Harley pov
Me: Ugh, my head, where am I?"
Feather: hello there little one! You are so cute!
Me: feather? You talking to me?
Feather pov
I pick up the cutest little fox like creature that looked something like this:
???: zor?
Me: what's your name little fella?
???: zorua!
Harley pov
Me: it's Harley! Your friend?! And why did you pick me up?
I look at feather hoping that she could understand what I am saying
Feather: so your name is zorua?
???: hello! Is that Pokémon yours? If so then can we battle?
???2: sorry about her, that's Nemona, I'm professor clavel, the head of uva academy, and don't mind me asking, but would you like to join uva academy? We are about to start the year.
Feather: sure! And I guess this little fella here is my partner!
Nemona: sounds good to me! Let's battle now!
Clavel: nemona, at least let your future classmate choose a starter
Nemona: fine...
Feather: I'm going to let my little zorua here pick for me!
She sets me down as clavel sends out the starters and I walk over to sprigatito
Me: hello there!
Sprigatito: hi!
I walk back a little but then I realize what had happened to me since the last time I universe hopped
Sprigatito: what's wrong?
Me: I- uh, nothing, nothings wrong
Sprigatito: that doesn't seem to be the case
Me: well you see, I'm not actually supposed to be a Pokémon
Feather: sprigatito it is then!
Feather picks me and sprigatito up and clavel leads her to a beach behind a house then I jump out out of her arms and write something in the sand and draw an arrow at me
Feather pov
Me: what are you doing zorua?
I look at what they wrote and it says 'Harley' with an arrow pointing to zorua
Zorua: zor!
Me: oh... my... god... is it actually you?
He nods his head yes
Harley pov
Me: yes feather it's actually me!
Suddenly I am able to use my illusion ability to make myself look like my human body
Feather: I'm sorry for not noticing earlier!
Me: it's fine!
And that's when I knew that my illusion ability can allow me to speak English again but only when I'm disguised as a human
Feather: so you were put in the body of a zorua?
Me: a hisuian zorua, otherwise I would have appeared almost completely black instead of white
Nemona: what is happening? What even is "hisui"?
Me: well Hisui is nowadays sinnoh, and me and feather are from another universe
To be continued
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