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The idea that Sun would be a mailman with financial problems in real life came a little too easily for me lmao

This chapter was requested by shotband123


Life was bland, it was a fact now. Every day was the same down to the hours, minutes, and seconds. No matter what Lillie did, it was always like this. Absolutely nothing about her life was in any way interesting. She was starting to give up hope that anything good would ever happen.

Her mom had forced her to get a boring office job, she lived in a stale apartment complex, she drove a boring car, and she didn't have anything that was of any real value to her.

She had gotten a cat, hoping that it would liven things up a little, but eventually, her life fell back into that same old rhythm. Feed the cat, let it sleep, pet it, repeat. She was starting to doubt she would ever escape this terrible loop. That she was destined to rot in this apartment with her office job.

Lille sighed, finishing up some paperwork before filing it into her desk. That's how life was, no one at work spoke to her, and if they did, they looked and sounded just about as dead inside as she was.

Looking at her watch, it was four o'clock, so she clocked out and walked to her car. She felt like everything in her life was gray-scale, no color, no pop, just... the same. Looking out at the road as she drove home, it was almost as if all color had been drained away from her eyes.

Driving to and from work was routine too, she changed routes every now and then, but she had soon run out of new ways to go. So here she was, age twenty two, and she had gotten nothing out of life.

She doubted she ever would.

Pulling into her parking spot, Lillie got out of her car, heading to check the mail like she did everyday. She absentmindedly rummaged through her bag for her mail key, pulling it out and opening her mailbox.

She heard a small mewl, turning to see what the sound was, before a small cat leaped into her arms. Shocked, she grabbed onto it as it nuzzled into her.

"En? Where'd you go? C'mon I can't be late!" she heard someone shouting. She wondered if this cat was 'En'. Probably.

A man rounded the corner, and for a second, Lillie swore that a small burst of blue graced her vision again, but she realized she must be fantasizing. So a man lost his cat, nothing interesting about that anyway.

"There you are!" he stumbled forward, catching himself before he fell. Lillie giggled a little, it felt nice to laugh, although she almost felt bad for laughing at him.

Now that he was closer, Lillie began to notice various things. He had a large postal bag, so obviously he was the mailman, he had the mailman sort of attire too, now that she thought about it, but he also wore a black and blue hat sideways on his head. On anyone else it would've been funny, but it worked for him.

"Thank you for catching him, Miss. Usually I've already finished up with this apartments mail, but my cat decided to run off." he scratched the back of his head.

"You don't have to thank me, I didn't really do anything. He jumped into my arms on his own." she handed the man his cat, and he placed it on his shoulder, where it perched nicely.

"That's weird. Guess he likes you!" he beamed. Lillie almost wanted to smile with him, but she knew that after this, her life would follow that same routine again, so what was the point.

"This is your mailbox, right?" he asked pointing to her open mailbox. She nodded, and he began sifting through his carrier bag, pulling out some mail.

"Here you go! I've gotta get going now. As they say, time is money!" he said winking at her, putting some mail into other mailboxes before heading off.

She knew she hadn't seen that blue, because everything was gray again. She walked into her house and fed her cat, Nebby. She ate dinner, brushed her teeth, went to bed. Same as always.

The next day came like it always did, she woke up and went to work until four. Although, there was something a little bit different about today. She got home at the usual time, the mailman had gotten back to his own schedule, so the mail had already been delivered.

She opened her mailbox, and it was filled with the same old things like bills and ads, so she grabbed it and headed inside. When she walked into her apartment, she threw the papers down on her coffee table, about to head into the kitchen, when a flash of color caught her eye.

A small pink envelope was hidden between her other mail. It's color a stark contrast to everything else there.

Confused, she picked it up, looking it over. It had no sender, and it just said "To Lillie" on the back. A small sticker with a sun on it held the letter closed, and she peeled it off, taking care not to tear it.

"Dear Lillie,

Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" it was short, nothing really to it. Just that one sentence, but that didn't stop it from making her cheeks heat up a little.

Who sent this? It had her address on it, so clearly they knew where she lived. Was it a stalker? Or just some prank? Lillie began to get worked up, it was a little weird to receive a letter like this in the mail, especially since the last time she received a letter in the mail that wasn't bills was six years ago.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed all her rampant thoughts aside. This was probably the only day this would happen. Telling herself that killed her mood again, but she knew it was true. So she went to bed, the letter not entirely clear from her mind.

The next day, she came home from work, and checked the mail again. She knew there would be nothing, but she couldn't stop that shred of hope that maybe something new was happening. To her surprise, another small pink envelope had found its way amidst her mail.

Taking it inside, she opened it up, taking care just as the last time.

