Chapter 2: A UFC Fight

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Me and uh...Sailor Moon guy kept eating, with, of course, his humming that's really off tune and his dumb random questions that can make you just want to hit him.

"Does mermaids get tired of swimming? And if they do, would they take off their fins and be human like us? That would be so cool!" He said with enthusiasm. I sighed and cutted off his mini daydream of mermaid taking of their fins. How'd I know? Really obvious when you look at him, his eyes were sparkling and his mouth gaped.

"Mermaids don't exist." I shrugged, as I sipped on my milk carton. He became silent after I said that, I looked at him and—

"Pffft! Are you crying?" I almost laughed at his red face. His eyes filling up with tears and his mouth in a pout. He looks like a duck. But after he heard my restrained laugh, his eyes began to sparkle once more. I froze at my realization, did I... did I just took down my wall?

"Oh my god. You laughed! You really laughed!" He shouted as he pointed at me while his other hand covered his mouth in shock. I rolled my eyes and continued finishing my milk and leave this moron behind. As he was celebrating that he made me laugh, the cafeteria went wild. Screams and squeals filled my ears as some students were standing. What's happening?

I curiously looked around the cafeteria and finally saw the answer to my question. Six guys slowly entered the cafeteria. Some were bickering with each other while some were quiet and minding their own business. There was this brown haired guy, which has his hair parted down in the middle, who was jumping non-stop with another brown haired guy who has both of his ears pierced and was wearing black earrings. One of the tallest in the group who has pink hair pointed at them and shouted, as if he was trying to scold the two. As on cue, both of the men stopped jumping and pouted instead. A short hair, blonde guy sighed and scratched his head due to the scenario unfolding right in front of him. Another blonde guy with black roots appeared into my line of sight, but apparently he doesn't give a fuck about what's happening. Lastly, a dark brown haired boy, also with piercings but in one ear only and wore silver earrings. He also pouted with the other two which made the pink-haired guy sigh in frustration, pinch the bridge of his nose, and swatted them away, making the three boys run wild inside the cafeteria. Who are these people?

"Oh, they're here!" Sailor Moon guy giggled as he followed his gaze to the group that just entered the cafeteria. I titled my head at his statement. Does he know them?

He looked at me, already knowing what I would ask. He smiled widely as he cleared his throat.

"One, yes I do know them and allow me to introduce them to you!" He enthusiastically said with a smile and shoved all the trash and the tray aside as he crossed his arms, trying to look cool.

"They're called, Les Supérieurs, in French, it means 'The Superiors'. They are the most known group inside RHU, and they also hold the University's pride. Not only generally, but most especially in tournaments." He smiled proudly as he gazed once more to the group of men who were making their way to a vacant long table.

"Les Supérieurs are also known as one of the strongest volleyball teams here in Korea and made it twice to the nationals. The group consists of 7 men that are not only strong but can also steal your heart in a blink." I nodded as a response.

"Wait, there are only 6 of them, where's the other one?" My forehead creased as the realization hits me. I looked at him in confusion, waiting for his confirmation. He smiled, he was one of them.

"Yes, I'm also one of them. Now don't come begging me to love you, I would never! Considering the fact that you–you made me cry earlier! Hmpf!" He crossed his arms and like a child, he turned his head to his side with tight lips and shut his eyes. My eyes rolled at his childishness. I mean come on, how can a 20-year old be this frustrating?

"I was stating facts, dumbass." I rolled my eyes once again and gathered my things. He's a member of this so-called Les Supershit– I don't know, I don't know how to pronounce it okay? The language that I only know is Korean, English, and Spanish, that's it. Now back to Sailor Moon guy, he's a member of it but his personality really isn't intimidating, unlike some of his groupmates. He opened his eye and saw me leaving.

"Where are you going?" He asked, also blinking a few times. I sighed and waved a goodbye to him as I walked away. I really don't want to get attached and make history repeat itself again. Especially that my guard was let down earlier by this punk was not a good sign. I won't let myself get hurt again, not by people who I care about the most. I made this wall around my heart for a reason and I won't let anything break it down. Before I even got further away, I hear a voice behind me.

"We'll see each other again, Yeji!" Sailor Moon guy shouted, gaining attention from students again. I shook my head, this crazy guy.

I went out the cafeteria and decided to have a walk. The campus big enough and has spots that are similar to parks so it's really refreshing to walk around.

A starry night indeed, the cold breeze giving me goosebumps with every wave it hits. The sound of leaves in the trees dancing and the crickets freely roaming around. The pathways are clearly lit up as well because of the lamp posts by each two to three meters. The moonlight also gives a sense of comfort in the darkness, as the darkness devours most parts of the forests. I sighed and embraced myself, an attempt to warm my poor cold body amidst the cold weather. I should've worn a hoodie.

I also miss my parents already, they've been my human diary ever since I was a child, and most especially, they were the ones who were there when I was at my lowest point. They were all that I have and I'm really thankful that I have such parents like them, although they act like rebel teenagers sometimes, ugh. I cannot forget that one time my Dad threw a tantrum and gathered all his things and went out of the house, screaming like an idiot. All of that just because Mom didn't allow him to use his PS4, see? But they really are the greatest parents and I miss their naughtiness so much.

"Hey, browny!" A loud screech from a girl's voice was heard, I didn't mind it and walked casually. I mean, I'm not the only one here right? They might be an arguing couple and I wouldn't want to interfere or nonetheless looking back at them.

