Polly gets more information on Grace then she bargained for/ Devlin wants to fight
Intel and Intrigue
Polly fidgeted nervously in the booth playing with her skirt or her lit cigarette. London certainly was far more fancy than Birmingham. She didn't hate it, she just knew that if David wanted to meet then he had news for her. That's why she kept flicking her cigarette ashes into the tray, not bothering to take a hit and soothe her nerves.
She'd asked David to use his connections and find any information he could about grace and her living in Galloway. She knew that part was true, Grace spoke well and stood like a posh girl.
Polly had not decided if she was going to tell Tommy she was looking into Grace or even if she'd tell him any interesting information. She knew Tommy was falling hard and fast for the barmaid. He'd probably just make excuses for her.
She smiled and let out a sigh of relief when her fedora topped son walked into the pub with his hat tipped down. He had his fathers swagger, she'd recognize that walk anywhere. Devlin walked more like his cousins, Big and confident like they were trying to take up as much space as possible.
David knew he owned the room. He tipped his hat to her making her laugh and he hung it on the peg before sitting down and smacking a huge file on the table.
Polly blinked looking at the size of the manila folder. It honestly had to be two inches thick with papers.
"When I ask a favor, you deliver." She said, worried now about opening the information. What in the world was she about to discover?
"And I deliver quickly." He laughed and wink at his mother earning him a swat from across the table. David waved over the waiter.
"Whiskey on the rocks, thanks." He looked at his mum. She shook her head at both him and the waiter. That's not why she was here.
He raised his eyebrows at his mum. "Dig in, it's interesting." He quipped.
"That's what I'm afraid of luv." She was if she were telling the truth. This wasn't at all what she expected. Just a few pages. This was a book. Polly opened it and gasped. It was Grace's whole life with pictures spread out for her viewing.
"I didn't need her school records David." She gasped. Grace was a phenomenal student and smart girl. That was one of Polly's concerns, Grace's intelligence.
"They live in a very nice 3 level manor...*coughs* castle." Polly smiled, catching his joke. It was a massive and beautiful spiraling building. She'd lived like a princess, so why live in an apartment in Birmingham?
The waiter came back and Polly closed the file over her hand hiding the information. She didn't need to expose Grace, not yet at any rate.
"Thank you, can you start a tab." David's deep voice dipped lower due to the whiskey. Just like his dad.
"A tab, how long are we going to be here?" Polly asked, astonished. She hadn't been planning on being gone all day. Didn't the boys understand that she wasn't as comfortable as they were financially?
"I have to get those back tonight mum, I didn't figure you were bringing them back with you anyway because of tommy." He smirked. He'd thought it all through. They got their smarts from her, that she knew.
"Smart man." Polly combed through the files, finding so much interesting. David had brought blank papers with him and a pencil so she could take notes. She was grateful for him thinking ahead. There was way too much here to cover on her own.
Devlin stood on the docks waiting for his shipment. His last two had been stolen by his cousins of all people. He needed to get these loaded and stocked in his vehicle as soon as possible and delivered to Sabini.
He hadn't told his mum that the peaky blinders were stealing his gin and whiskey.
It felt like tattling to him and he wasn't a little bitch like David. He could handle his own problems.
Devlin had brought several of his and Solomon's men in case there was trouble.
God, he hoped there would be.....
Winter had scared the shit out of him bursting through the door last night. He'd been in the foyer pulling off his muddy boots from his "job" last night.
She'd flung it open and yelled. He'd pulled a gun on her.
He'd never felt so bad about scaring someone in his entire life, he still felt awful truthfully.
Her large eyes looked like a hunted deer, terrified and knowing they were facing death. He of course had never meant to threaten her. She was an inch from his revolver barrel and it was cocked. He was glad he had the reflexes to stop himself.
After sex it had led to an interesting conversation on what he actually did for work, partially legal and the jobs that weren't.
She had covered her ears not wanting to do anything more. That was also bothering him. Could she still love him or would she think too much on her tour and find a nice guy she'd rather be with?
He moved as the boat whistled and slowed. He and five men moved forward.
Tommy and the gang must be back in Birmingham because nothing had been touched.
He was slightly disappointed he didn't get to hit anyone, the night was still young however.
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