Survival:Change of Pace

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"Dede escaped" Red said

Serena looked down at the floor remembering all the pain That Girl had caused Serena looked at her Son and started to cry "We will Keep you safe from that... that ... Monster"

Red realized how much pain that Girl had caused his mom and decided not to bring her up

"I'm going to talk to dad, Giratina Open a portal for me will ya!"

A purple hazed portal opened in front of Red and Red walked in

The distortion world

Non-Mega timeline

Red walked forward on a path to go to his Dads log cabin inside the distortion world... He walked inside and found his dad eating some Jelly Filled donuts he said he got from His friend Brock in Kanto. Red looked at his dad in disgust

"How can you eat those dad they look like rice balls wait, are those even donuts?" Red said

"If Brock says there donuts, there donuts!" Ash said taking another bite out of his "donut"

Red sweatdropped

"Anyways... Dede escaped" red said looking down

Ash spit out his food when he heard The name DeDe

"What the Hell did you just say?!!" Ash said
"Dede escaped..." red repeated

"This is bad, My sister cannot be allowed to repeat her actions again on this or any earth!" Ash said

"We must go fight her on the mega timeline, Grandpa said he's going to allow another ash and Serena to exist on that timeline!" Red said

"Alright let's go fight for Pokémon and humanity!" Ash declared!

Mega Realm

Ash and Serena had just finished up cooking class.Ash had eaten all the food they made which everyone was shocked he could fit that much food into his body. Everyone was walking into there next hour when suddenly Ash phone rang and he was texted "Get Out if there now your in danger! Go visit giratina!"

Bombs started to go off nearby causing students to panic

Ash quickly told Serena the situation and he led her to an old abandoned classroom with a mirror inside

"Serena close the door we are visiting a friend of mine" Ash said
Serena shut the door, then suddenly a Purple fog filled the room and a Purple portal formed where the mirror was standing

"Serena, jump into the portal I'm right behind you GO!!" Ash yelled
Serena didn't hesitate to jump in and was transported to the distortion world

She soon felt dizzy because of the gravity change. Then Ash appeared
"Ash... is everyone in trouble?" Serena Asked

Another voice not from Ash or Serena could now be heard and 3 figures walked in front of them

"Everyone will be alright in the end if we stick to the timelines Best possible future outcome" the man in a gray suit said

"Gray your head is always expanding on ways to make jokes about time..." a women in pink said

"Pink it's time for you to realize you a hypocrite!" Gray said

"Both if you shut it now, I put you in this world and I can take you out!" a man in gold and white suit said

"That voice... your that voice who gave me the phone which means you serve Arceus!" Ash Yelled
"Yes my son, And you Ash are the protector and preserver of the world and The distortion world..." Satoshi said calmly

"Son??? Wait your my—" Ash said
"Dad... yes I'm your father I'm Satoshi, Protecter of Arceus" Satoshi said
Serena gasped while ash was in shock

"Hey there reactions were almost identical from each timeline!" Gray chuckled

"Shut up Gray your ruining the moment as it unfolds!" Pink Yelled at him

Serena sweatdropped at this while ash was still in shock
" left me and mom and it hurt.... it hurt so badly for mother that she almost killed herself until she thought she found you!" Ash started to yell at his dad

"She did find me... I told her who I really was and she accepted it for what it was and I told her to keep you safe Incase you were every going to have to deal with a situation EXACTLY like this one! I cannot be there to protect you from every little situation that unfolds! I must protect Arceus and you must save the world!" Satoshi said with a little hint of sadness in his voice


"Same here genius..." pink said rolling her eyes

" Ash I want you to meet your dimensional half sister and half brother" Satoshi said

"Nice to meet you... I Guess" Ash said

"Now you can go back to the mega realm ash, we sent you and your girlfriend here some support from the non mega realm along with gray and pink here"
Ash and Serena's face went crimson red at this remark

"... Oh Ok, I understand" Satoshi said "Ash just hasn't asked you yet!"
Gray and Pink fell over anime style while ash and Serena kept looking at each other making faces like: Are you serous right now...
"Anyways... rest here for a bit and then war starts again—" Satoshi was saying until being interrupted by his phone ringing which he answered and ended the call after talking for a bit "your support will arrive in a little bit..." Satoshi

Ash was hurt from his dads sudden appearance and he wondered who was helping him other then Red? but he wasn't going to let that stop him from saving the world
Ash,Serena,Gray and Pink walked towards the Log cabin and began to prepare for the upcoming events
"So Uh Pink... Can I Uh Do my intro on Team Volt?" Gray Asked Pink
"Wha... oh THAT, sure... if you want to give them a heart attack along with Ash and Serena, go ahead be my guest!" Pink said while gray pumped his fist in the air

"Ok Ash, Serena when you hear A roar Look up in the sky!" Gray announced

Before ash and Serena could ask why they 4 had reached the log cabin which somehow had duplicated
"Why is there two of them now?" Ash asked

"You see—" Gray said

"Here we go again" Pink rolled her eyes

"I may or may not have Found the TIME To build another shack while you guys were talking back 10 minutes ago" gray finished his sentence clearly proud of his accomplishment

"You and Serena need names so we don't confuse you with the other Ash and Serena" pink said "something with M for Mega"

"How about Serma" Ash said

"Only if your Mash!" Serma said

"Deal" Mash said

"Now that that's settled... Me and Pink get the Log cabin on the left while Mash and Serma get the one on the right"
Mash went to lay down in the bed to rest while Serma found some scissors in a box
"It's time for a new look for a new me" Serma said cutting her hair and making a new outfit with a ribbon on it
When Mash woke up he noticed a bunch of hair on the ground "Serma?" Mash called out
"How do I look Mash?" Serma said jumping out of her hiding spot
Mash stared at her for a second and eventually said "you look Amazing!!"

Serma blushed at this remark and said "Thanks Mash!"

Suddenly Gray and Pink appeared in the doorway and looked at Serma
"I won the bet, now where's my money!" Gray said to Pink
"Damn... Fine you win" Pink said handing Gray the money
"Now don't mess with this guy next time!" Gray said smirking knowing that Pink was bound to get upset


Mash and Serma knew that they were about to fight and quickly intervened
"So... I think it's time for us to go now..." Mash said

"Nope!!" Gray said

"When then?" Serma Asked

"In 3...2...1...Now we can leave!" Gray said while everyone else fell over anime

Authors note

I had to change Ash and Serena's name so nobody gets confused next chapter!! Hope I didn't cause any confusion attacks to go off!

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