, for a better guarantee they could be together. But he pulled back. He didn't want to go. Really didn't want to go. "And what if, in the long term, I decide I'm pissed enough our relationship will be entirely no sex. What then, hmm?"
Sasuke looked a little put out by the idea, but he sighed and responded. "Idiot. Do you really think all I want you for is sex? If we can be together, even with no sex at all, it's fine. So long as it's you."
That was it. Naruto was completely, hopelessly in love with this guy. He melted, the smile that appeared on his face was soft and loving, and he nearly forgot about his traumatic experience. Okay, he decided, for that, he deserves sex.
And so he reached over and wrapped his arms around his raven haired lover and kissed him gently. Sasuke was no fool, he knew what was happening, and he let Naruto take control. Maybe he'd give him that lap dance now...
He smirked against his blond's soft lips. Naruto moaned, and Sasuke was very ready to get on with things. But then...
As the raven's pale hands moved lower, his thumbs slipping under the blond's pants just above his private area, the blond squeaked and chairs clattered as Sasuke was pushed back and the chair he was sitting on toppled on top of him. Hard wood flooring was now officially his least favorite surface.
Damn, how many times was he gonna hear that. He sighed as he lay on his back staring at the ceiling, the chair on top of him where a panting blond should be.
Naruto bit his lip as he stared at his dark haired lover. "Um..."
"Forget it. We won't do anything tonight. Not until you're ready again." Sasuke couldn't help but cuss in irritation in his head as he slowly stood up and righted the chair.
Naruto nodded and went back to preparing dinner.
As he took vegetables from the fridge, another thought struck him. "Hey, Sasuke," he called over his shoulder.
Sasuke was currently taking a seat on the couch, contemplating a sex-less weekend while being so close to the fuckable creature that was now off limits. "What," he grouched.
"Um, see, Kiba and Sakura-chan and I... we were thinking of going to some high-class party next week or something. I was just wondering if you were gonna go."
Sasuke frowned and looked at the blond now browning meat. "What? Why are you going? Are you talking about the Hyuuga's party?"
"The who? All I know is it's with the same people as the one where we met."
Sasuke sighed. Another day from hell this was turning out to be. First no sex and now Naruto makes it seem like he's just not good enough? "That's the Hyuuga's party. Why are you going?" he demanded. No way was he letting his blond go without a fight.
Naruto shrugged and added some cut vegetables into the meat. "I thought it would be fun. I was so stressed last time, I didn't get to really enjoy being at a high-class party. But now that I have someone, I thought maybe this time I could actually experience it. It'll be nice." He stirred the cooking food and glanced back at the man looking at him from the couch. Naruto smiled gently. "And I just thought, I'll bet it'd be even nicer if you were there too."
Sasuke actually smiled. Faint, but it was a smile. "I suppose," he replied, "I can make an appearance. If you'll be there."
Naruto grinned. "Yeah! And then, if I'm not so traumatized by then, we can escape to a room like last time!"
That, Sasuke definitely liked. "Sure, dobe."
"Bastard!" Naruto called back, then laughed.
Well, Sasuke mused as he leaned back on the couch, listening to the blond's laughter, I guess I can handle a lack of sex for a while. So long as it's him...
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