Chapter 3
Hearth and Home
"How was the tea?" Her melodic voice wafted between his ears soothing his headache.
He was reclined on the settee near the fireplace, his head on her lap. He had tossed her crochet across the room which had earned him a swift smack upside the head. He didn't care. Her lap was his spot. When he was home she knew better than to ignore him. He was like a cat in that sense, he would take to her lap and face demanding attention no matter what important task she was working on. She played with his hair and she listened to the details of the day which she assured him would be far more interesting than hers. He doubted it.
He sighed audibly, adding to her amusement. He was only himself around her, he could smile, relax and joke....only for her. It had been like that since the orphanage. She had declared that they would be friends on the first night. He knew eventually he'd surrender to her annoying need to be friends. She said it more as a confident statement then asking him to be friends, there was no option. She also slept with him almost every night since that first day they'd met. He had been twelve so it was innocent until he left the orphanage and she'd hit eighteen. He'd taken her out then right to the court house and married her that day. There would never be anyone else for him.
"It went that well huh?" She giggled, eager to hear. Her family was long gone and any living relatives had no desire to be friendly. At least not then when she needed them.
He knew she would hit it off with his mother, who would be star struck when they realized who he was married to.
Winter St. Clair, the singer, stage actress and songwriter. She was getting known world wide and touring more. He hated it truthfully because it took her away from him. He didn't eat well or sleep, unless exhaustion overtook him when they were not together. Their bond was far too deep to spend a night apart. Their marriage was still fairly new, her just turning eighteen a few months prior.
"Oh, yeah, it went.....I'm honestly not sure how it went." He chuckled and closed his eyes. He was smiling, he could see her raised eyebrow and knew she was glaring at him even with his eyes closed. He was dragging this out on purpose to tease her.
"That's it? That's all you have to tell me?" She snorted, clearly annoyed by his lack of answers. She pushed his head trying to push him off of her. He gripped her thigh and squeezed. The squealed and tried swatting at him but he quickly outmaneuvered her as he always did and pinned her hands to her lap with one of his hands gripping her wrist, the other her thigh. They were face to face now and he was winning. He was always larger and stronger, older by two years too. He was tall at 6'3, muscular from training in the military and scaling buildings to outrun enemies on his home turf. The tattoos he was covered with helped his tough guy image. He was quiet, quick to strike without warning and ruthless if necessary.
She was his polar opposite in so many ways. She wasn't a ray of sunshine but the whole sun. She literally radiated a light from her skin to shiny natural white blonde hair. Her eyes were almost emerald green like the summer grass inviting you for a picnic and just as warm. She was petite in every way standing at only 5'2 and he had to buy her jewelry in the children's department of a jewelry store to fit around her wrist. Her wedding band was custom made to fit her long slim fingers. Alfred Solomon's, his jewelry and sometimes contracted employer, coined her The Doll of London and it stuck. Every magazine, radio commentator or newspaper journalist referred to her that way. His little doll.
He kissed her nose and worked his way down to her neck and her breasts taking his time as he pinned her down with his hips releasing her soft wicked hands. He slid down her dress and camisole with ease, grateful for the looser garments of the decade. She hissed being exposed to the night air and the entire room. They were in the living room which through an easy to glide wooden pocket door led right to the dining room. He could hear the servants clanking dishes setting the table.
"I could just eat my dessert first, right here." He grinned wolfishly with sexual hunger deep in his eyes. She bit her lip.
"We'll get caught." She pointed out pouting at him. Her thick bottom lip was perfectly ripe for nibbling on which he often did.
"Fine, but tonight after dinner, I'm taking you to the table, my desk and the bathtub." He smiled into her neck as she groaned. They would be going to bed exhausted tonight but satisfied. He slid up her garments and climbed off offering her his hand up as the door opened and their French chef announced dinner. She was glaring at him and her hair was mussed from all the struggling she'd done to "get away" from him.
"I'm just getting started, you know that right." He goaded her and she stood to walk to the dining room. He slapped her ass playful earning him a smack to the chest as he darted to the room not fast enough to dodge her hit.
"Oh, no. Not until I get some details first, old man!" She called after him not caring for the stern looks from her employees.
Dinner went without a hitch, reveling in all the details about each family member that he was providing to her. She agreed on being cautious with Tommy. She was a good judge of character having grown up like he did with adults and kids you couldn't trust. Everyone is trying to get ahead. He always trusted her gut feeling about someone. She hadn't been wrong yet.
Plates were being cleared from the table and his delish smile was plastered in his face. She made a deal with this devil any day as long as he kept looking at her like he did. He was leaning forward elbows on the table and a sexy grin turning his lips upward. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the spot on the table directly in front of him. She knew what he wanted, this was a part of the little intimate games.
"I haven't had my dessert yet Winter, I'm still hungry. He winked at her and she blushed. It was going to be a long and fulfilling night.
( I've decided to mostly focus on Devlins side since he's a bit more interesting to me. I may go and fill in David's side later but for now it'll be Devlins pov. )
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