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That incident only spewed more flirtatious glances from Donghyuck towards you from that day on, and even though you still were trying to get used to it, you sometimes fired back with pick-up lines that were probably as cheesy but worked a good deal on Donghyuck.

And before you know it, Renjun being your source of sadness had long been forgotten. You had gotten over him. And you were going to tell him on the day of the party, you were gonna come out clean with the confession that you used to like him, but not anymore.

That should be it, right? Sounds pretty easy.

Well, the thing is, that's the opposite of what it was because, in reality, you were still a stuttering mess in front of Donghyuck every time the two of you rehearsed what you were going to say to Renjun. It was embarrassing because this was your best friend, someone who's practically seen you through your downs and ups and you were still nervous, it was a bit corny.

"C'mon, this isn't even that long of a message," Donghyuck rolled his eyes towards you as he watched you fail for the 5th time in a row. It's the day of the party and the house is decorated and it's just before the two of you get ready. The party was starting in 2 hours and you were freaking out.

"This is Renjun we're talking about, Donghyuck. Huang Renjun, a guy I used to like." You state bluntly as you scratch your head as if that will serve you more concentration. "Isn't there a way you can be there in the conversation too? You could help me out when I'm lacking..." You offer, a small smile appearing on your face before Donghyuck flat-out rejects you.

"Absolutely not. This is concerning only you and Renjun. Me being in the conversation will be so unnecessary. Plus, you need to make it seem sincere, if I'm just there lazing around, it'll probably bring the mood down." He reasoned with you as he shrugged towards the end of his sentence.

You sighed, you know he's right. But you wish you could get some moral support while you face your past crush slash best friend whom you decided to ghost for no good apparent reason. Well, good reason according to you, but not so good reason according to others.

It's been about an hour since you've asked Donghyuck to help you and you still haven't made any progress. Wonderful. If there's one thing you regret right now, it's probably the fact that you even agreed to this stupid party because people were starting to fill the room.

And you have nothing planned.

You can do this freestyled, right? Renjun's not going to suspect a thing so why be so nervous? Even if he does know, what's the worst that could happen? (Although in the back of your mind, you could list a number of things that could go wrong, like him not wanting to be your friend anymore, or him being weirded about you liking him- you get the point.)

But you know Renjun's not like that so you eventually let go of your initial anxiety about facing him when you realise this is your best friend you and Donghyuck are talking about. Someone you've known since you were 13 years old. You shouldn't be scared of him, moreover, be so embarrassed about a simple crush. It's a normal thing.

Yet somehow as the sentence rang in your head, it felt rather wrong. The concept of Renjun being your crush somehow diminishes as you picture Donghyuck instead. Your cheeks heating up, you press your hand to your face and feel a sudden wave of embarrassment all over again.

Wow, are you really falling for that asshole right now?

What are you going to tell him? Oh yeah, I did like your best friend, but now I like you! Bad idea. You don't even think Donghyuck's about to take you seriously and, even if he does, you doubt he reciprocates the same feelings for you.

Shaking your head, you try not to think of it, this wasn't about him. You look around your surroundings and notice that your living room is packed with college students all holding onto their red solo cups, dancing around, and having a good time. Some eating and hogging the food tray, and some already chugging down the alcohol, you're not even surprised.

You spot Jaemin in the crowd and gather the courage to walk up to him. Smiling a bit, you wave to your classmate as he waves back at you, pleasantly surprised by the fact that you and Donghyuck were holding a party, no less one that has alcohol.

"Why hello m'lady," Jaemin laughs as he hugs you, patting your shoulder as he pulls back with a grin. You grin back at him and let out a chuckle, "Hello Jaemin, I'm glad you could come!" You say enthusiastically as you eye him up and down, "You look good too." You add, winking a bit at the end of the sentence.

Brushing off your comment, Jaemin rolled his eyes and shrugged, "First time I've seen you hold a party, there's no way I'd miss it. Plus, this is really cool." He said, eyeing the place as he gave a satisfactory hum followed by a nod as he drank from his almost empty red solo cup.

Scratching your neck sheepishly, you agree with what he says. You're not a huge fan of huge gatherings or just alcohol in general so it comes as a surprise to Jaemin when you announced that you would be holding a party this weekend. He thought it was cool you were stepping out of your boundaries though, he could appreciate your efforts.

"Listen, about Renjun..." You begin slowly as you look down at your shoes, clearing your throat as Jaemin nods understandingly and puts his hand on your shoulder to make you look at him.

