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Sam ends up pulling away quickly "no! We can't you can't!" Sam says "yes we can!" "No Colbs I'm sorry but we can't" "yes we can I don't care what they say! Please Sam I love you!" "No you don't" "dammit! Sam I do!" "I needed to lose you to love me" Sam says "remember love my love for you never dies never fades" Colby says as he puts his forehead against Sams "Colbs-" Sam says looking up at him "my love for you is like a rose that never dies but only grows" Colby says "please I need you I love you and I do love you" Colby says "no you don't you only love Shea" "please you don't understand" "but I do you'll always choose her it's always been her" "no baby you don't get it, it's you it's always been you we'll be together soon love soon" "when is soon?" "What?" Colby says "you say soon on day 21, you say soon on day 205, you now say 326 when is soon!!" Sam screams bursting into tears "when it's not dangerous anymore" Colby trails off "when!" "I don't know" "on day 500 on day 600 on day 700 on day 800" Sam rambles "baby! Listen! To me please listen Samuel listen!" Colby growls making Sam flinch "you promised the world and I fell for, I put you first and your adored" "no baby I love you okay we can be together right now I don't care no more I really don't" Colby says "promise" Sam says "I promise baby you mean so much to me your my fucken world your the reason why I'm still breathing your the reason why I wanna wake up the next day but knowing that I hurt makes me not want to wake makes me feel like shit I am nothing without you and I need you so fucken much" Colby explains Sam nods letting out a sob cling onto him, Colby sniffles picking up the boy making Sam wrap around him "can we sleep" Sam ask "of course baby" Colby says as they get in Sams bed with Sam on top of Colby he pulls the blanket over them holding Sam tight, falling fast asleep the both of them.

Next day

Both couples where asleep until Sam woke up getting out of bed "Colbs get up" Sam whines "no" Colby groans turning around "c'mon please I wanna go eat" Sam whines "no" Colby grumbles making Sam giggle he gets in bed "if you wake up I'll give you a little knob" Sam whisper into Colbys ear making Colby shoot up from bed "okay!" Sam giggles having his head getting off the bed "wha-Sam!" Colby says "c'mon get dressed" Sam says "not until I get a blowjob" Colby says "if your listening and being good maybe just maybe I'll give you a blow" Sam says "you got it!" Colby smirks getting up starting to change as Sam is already ready.

"Where we going" Colby ask as they get into the car "uhh I was thinking ihop?" Sam says as he buckled himself up "I'm fine with that" Colby says as he starts the car driving off "so I was thinking alter today we can go out since we haven't been out in a while" Sam ask looking over at Colby "yeah sure I don't mind" Colby says glancing at Sam.


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