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I reached the bottom of the stairs, the other children were chatting among themselves, not one noticing me, until there was a slight nudge by my left arm, "sorry". A boy, which I could not see at all, strange? Everyone noticed the scene that happened and turned there heads, before one of them could talk Miss peregrine called for dinner causing all the little kids to rush into the dinning room, the much older kids walked calmly, as for me, I took my time taking in all my surroundings, it was an awfully big house, enough to explore.

I awkwardly entered into the dinning room examining for a spare seat, which was located by a red head girl with black leather gloves on, she had doll like features which made her look very innocent, I walked towards the chair and sat down.

I didn't notice all kinds of coloured eye staring right into my soul, I was too busy looking down at the floor. I didn't want to be here, I would much prefer my old home, not where there is a household full of strangers, I looked up staring back at the others. Miss peregrine seemed to noticed, "now children,it's not polite to stare". After she said that everyone started talking and asking pointless questions, one of the younger girls looked upon me and smiled, "what's your name?" I replied the smile, but I did not dare answer, could I even trust these people? A boy with bees surrounding him asked another question, "what's your peculiar?" I didn't know what was my peculiar, I just simply struggled my shoulders, "if you do not know your own peculiarity, or even if you are peculiar at all, then why are you here?" I annoyed looking boy answered rather rudely pointing his finger at me, and once again I replied with a strugg

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