"Wake up you two. You got school!" Dally said shaking us.
We both hoped out of bed. I look over at the clock, it was 5:30, he woke us up earlier than usual. "Why'd you wake us up so early?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"So you can take Johnny home to get a change of clothes. Be back so I can take you to school." He says slipping into the shower.
"No, it's fine I'll get ready at the Curtis' and Soda will take us." I say slipping my shoes on.
"Alright!" Dally yells from the shower.
"You look like shit, did you sleep okay?" I ask Johnny.
"Just a few nightmares, that's it." he says rubbing his eyes.
"Johnnycake, you can talk to me." I say grabbing his hand.
"Yeah, I know." he says as we walk into the Curtis'.
"Soda? Can you give us a ride?" I ask.
"Not today, sorry." he replies.
"It's alright, just don't tell Dally we walked." I say walking upstairs.
I go into Ponyboy and Sodapop's room. "I'm changing!" I said to Pony who was still asleep.
I slip out of my clothes. "What a view in the morning." Pony says sitting up.
I walk over to him and hit him with the pillow. "I told you I was changing." I said continuing to hit him.
"Cut it out!" he says with a chuckle.
I smile and put on a pair of ripped blue jeans, a white T that was a little baggy, my black leather jacket, and my black combat boots. My clothes were usually baggy if Dally didn't steal them. If he didn't steal them that meant they were hand me downs from Ponyboy or Johnny.
"I'm using your teeth brush." I say walking out of his room to the bathroom.
"Okay!" he yells.
Me and Ponyboy share everything. We practically have the same saliva. It doesn't really bother us when we share toothbrushes, deodorant, food, stuff like that. We could lick each other's tongues and it wouldn't matter.
I walk downstairs, putting my hair in a tight but somehow messy ponytail. I might now be the best hairstylist but my hair is the most precious thing to me. I've been growing it out for almost four years. My wavy, brown, with natural orangish-light brown highlights, might be the only thing going for me. Steve sure does like it.
When I get downstairs, no ones there. Not even Johnny. I don't really worry about though. I figured they went to work, or Johnny went to get ready. I walk outside to smoke a cancer stick when suddenly a hand grabbed. I quickly pulled out my switch blade and put it to the person's neck, but quickly realized it was Steve. "What the hell, that isn't funny. I could've hurt you!" I said pushing him into the wall.
Sodapop whistles, "Got you one special girl, Steve." he says with a smile.
"I'm not his girl." I say walking off the porch and lighting the cigarette.
"Let me get one, doll face." Steve says.
"Here." I say taking the one I lit out of my mouth and giving it to him.
"Didn't really want it anyways. Tell Pony to meet me at lost puppy's place." I say walking down the street.
"Lost puppy" was another unique nickname we had for Johnny.
Me, Pony, and Johnny start walking to school. "So, how'd you two sleep?" I ask trying to break the silence.
"Fine." they both side.
It went silent again. "You two feel like going to movie's this weekend?" Ponyboy asks.
"Sure." Johnny says.
They both look over at me. "Uh... not really." I say.
"I promise I won't give my jacket to another a Soc." Pony says.
"You better not." I say speeding up a little bit.
They didn't try to catch up. They knew I needed space. I walk into class. Me and Johnny had all our classes together, that's how got so close. Me and Johnny were only a year older than Pony. We saw him around school sometimes. We had the same lunch schedule though. Everyday, 11:30, library. That was probably my favorite thing about school. Pony and Johnny kept my sane. Without them, I'd probably fight every Soc I see. Me, Pony, and Johnny are like our own little gang in the gang. We do everything together, you won't see me hanging with gang unless it's either with Johnny, Pony, or both.
The first three periods seemed to go by fast. We met Pony in the library like we do everyday. There was still some tension about the whole movie deal. "C'mon Grace, you know we ain't going to that movie without you." Johnny says nudging me.
I felt sick at the thought of what happened last time at the theatre. How Cherry was flirting with Pony, how he gave her his jacket, how they just let me leave alone. I couldn't even eat my food, I just stared at it. I get sicker as I saw someone walking towards. Fucking Cherry.
"Hi, Ponyboy. Johnny, cola girl..." she said giving me a disgusted look.
"It's Grace, Sherry." I said.
"It's Cherry, Gracie." she replied.
I stood up to her reaching into my back pocket. Johnny looked at me, he knew exactly what I was reaching for. He pulled me back into my seat. "Dirty greaser." Cherry muttered.
"D-did you need something? Or did you want to see how much you could mess with Grace?" Johnny asked.
"Actually, I did need something. Ponyboy, I wanted to know if you want to go out with me, tonight." she said.
I chocked on my water. Pony and Cherry looked at me. Johnny just pulled my into his chest, to keep my from being more embarrassed. Before he could answer I grabbed my tray and left. This time, Johnny followed after me.
"Grace, you okay?" he asked walking behind me.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be okay?" I asked.
"Because I know you like Ponyboy." he stated.
I quickly turn around. "I do not. I have Steve. If he wants to go out with a Soc that's just going to play him then that's on him!" I say beginning to walk again.
We walk into the cafeteria and I dump out my tray. Johnny does the same but saves his apple. "Here." he says handing me the apple.
"Trash it." I say walking out.
He grabs my arm. "You haven't eaten anything today, so eat." he says.
"Thank you for worrying about me but I'm fine. We have to get to history I class." I say gently pulling my arm back.
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