Galar Part 1

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A/N: Here it is! The final arc of Pokemon Legends Beyond. Ash is the primary focus of this arc. So, yes, Ash and Vilnis will FINALLY meet! I'm getting a bit teary eyed writing this arc knowing that it is the end of the story. I do plan on including an Epilogue, so be prepared for that as well. I hope you enjoy!


Kanto Region - Pallet Town

"Ash's house is just around this corner," Iris said. "I don't think we should all go there though. Having this large of a group might overwhelm Mrs. Ketchum."

Pallet Town was a small, farmy town with cottage-like houses. It looked like the scene from a story book.

"Maybe you and Vilnis should go meet with Mrs. Ketchum while the rest of us wait for you at Professor Oak's lab?" Cynthia suggested. "That way, Mrs. Ketchum won't be overwhelmed and we can also ask Professor Oak some more questions about the last time he spoke with Ash."

"Good idea," Iris nodded. "We'll come to the lab when we're done here." Cynthia led Marco and Ashley to the building at the top of the hill that looked over Pallet Town while Iris and Vilnis stepped up on the porch to the Ketchum. Iris rang the doorbell and a moment later, someone answered it.

"Mime?" a Mr. Mime asked.

"Oh! Uh... Hello?" Vilnis said, a bit confused as to why a Pokemon would be answering the door.

"Mimie? Who's at the door?" A woman asked. "Oh Iris! It's lovely to see you!" She had long brown hair that was tied back in a ponytail. She looked tired, as if she had been crying.

"Mrs. Ketchum, we were wondering if we could ask you a couple of questions about Ash?" Iris asked.

"Please come in," She opened the door all the way. "Mimie, please prepare some tea for our guests." She led them to the living room where they all settled on the couches. "I'm afraid that I don't recognize you," she said to Vilnis. "Are you one of Ash's friends?"

"Not exactly," Vilnis replied. "I've actually never met him before. But I am the Champion of the Kalos region. When I heard that a fellow Champion had been missing, I wanted to do what I could to help out."

"That's very kind of you," Mrs. Ketchum said with a weak smile. "My name is Delia."

"I'm Vilnis," He replied.

"Mrs. Ketchum," Iris said. "When you let me know that no one had heard from Ash for nearly two months, I got really worried. I called Dawn and Cilan, but both of them hadn't heard from him in a while. So, some of the other Champions and I are putting together a search and rescue team to go out and find Ash."

"Oh my," Delia said, covering her eyes with her hands. "That is very kind of you. I'm just so worried that something terrible has happened. I usually hear from him at least once a week, but not knowing where he is just makes my heart ache."

"We have some more people from our search and rescue team waiting at Professor Oak's lab right now," Vilnis explained. "Iris and I just wanted to ask you about the last time you spoke to Ash."

"It was nearly two months ago," she explained. "He told me he was going to Vermillion City to visit with his friends Goh and Chloe. Goh had been away for a long time and wanted to meet up with Ash. But, after he got there, Goh told me that Ash just took off. Goh thinks that he got on an airplane to the Galar Region, but that's all he knows."

"Maybe we should head to Vermillion City to meet with Goh?" Iris asked. "Try to get him to remember every detail about what happened."

Mr. Mime walked into the living room with a tray of cookies, tea cups, and a pot of fresh tea. It began to serve the tea to Iris and Vilnis.

"I know how Ash can get sometimes," Delia said. "He gets so focused on his Pokemon Training that he forgets to call home sometimes. But it's never been this long and I can feel it in my heart that something is wrong."

"Mrs. Ketchum," Vilnis said, putting his cup of tea on the coffee table. "We're going to do everything we can to bring him home safely."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Delia stood up to answer it. When she opened the door, there stood a young woman who had shoulder length hair the color of honey. Her eyes were blue like the ocean. With her was a Sylveon that has its ribbon feelers wrapped around her arm.

"Mrs. Ketchum," She said, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around Delia. "I came here as soon as you told me. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't just sit around and do nothing."

"Serena, dear," Mrs Ketchum replied, holding the young woman close. "Thank you for coming. I know you must be as worried about Ash as I am. Please come inside and join us." She turned to Mr. Mime. "Mimie, please bring another cup for Serena."

"I didn't realize that you had company," Serena said, taking a seat on the couch next to Iris.

"We're here because we're putting together a search and rescue team to find Ash and bring him home," Iris explained.

"We've just decided that our next step in finding Ash is going to visit with his friends Goh and Chloe in Vermillion City," Vilnis added.

"I know them," Serena said. "Chloe is a friend of mine."

"Serena here traveled with Ash in the Kalos region," Delia explained. She went to the wall by the staircase and brought back one of the framed pictures that rested by the mantle. In the picture was Clemont, his little sister Bonnie, Korrina and her Lucario, Serena, and Ash and his Pikachu. "He sent this picture home to me during that journey of his.

"It's so strange to see Clemont and Korrina this young," Vilnis said. "I've never met his sister, but she looks so much like him."

"You know Clemont and Korrina?" Serena asked.

"Oh, yeah," Vilnis said. "I spent a little bit of time with Clemont doing some research for Professor Sycamore. He also came with me to the Pokemon League when I became the Kalos league Champion."

"I thought you looked familiar," Serena said. "I guess I didn't realize that you're the new Champion."

"Yeah, he's a Champion alright," Iris said, patting Vilnis on the back. "Mrs. Ketchum, thank you for meeting with us. But we should meet up with the rest of our group at Professor Oak's lab and make plans to get to Vermillion City."

"Wait!" Serena said. "If it isn't too much trouble, may I join in this search and rescue party as well?"

"I don't see why not," Vilnis said standing up. Let's go and find our Ash!" 

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