"I already know," He laughs, pulling back his hand as he points over to Renjun somewhere in the crowd, Sieun under his protective shoulder. Smiling lightly at both of them, you feel a bit less pressured to tell Renjun about your little predicaments now that you've gotten over him. Sure, it was a little bit childish of you to pull such a move, but you haven't ever dated a guy before. You don't even know the first thing about dating, or even love.

You glance back at Jaemin and thank him for his wonderful services and tell me him to enjoy the party as you make your way towards Renjun and Sieun, a bit nervous as you get nearer to them, and nearly out of breath when you're finally in front of the pair.

Renjun noticed your presence and looked up at you with a questioning eyebrow as if to say, 'You finally gonna tell me?' as you let out a nervous laugh. Your eyes dart towards Sieun as she smiles brightly at you, surprised at your presence since you and her haven't really met each other before.

"Y/N right? It's a pleasure to meet you!" Sieun voiced out as she shook hands with you, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she grinned down at Renjun, "I can't believe I'm finally meeting her." She said quietly as Renjun sighed a bit, scratching his head in disbelief, "Can't fathom the fact you would ever want to meet this mess of a person." He lightly joked as he glanced up at you and offered you a smile that you hadn't seen in weeks.

Laughing a bit, you reciprocate the excitement, "It's a pleasure finally meeting you too, Sieun. Renjun here has been gatekeeping you for quite a while," You complained as you shot him a glare. Sieun burst out in laughter as she lightly punched her boyfriend, "Hey, how could you? I thought I could trust you to introduce me to her," She pouts as Renjun is conflicted with either flaming you for saying he was a gatekeeper of his girlfriend or comforting said, girlfriend.

Nothing comes out of his mouth as he gives you a disappointed glare that you don't miss. And that's when you remember what you really came here for. A nervous laugh comes out of your mouth as you start fiddling with your hands again because his girlfriend was right there, she was there laughing with him and you weren't about to ruin the mood.

"Sieun, I'm gonna go grab a drink with her, I'll be right back, honey," Renjun said as he got up from his seat, Sieun shooting him a grin with a thumbs up as she headed back to her friend, Sumin as they laugh about something incredibly silly.

You follow Renjun around until the both of you stop at the drinks sections, picking out a red solo cup for you and him, he tosses it to you and leans against a wall, looking at the very interesting cup as he finally addresses the elephant in the room. "So, I expect you're here to explain everything?" He begins lowly.

You groan a little on the inside because it already seemed like Renjun wasn't taking this well. I mean, of course, you knew he wasn't because he practically was stuck to you by the hip as best friends when you decided to disappear on him without an explanation. You feel like an asshole, and to be fair, you are one.

You clear your throat as you fill your cup with a drink and chug it, Renjun's eyebrows raise in amusement as he observes you drink your first cup of alcohol. If you were about to embarrass yourself, you'd rather not remember it.

Slamming the cup on the table, you look at Renjun as he stares at you with expectant eyes. "I have an explanation," You begin as he nods his head, urging you to continue. His arms were still crossed and the leather jacket that he wore, stuck to him like a second skin, folding at his elbows

"I liked you."

And at that moment, the cat was out of the bag. The secret was told and you couldn't take it anymore as you filled yourself another drink and chugged it again. You were so embarrassed, that you couldn't even face Renjun, you were looking down at your shoes and you were about to start crying. You are such a loser, your own best friend won't be able to look at you the same way ever again.

You sniffled a bit as you coughed, your nose was starting to run and you still needed to explain, "I thought the best way to avoid my feelings for you was to avoid you as a whole," You said, your voice wavering a bit as you sighed, feeling a little bit better for confessing but still feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders at the same time.

Renjun couldn't believe his ears. He really couldn't because his best friend, whom he'd known for god knows how long, was afraid he would judge her for liking him. Now, Renjun's been accused of many things but being regarded as someone who's not understanding did the job. He was sad, maybe he didn't prove that he could be there for you through thick and thin. And well, he was speechless.

"Look at me,"

You were too scared to as you continued looking at the ground, you continued rambling, "I know you have a girlfriend and I want you to know that I don't like you anymore because I actually like Donghyuck- wait, uhm no- you weren't supposed to know that, fuck- sorry- god, anyway I liked you and I know I was dumb but please don't leave me-"

"Shut up, will you?" Renjun laughed at your figure rambling on, and on. He couldn't care less whether you still liked him or not, or about the fact that you liked Donghyuck, admittedly thankful that his blind date got somewhere, but he still didn't care. He just wanted you to keep quiet now that he understood what your view was.

"Listen, I'll tell you this, I do love my girlfriend very much, and I'll tell you for one that I never had feelings for you, but I want you to know that I'm always here for you. Through thick and thin, I've always been there for you, and you've always been there for me as well. I'm not going anywhere so you should tell me whenever you feel burdened." Renjun said as he smiled a little, opening his arms as he got closer to you.

