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"Cassandra, I hate you. I really do." Soyeon's voice was whiny. The look in her eyes serious. "You were at Yoongi's house? And you heard one of his songs? And he even smiled at your compliment? How dare you.." The curly-haired girl pursed her lips. Silently listening to her friend's rant, while taking out her books from the locker. "I can't believe you're doing this to me, ugh.."
"I already apologised about ten times these past days," Cassandra mumbled, "So can we go back to what I'm supposed to do with Tae?"
"Oh buh-huh. Your crush likes you. How terrible." The sarcasm clearly audible in Soyeon's tone. Folding her arms in front of her chest, she pouted then. "I don't pity you one bit. I rather pity myself as my crush is graduating and I won't ever see him again."
Now Cassandra felt bad. It hadn't been her intention to get any pity. She rather needed some advice. "We still have this week of classes left. You could ask him out," she shrugged then, closing the metallic locker. The Korean glancing at her with clear annoyance. "That's.. not that easy."
"Since when?" Cassandra asked surprised, arching a brow at her. "Where's the leo venus fire in you? I've seen you flirt with every guy you ever found somewhat attractive. Why is it s-"
"Because it's Yoongi," she groaned, "He isn't like those random guys at parties. He's.. different."
"Seriously, just ask him out. Otherwise I'll ask him for you."
Soyeon rolled her eyes, before heaving a sigh. "Fine, I'll think about it."
"You'll think about what?"

Taehyung's voice out of nowhere made both girls tense up. "N-nothing, I gotta go." Soyeon said quickly, dragging the last word. Hurriedly walking off, as she couldn't risk her crush's friend to find out anything.
"That.. was strange," he said watching her disappearing. Redirecting his glance to his actual target. "Anyway, hey."
"Hey. What are you doing in the art department again?" she giddled, leaning against the wall.  She hadn't seen him in days and frankly, she had missed seeing his face. They had only sent a few texts to each other occasionally. Both being too busy finishing some last projects before their deadline.
The boy gave her a shrug then, a lopsided smirk on his lips. "Thought I'd pay you a visit. Did you miss me?"
Biting down on her lips, a playful expression spread over her face. "Maybe I did."

To be honest, Taehyung hadn't expected such an honest response to his joke question. He was taken aback,  to say the least. "Well, maybe I missed you, too, and that's why I'm here now."
Cassandra was internally screaming at this point, but somehow she managed to keep her cool in front of him. Changing subjects before melting completely under his warm smile. "I got your clothes here, by the way." She patted her backpack. "You can have them back."
He thought for a moment, looking outside then back to her. She was only wearing a sleeveless top. "Keep the shirt. I heard it's gonna rain today."
Her lips parted, about to protest but instead she simply nodded. She liked his knit shirt after all.
"And did you finish that music theory term paper you were talking about?"
He nodded proudly. "Ah yes, finished it during the weekend." Folding his arms in front of his broad chest, he looked away then. It was ridiculous, but he was nervous. Truth was, he didn't only visited her locker because of how much he had missed her cute face. He was also there because of something else. He exhaled deeply then, gathering his courage. "Do you have any plans after class?" He really didn't get himself sometimes. It was a simple question and usually he didn't have any issue. And after all, they had already spent time together. However, this time it was different. She wasn't just a random girl who happened to have something he wanted.
Cassandra bit down her lips when seeing his look of anticipation. "I do," she sighed then, watching his smile drop. She wished she didn't.
"Oh.. and what?"
"I have to finish one last drawing for my architectural studies class. The final project is due on wednesday."
He contemplated again for a few seconds, the smile eventually returning to his lips. "Can I keep you company then?"
She hadn't expected it, nevertheless she nodded vigorously. The corners of her lips tucking into an excited smile. After all, she always liked having company. Well, not always, but she wanted it now. Especially his.
"My last class ends at 4 o'clock. Meet me at the art rooms in the basement."

The bell rang. Indicating they had only five minutes till classes began. Taehyung remembering then he had to go all the way back to the film department as his first class was cinematography. "Crap, I have to go!" he exclaimed and ran off, almost tripping over his feet. Leaving Cassandra back, laughing. "What an idiot."


The end of class in the afternoon was pretty much the same as the beginning in the morning. At least for Taehyung as he was once again rushing through the corridors. Almost being out of breath when reaching his destination. With the only difference that this time he wasn't late. Okay, he was a little. It was 4:10 pm by now. He had run as fast as possible though. His classes had ended at 4 o'clock, like Cassandra's, but he had to pass the whole campus to get back at her department. 

With heavy breathing, he propped his arm at the door frame. Cassandra's eyebrows arching when seeing him so out of breath.

"Are you okay?" she asked worried and placed the small bamboo cane she was holding down.
Taehyung just waved her off, though. Catching his breath again, he straightened himself. Since when was he lacking stamina? He approached her then. His eyes falling onto the familiar burgundy-coloured sweater on her. Making him bite back a smile. "You cold?"
She furrowed her brows, eventually getting his hint. She blushed.
"Uhm, yeah a little."

