Chapter 33

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After purchasing the dress, we finally went home. I opened the door and was greeted by a kiss from Zach, "So how, though I'm really hungry" I whined

"I knew you were, dinners ready" he led me to the kitchen were people were already eating,

"Food!" I thanked him with a peck on the cheek and dug in my food.

After I was done eating, I decided to go to sleep since I was tired. I got into a night dress and lied down. I really didn't care what I'm wearing, I'm really tired.

Minutes later, I drifted off to sleep

Recap ended

Payton's P.O.V


It was a day before I will officially become 'Mrs. Knight'

Well to say I wasn't nervous, but I was excited!!

And from the past few days, my stomach grew a bit bigger, and yea!

Now Here I am sitting in our room, eating a box of chocolate while watching mean girls alone. -insert sad face-

You see, they had to separate Zach and I since the bride and groom are not allowed to see each other till the wedding day. At first, Zach was angry and almost choked the girls. Literally! But of course, I calmed him down.

I broke out of my thoughts when someone knocked, "Come in!" I screamed

Harper burst in crying, I immediately ran to her and comforted her, "Hun, what happened?" I rubbed her back

"M-my mate r-rejec-cted me!" She sobbed harder,

Anger built up inside of me, how could someone reject their own mate?! "Who is he?"

"His name is Chris and his in this pack" I led her to the couch and told her to sit there and wait for me, I was going to storm out, "No, pay! Don't hurt him, it's ok, I'm over it now"

"Already?" I asked surprise

"Yeah, he wasn't handsome anyway," she looked disgusted, "Anyway! OMG! Your wedding is tomorrow! You nervous?"

Gosh, this girl is going to be the death of me, seriously! "Okay" I calmed down, "I'm not nervous, I'm excited!"

She just squealed and hugged me, "Umm, careful with the tummy" I giggled

"Oh right, sorry" she sheepishly smiled

Suddenly, someone bursts in, "Umm, Harper I need you now!" Kayla pulled Harper away, "Sorry pay! I need Harper for a minute, thanks!"

She ran out and closed the door, I sighed, I'm tired

'Already?' My wolf giggled

'Dont question a pregnant lady!' I smiled

I lied down the bed and drifted off to sleep.


"Do you Ms. Payton, take Zach as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked

"I do" I smiled

"Now do you Mr. Zach, take Payton as your lawfully wedded wife?"

He didn't answer. I looked at him and he was looking down at me like I was a piece of trash, "I'm sorry, I can't do this" he ran leaving me standing alone

Everything started to disappear, "No no no no!" I screamed

~Dream ended~

"Payton!" Someone was shaking me, I opened my eyes to see Harper and Kayla, "Payton, are you alright Hun?"

I was sweating, panting, oh. "Ye I'm alright, I just had a bad dream" I smiled

My mom came in with water, oh thank goodness! I grabbed the water from her hand and drank it.

"I'm better now girls," I smiled

They nodded, "Now get some sleep, we can't have an ugly bride tomorrow now do we?" Harper said

I shook my head, signaling a 'no'

"Good now sleep" she smiled and ran out

I sighed and lied back down and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up with someone shaking me violently, I opened my eyes to see a really creepy Harper smile above me which made me scream and push her off the bed, thud!

"Ouch, Payton! It's just me Harper" she stood up rubbing her head

I giggled, "Then don't wake me up like that" I stood up

Kayla burst in, "Ok bride-to-be, time to get ready, first you shower then you come out wearing your robe, then we do your makeup and hair, and then you wear your dress then you get ready in the garden entrance" she breathed out

"Wow, glad to know you could still breathe" I chuckled

She just huffed and pushed me towards the bathing area, "Hush and take a shower" she pushed me in and closed the door. Dang, she can be bossy.

I took of my shirt and looked at the mirror and rubbed my stomach and smiled at the mirror.

I took of the rest and went in the shower and bathed. After bathing, I put in my robe and went in my room, to see Kayla and Harper getting the stuff ready in my vanity table, "Good, your done now sit" Kayla ordered and Harp giggled

"I'm not a dog, you know" I sang

"I know, now sit" I giggled of how stubborn she is

I sat down and they did their magic.

My butt is now numb because I was sitting on the vanity chair for at least 2 hours! But when I looked at the mirror, it was worth it. ( pic on the side 👆)

When suddenly someone bursted in, "Payton, bad news!"


So you know what to do, now do it!

-RGH 😁

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