"A hug for a welcomed reunion?" He suggested as he grinned at you, the tears in your eyes prickling at your skin because you were so glad that Renjun still wanted to be your friend. You never knew why you were so scared of his judgement in the first place as you sobbed like a baby and hugged him like you hadn't seen him for 2 months.

Renjun lets you sob your heart out for a while as he pats your back understandingly, swaying your body back and forth as you sniffle into his jacket and your crying eventually comes to a stop.

"Now, what was it that you said? You like Donghyuck?" Renjun teased as you felt your body freeze right at that moment, stuttering you replied, "I- I thought you wouldn't catch on to that-" You pulled away from the hug as you bit your lip in embarrassment.

Smirking, he pulled you by the wrist and called out for his dear friend. Panicking, you clawed at his jacket, shouting at him, "Renjun, what do you think you're doing- You're out of your mind!" You ramble as you tried your best to get away from Donghyuck.

"Trust me," Renjun says simply as he sees his friend right around the corner, becking him to come towards you and him as Renjun turns to you, "You will confess to him right now, and if you don't I'll block your number for 2 weeks," He says menacingly as he holds your shoulders, looking at your eyes for confirmation as you simply blinked.

"That's cruel!" You wept, "At least make it one-"

"No can do, now go!" Renjun pushed you towards Donghyuck as he ran towards the other side of the room to find comfort in his girlfriend's arms again. He loved his best friend sure, but he loved his girlfriend in a different way that just propelled him to be with her 24/7.

Donghyuck notices you standing awkwardly in the crowd, noting that Renjun has left. He turned to you with a grin as he studied your features, "Told you it wasn't going to be so bad," He joked, nudging you as you laughed at him, "Yeah I guess you're right..." You said absent-mindedly as you stared at Donghyuck for a good minute.

He blinked at you, was there something on his face? Did he look bad? What was it that made you stare at him? "So uh, what did Renjun call me here for?" He looked away from you as a light blush painted his cheeks, clearing his throat as he told himself to stay focused.

Regaining your thought process, you refocus your eyes on Donghyuck as you stare at his red cup filled with water, your heart softens at the fact that he refuses to drink alcohol because he knows you despise the smell or the taste of it.

You grab the little bag you carry around with you as you dig into your pockets with confidence because, for the first time, you weren't worried about what Donghyuck thought of you. You knew he'd welcome you as you are and you were going to take his response like an adult that you are. If he doesn't like you back, big deal. Suck it up, you're 18.

You bring out Donghyuck's favourite flavoured Pop tart, Frosted Rasberry Pop tarts and hand it over to him with a smile that you manage to muster within the little time you had searching for the sweet that he adored.

Donghyuck took it gratefully but he looked at you with confusion. Eyebrows furrowed and his pink plush lips puckered up as he looked at you weirdly, "You bought me my favourite pop tart, that's amazing, but where's the catch?"

"The catch is you're going to go out on a date with me." You say confidently as you bring your hand to his and cross your pinkies with his, his figure in a state of shock as you giggle a little and press a little kiss on his hand.

The apparent blush on Donghyuck's face causes you to laugh as you give him a hug, your lips pulling into a smile as you look at him with fondness in your eyes. You laugh at yourself, but also him because he is already kissing you with the same redness.

The feeling of his plush, soft lips on yours felt like heaven as you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss as you could feel the rhythm between the two of you pace slowly, sensually and lovingly. You grin into the kiss and the both of you eventually pull back, Donghyuck sporting a sheepish smile while you grin up at him.

This was such a change-up, you were usually the one being flustered, now look at you all confident, Donghyuck silently thought to himself as he cleared his throat, "I will humbly like to accept your very amazing clause," He replied as he laughed at the situation.

You couldn't help but laugh along because you can't believe you just asked out Donghyuck to a date using a Pop Tart but you know what? That's what makes your relationship so special.

You may have thought you would never see Donghyuck in this light, but how wrong you were. You saw more than what met the eye and you're so grateful to him for letting you so who he truly was. From the times he was there to help you out, to the stupid little jokes and pranks, he would pull to make your day at least a little better.

Some may find it weird how your relationship developed but honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way. 



(A/N) : I've been putting off writing this for so long and I'm so glad I've come around to finally completing it! I know it's pretty short and this is supposed to originally be a one-shot for my Tumblr page but I thought, why not upload it here on Wattpad too? Either way, writing this was so fun and I hope you guys had an equally fun time reading this as well :D This has been it for 'Pop Tarts' I will see you in my next book :)



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