Sacrifices part 1
"Fuck!" Devlin exclaimed as he slammed the receiver down on the bedside table startling his petite blond wife from her slumber.
He slumped forward letting his bare feet touch the cold floor. He rubbed his temples aggressively as contemplated what all this meant for him, his personal and professional relations and his business.
Sabini had called a meeting, now of all times, and he just found out Arthur and Michael were in prison.
"You okay?" Winter's melodic voice wafted over him giving him a shot of temporary calm. She draped her warm sleepy body over his shoulder. He turned his face slightly and kissed her head gently.
"Go to sleep baby, I have to go to work." He grumbled and gently pried her off.
"Dev, it's midnight. Did something happen?" She asked, gaining more alertness. He sighed. He really didn't want to worry her.
"Sabini called a mandatory London meeting. I'll see you in the morning, Winter, get some rest." Devlin stood not bothering to look back at her. He knew she looked worried. He was but he knew what had happened.
He turned suddenly.
"Winn, if my mum calls, don't call back. Let the maids take down messages okay?"
"Dev, what's going on?"
"Michael is in jail, just let it go okay, I have to get dressed." He walked away to her soft protests as she tried to follow him and ask questions. He really didn't want this part of his job and life to touch her. He was grateful the water in the sink drowned out her chatter. He wasn't in the mood right now. It was only going to get more tedious when he met at the eden club.
Sabini would be smug, Alfie would be himself and who knew what Changretta would be like. He already knew he would be silent and pissy.
He sat at the table with Changretta grateful to be several feet from Sabini and Solomons. Both of which seemed gleeful that their plans had worked.
Neither Devlin nor Vincente Changretta seemed fond of the plans and traps they had laid.
" Tommy doesn't know you meet with Solomons and Sabini, right?" Devlin was now facing Vincente. They'd moved the obnoxiously massive floral arrangement to the side allowing for some floral coverage while they quietly talked among themselves.
"No, not to my knowledge. Does he know you meet with Solomons and Sabini?" Vincente raised an eyebrow when Devlin sighed.
"My mother is a Gray, remember, I'm sure when I get home I'll have a hysterical woman at my doorstep trying to assault me with her shoe." He rolled his eyes as Changretta chuckled.
" I'm going to have to answer this." Devlin tapped the table and rubbed his eyes. He was exhausted already.
Alfie had sacrificed a goat and gotten Arthur and Michael thrown in jail. The details were really getting to be too much, both Sabini and Solomons were overly dramatic in their power displays. Devlin and Changretta just killed, no need for a flair for the dramatic.
No enemies to come back and seek revenge. It was just done in cold blood but it was done.
"Watch your back, I've heard whisperings about your alliances and intentions." Changretta nodded and the younger man pushed back his chair signalling that he was abruptly leaving. Devlin nodded at the elder man and mentor.
Shit was all too real now but he already knew what side he had picked. He wasn't up for sharing that yet.
Devlin walked into the white and gold trimmed living room and flopped down on his wife's lap, uncaring about the newspaper he'd just mangled and crushed.
His head was pounding and his blood was boiling. It was now ten in the morning, no doubt Winter had eaten by now. He needed food, sleep and a fuck.
Long fingers entwined into his dark hair slowly tracing tingling circles unto his scalp. He sighed at her touch. She was truly the only thing that kept him sane, she was a good woman.
"You wanna talk about it?" She asked rapidly. They both knew the answer.
He opened his eyes and looked up at her. Her heart shaped face and naked pink cupid's bow lips made her look so sweet and innocent.
He smirked knowing the whores moans that lay underneath her sweet looks.
"Men don't talk." They sang together. They both knew what he'd say. His answer was always the same. They chuckled, hers laughing more dry than his.
"If you did, you might not be so angry, Devlin." She softly suggested as she bent forward to kiss his nose. He hated when she did that. A habit that she'd had since they were kids in the orphanage.
"Winter." The warning was deep and harsh. He glared at her. He wasn't going to change. She sighed out loud but seemed like she was giving up. Good, he wasn't in the mood. Talking would just make him angrier.
"You mom called eighteen times. I'm glad you are alive, I'd only know if the cops came to tell me, we unplugged the phone." Her tone was soft but he could hear the tiredness seeping into her usually bubbly and excited voice. He doubted she slept after he left.
"Yeah, I'm surprised she isn't here trying to slap me around." He mused and slammed his palm on his hip. He was getting restless.
Winter laughed until she noticed Dev's startled expression. He had been serious. His mother would hit him if angry.
"Sorry, I didn't know she...." Winter's words faltered and she closed her mouth.
Devlin twisted his body and arched up slightly to look at her. She was upset now. Great.
"Get up and lock the door, I need to let out my frustrations on your hips and neck." His command was firm and even. She smirked at him but to his surprise obeyed without lip. He loved when she did as she was told.
"Good thing I don't have dance practice anytime soon." He'd stood near the couch. Snapping his fingers he pointed to the couch. He was going to take her there, at least for the first time. Round two hadn't been selected for a wild destination yet.
"You don't need to walk anywhere today baby girl, I'll bring you food." He winked devilishly at her as he laid down on top of her and devoured her whole.
Sorry I'm still dealing with a sickness* Comment and I'll respond
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