Shortly after the screech, a hand was gripping hard on my shoulder and pulled me back. I turned my head to see who the hell wanted my attention so bad and I saw four girls with red angry faces. Imagine a toro wanting to get that red cloth so bad, that's them but in human form, pfft. I quickly shrugged one of the girls hand off my shoulder and sighed. I don't know them and as far as I remember I haven't done anything to them yet, so what are they so worked up about?

"Are you deaf?! Didn't you just hear me awhile ago? Ugh." The girl in pink shouted right at my face, oh and by the way, the pink she's wearing isn't a normal one, it's really irritating to the eyes. I rolled my eyes, of course, as if anyone would turn back if they were called 'browny'. Seriously, I have a name, girls? I didn't respond back, instead I just stared at them boredly, and that surely pissed the hell out of them, which I'm starting to enjoy.

"You!," as the leader, I suppose, pointed at me with her finger and her super long neon pink finger nail, "why were you sitting with my Jimin?!" She scowled, her eyes giving me a death glare, sheesh, I'm so scared. Note the dripping sarcasm there. Out of all the time in a day, they chose to bully me at night. I thought bullies only appear in daylight? Ugh.

Of course, instead of responding, I shrugged at her as a response. Honestly, it was that Sailor Moon guy's choice to sit anywhere and he chose to sit at my table. But here I am, trying to endure his fangirls as if it was my fault the he chose to sit there.

"You're a new face, so you don't know us? Well let me introduce you to your worst nigh— hey! Get back here!" I walked away and rolled my eyes as soon as I heard one of the most cliche lines I've ever heard. That line is so outdated and as if I would be scared. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, what a peaceful night huh, can this get any worse? But I should've not said that because the night was just getting started.

I felt my hair getting pulled back and thought that my scalp was about rip off my skull. What the heck! She's strong. I immediately grabbed her arm and twisted it hard. She then shrieked and completely let go of my hair. Two of her alipores then came after me while the other one attended their oh-so-leader. The short haired girl with hoop earrings decided to slap me but I quickly ducked my head and so she slapped her friend. I stopped my laugh as I saw a flying kick, I wasn't able to dodge it completely but it was so much okay that it hit my side rather than my face as I was ducking earlier. As I stood up, a punch landed on my face, busting my lower lip. I wiped the blood off my lip and readied myself.

One of the girls that attended Neon Pink (the girl who has neon pink nails) decided to join the fun. I was thankful that somehow I know how to bust out a punch or two and also thankful to my highschool bullies. I smirked, bring it on. The three of them plunged straight to me, three of them tried to punch me at the same time but I quickly ducked, and just like earlier, all of them were hit by their own punch. But what I didn't notice was their leader holding a piece of wood, about to smash me right on my head. I tried to dodge it so instead of my head, my back was the one who received the hit. Fuck, that was painful.

The girls also managed to hit me with a few of their punches and it hurted as hell. But I need to get it over with because if this continues and I tire out, I'll be a huge splat on the ground. I readied myself and attacked. I swiftly tilted my head to the side to easily dodge a punch and as a counterattack, I punched straight to her chest, that would leave her not only on the ground but breathless. I smirked as I saw her fell. One down, three to go.

I turned my body to face the next oppenent but was suddenly hit by a kick on the side, and damn, it was the side earlier that received a kick. Damn, am I auditioning to join a UFC fight? I closed my eyes and didn't mind the pain. I looked at my back and I saw one of the girls running towards me, and the other at my front also doing the same. I scoffed at their stupidity and took a step back, resulting into them clashing into each other and knocking themselves out. I sighed and faced the last one. I saw their leader trembling in both fear and pain.

"Scared?" I asked her and was actually standing casually, not really minding the pain the girls gave me. She frowned as she held the wood tighter, using a weapon huh? I readied my stance as she plunged to me, gaining momentum for her to strike with the wood. As she was about to hit me with the wood, I easily caught it one handed. Her face registered shock and completely froze. I broke the wood and threw it somewhere in the grass. The place we were in has no sign of living people, so I guess they had the guts to bully me here.

I dusted off my hands and started walking away, leaving three girls on the ground and one completely frozen. I don't know who they are but they don't have the right to look down on me. I sighed and headed to my dorm building. After that scenario, I wouldn't want another night walk if it just ends up like that.

As I entered the building, there were no students, which was good because I would be the talk of the town if they see me. Full of dirt and scratches. The only ones here are the receptionist, which is busy, and me. I headed towards the open elevator and went inside. I hissed as I felt a sharp pain from my back, my face automatically turned into a frown. Just where did she manage to find a piece of wood? I tried to ease the pain by massaging it but apparently it worsened it. I didn't mind going to the infirmary because it's way past 9pm and I'm sure it's already closed.

The elevator doors opened and proceeded to walk towards my room. I placed my thumb in the scanner and sighed as it clicked open, almost there. I locked the door and almost hurriedly went to my bed.

I sighed loudly as the soft bed hit my back. Finally some rest! After a long eventful day, which I thought wasn't going to be one. First of all I was chitchatting with one of the most respected students in the Univeristy, and also because of that, I was immediately backed up by some crazy fan girls who I certainly don't know if they had gone to their dorms conscious. They were the ones who started the fight, I just protected myself, too bad they were beaten by me.

I turned to my side to find a much more comfortable spot but I felt screaming pain from all over my body. I tried to shrug the pain off and sleep it away. I hope I can somehow survive the first day of school tomorrow, peacefully, and I drifted off to sleep.

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