A small silence built up as the boy sat down next to her. Noticing the piece of paper in front of her. It was quite big, like a canvas. A male portrait drawn on it with brown ink. "Who's that?"
"It's Antoni Gaudí. Have you heard of him?"
He shook his head.
"He was a famous spanish architect. And my favourite one," she started explaining, "He created lots of amazing buildings and even parks in and around Barcelona. They were in art nouveau style, which uses organic shapes. A style I personally love. So I obviously also love his works."
Taehyung was carefully listening to her. The way she always got so excited and passionate when talking about her favourite things, really amazed him in a way. He didn't know anyone else who did it this way. "Sounds great," he smiled, "And why are you drawing him?"
"Told you, my architectural styles project. I did a 3-hour-long presentation on him last year. And now I picked him for that project. I already did all kinds of drawings and paintings of his buildings and now I'm also adding a portrait of him."
"Where are those drawings, can I see them?"
She couldn't deny the fact that it made her happy whenever he showed interested in her art. "Sure, they're in that drawer. Second one from the bottom," she said, gesturing to a wooden commode. On top of it a pile of papers. Scribbles, drawings and a few sketch books. It looked like it would fall any minute.Carefully, he opened the drawer and took out a large folder with her name on it. Going back to his previous seat next to her as she was continuing her portrait. Taking out the papers from inside. His eyes widening in awe.

"These are amazing," he mumbled, holding one of the drawings up. It was a water-colour painting. The colours vivid, as if the dappled trees would be actually moving.
"That's Park Güell," she stated, still continuing the portrait. "These dashes and patterns of colour are the mosaic-covered benches that flow in a wave shape over the terrace. And below you see the ragged roof of the small buildings there."
He hummed in response and picked up another drawing. It was much bigger and the surface a bit sticky. "Be careful with this one," she smiled then, "I drew it with oil pastels. I might have put tons of fixing spray on it, but the colour might still come off a little."
"And what is this?"

"It's also from that park. It's a pedestrian bridge."
"It looks like a cave. Or a part of a castle."
She nodded, peeking at him. "It does." His eyes were carefully scanning every detail of her drawings. And she remembered the paintings she had foung in his room. Unsure whether to ask him about them, she contemplated it for a moment. "You.. you're painting, too, right? I've seen you here after classes sometimes. And.. and I saw two paintings in your room."
Taehyung's gaze slowly left the works in his hands, meeting hers. He nervously bit his lips then, nodding. "I am, sometimes. It's not that good though. Not as good as yours."
She smiled and shrugged, turning back to the portrait in front of her. "I don't know, I actually liked them a lot," she admitted then.
"Y-you did?" A hint of excitement in his voice.
"The one with the musical note turning into a face was quite surrealistic," she laughed then, "Something Max Ernst or Dalí would've drawn."
He licked over his dry lips, thinking about her words. "Wasn't Dalí your favourite artist?"
She nodded, making him smile. "The other painting however," she said then, "Was a total different art style from what I remember. I'd say something more expressionistic. Maybe even neo-expressionistic."
"Oh-" His lips parted and he sat up. Brown irises widely staring at him. "You're on the right tracks. It's inspired by an artist of neoexpressionism."
A proud grin spread over her features. "I am an art student after all," she said in a jokingly smug voice. Causing both of them to burst out into chuckling. She focused back on the artist's portrait then. And Taehyung, not wanting to disturb her anymore, kept browsing through the rest in silence. He knew she probably wouldn't have minded explaining them to him as well, but he let her finish her work instead.

"Can I ask you something?" She hummed at his question. "You purposely used different techniques and materials for each one. Right?"
"Since the architect himself also used unusual shapes and elements and worked with all kinds of materials, I thought it'd be fitting."
He nodded, looking at a wavy building drawn with charcoal on something that seemed to be baking paper. Her skills kept amazing him, he thought to himself when going to the next one. It was a details drawings of what he assumed were balconies. But really strange shaped ones. They reminded him of - "Skulls. Are those skulls?"
"Eh yeah. That's from Casa Battló. The whole building tells the story of Saint George killing the dragon. It's my favourite building." She paused then. Having finished the last painting for that project, she sat down. Staring at it, feeling like the architect's eyes were staring back at her. "You know, Barcelona is to me what Paris is to you," she said then. Taehyung noticed a little frown on her eyes.
"It's your dream destination?"
She nodded with a sad smile. "Maybe one day I'll manage seeing all those buildings myself."
His gaze was resting on her and for a moment, he felt sad. Sad for her. And sad for him. If Barcelona really was what Paris was to him, he knew exactly how she felt. "You know," he quietly began then. Putting her drawings back into the folder. "I asked if you had plans today for a reason." Her eyes went up, meeting his. "I wanted to show you a place."


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