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told too

Sam wakes up the next morning frowning his eyebrows as he doesn't see Colby but then memories from last night flow back into his mind causing tears spilling out of his eyes he tries to get out of bed but pain shoots to his lower back causing him to cry more he lays back down trashing around in his bed frustrated at himself "Sam?" "Sammy?" "Come in" Sam mumbles, coming in is Devyn and Louis "hey why aren't you ready-" "wait what's wrong" Devyn says cutting of Louis "oh no what's wrong" "I should have known!" "I should have fucken know!!" Sam screams "woahh Sammy what's wrong what happened" Devyn ask "when we came back to my house from last night C-Colby and I-I-I had s-sex after we w-where done he l-left but before he did he told me some things that really h-hurt me" sam cries "Zayn is gonna kill him and I am too!" Louis says "can you guys just go please" Sam sniffles "but could you at least eat and take care of yourself please" Devyn begs "I don't know" Sam mumbles making her sigh "take care of yourself please" she whispers giving a friendly kiss to his forehead "call us if you need anything" Louis says kissing his forehead as well "yeah" Sam whisper they give him a sad smile leaving.


Both Louis and Devyn got to school they look for there group finding them by the tables "where's Colby" Harry ask "and Sam?" Zayn ask "Colby used Sam for sex!" Devyn says frustrated "what!" They all yell "yes Louis and I went over to Sams to pick him up but we saw him in bed crying telling us how Colby said some hurtful words to him" Devyn explains "speaking of the devil" Louis says
everyone looks over seeing Colby walking into the school with Shea, Zayn darken his eyes walking towards them "oh shit" Liam says as everyone rushing to Zayn "why the fook would you fooken do that!" Zayn yells before Colby can speak Zayn punches him "bro fuck off!" Colby yells pushing him back "no! Why the fuck would you do that to Sam!" Harry yells getting into it "we should have known, your never gonna change aren't you!" Niall says

-Play it

"Colby let's just go" they look over and see Shea as Colby puts an arm around her kissing her cheek "you! You don't speak" Devyn says "Z-Zaynie" everyone shoots there heads over and see Sam "Sam!" Everyone says but Colby and Shea they go over and hug him Sam looks over and see Colby and Shea talking and smiling making him sob "oh no no no" Zayn says "don't cry bubs" Niall says "S-Sam" Colby stutters Zayn goes to say something but gets cut off "is it true" Sam ask "are you dating her" he adds "don't start please" Colby says "she's beautiful, she looks kind" Sam says "I-" "she probably gives you butterflies, I hope your happy but not like how you where with me" Sam says cutting off Colby "just fucken leave" he says "I'm s-selfish I know I-I can't let y-you go" Sam stutters "just go! We where never a thing I just used you for fucken sex! Leave!" Colby growls making Sam burst into tears "I wish you all the best, really say you loved her baby just not like you loved me and think of me fondly when your hand are on her" Sam says "whatever" "I hope your happy...but don't be happier" Sam says whispering the last four words "your a fucken dick" Devyn says "like I care" Colby says rolling his eyes "let's go baby" he adds kissing her lips walking off with her making Sam sob "fuck you!" Sam screams running out of the school "Sam!" Everyone yells but Sam keeps running until he gets to his car getting into in starting it speeding off "I hate life!" Sam yells "fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you!!" He screams "I hate myself I wanna die!" "Fuck life" "why do I have to be alive" "no one needs me!!" He keeps screaming as he sobs "why the fuck would you do that" Devyn yells grabbing Colby turning him around the group next to her "leave Devyn" Colby says "no why would you do that he was fucken happy he was happy again you brought his colors out why! why! why! why!" Devyn screams sobbing hitting Colby "Dev Dev Dev!" Niall says grabbing her "relax baby" Niall whisper "no! I can't! Sams gonna kill himself he cuts!" Devyn sobs "w-what!" Colby stutters.


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