"Dear Lillie,

That frown doesn't suit you. I wish I could see you smile. I bet that your smile is ten times as beautiful." it was short again, like last time, but the utter fact that she had gotten one again had already made her day.

It was only Wednesday, but she was already looking forward to the rest of her week. Though in the back of her heart she knew that this might not last.

So the next day she showed up at the mailbox, and to her surprise, the mailman was running late again. He was rushing to put all the mail into their boxes, En sitting patiently on his shoulder.

A piece of mail flew out of his hand and he yelped in surprise. Without even thinking Lillie ran after it, grabbing it just before it flew into the street. She brought it back, handing it to the mailman.

"Thank you, that's two for two, now! I need to think of a way I can repay you now. I don't like having debts, you know." he laughed. En, his cat, crawled off of his shoulder and jumped into her arms again.

"What is up with this cat?" he muttered picking it up off of her again, "Sorry about that." he let his cat climb back onto his shoulder once again. There was no telling how he was able to work with a cat on his shoulder, but she didn't question.

He handed her her mail again, and this time she felt the need to ask about the letter.

"Umm, do you know who this letter is from? I've been getting them everyday recently but there's no signature or return address or anything really." she asked pulling the pink envelope put of her stack of mail.

He took it from her, looking it over, before shaking his head, "Not sure Miss, sorry. The post office gives me the mail I need to deliver, they don't really tell me who it's from." he started scratching the back of his head sheepishly, "but if it's bothering you, I can trash them when I see them. It'll be my repayment." he said.

"No!" she shouted, startling the mailman, "I mean, no." she quieted down, "Thank you very much though." she said, leaving him at the mailbox as she went inside.

She hadn't meant to yell. That was a little bit embarrassing. But these little letters were making her feel so much better about her life. She couldn't imagine not receiving them anymore. Poor mailman though, she felt kind of bad for scaring him like that. She'd have to apologize the next time she saw him.

But for now, her mind was preoccupied with the letter she had received.

"Dear Lillie,

You always look so sad. I wish I could talk to you about it. I don't want to sound weird, but if I could, I would make all your problems drift away, and fill your days with happiness instead. Even if I had to give up my own." this one was a little longer than usual, and it made Lillie's heart flutter.

She knew she shouldn't be trusting whoever was sending these. Most likely they were a creeper waiting for her to get to comfortable, but she didn't care. These letters made her feel special in her bland world.

Lille pulled out an old shoe box, placing the letters inside of it. She almost couldn't wait for the next one.

She began to wonder who it might be behind it, maybe they were handsome, but then again maybe not. She didn't care. They were nice, and that's all that mattered.

When the clock hit four the next day, Lillie practically leapt out of her seat. The entire way home she was brimming with excitement. When she pulled up and got out of the car, she saw a mailman placing mail into her mailbox.

It was a different mailman, she guessed that it was the other ones day off. This one seemed lazy and uninterested, he didn't handle the mail with quite as much care as the mailman she was used to.

She waited for him to finish, and then opened the mailbox, grabbing her mail to head inside. She spread the mail out of her table, her eyes searching for that lovely pink that she knew.

When her eyes didn't find the letter, she searched again, and again, but it didn't turn up. Maybe she had left it in the mailbox, or dropped it on the way here.

She rushed outside and checked her mailbox again. Nothing. She didn't see anything on the way here either. Slamming the door, she slid down into a sitting position, tears welling up in her eyes.

She had told herself not to get attached. That her life was going to go back to being bland anytime now. That this person wasn't the magical person she thought that they were. What did she think would happen?

The letters would've gotten mundane if they had gone on for too long anyway, but she wasn't ready to give them up yet.

The tears fell freely as she let out small whimpers. She was acting pathetic, but she couldn't help it. Lillie rubbed her eyes in vain as she cried out.

Suddenly, she was shaken out of her grief by a harsh knock on the door. She grabbed some tissues from her coffee table and wiped her eyes. The knocking on the door was becoming frantic now, and she realized that she didn't care what she looked like right now.

She opened the door, her face monotone and her makeup clearly ruined. She was surprised to see her mailman, and clearly he was just a surprised to see her in this state. He wasn't wearing his usual mailman "garb" and it was almost weird to see him in a normal shirt and shorts. His usual hat still adorned his head though.

"Umm, I'm sorry Miss. Are you okay?" he asked, concerned. She was glad that he cared, but she didn't want to think about anything right now. She didn't want to worry anyone either.

"I'm fine. Is there something that you need?" she asked, her voice breaking a little. In any other situation she'd be embarrassed.

Realization dawned on him and his movements became frantic once again, "Oh yeah Miss, En ran off, I was wondering if you had seen him. He's never done this before." he seemed really sad, he had something important leave him.

Lillie knew how he felt right now.

"I haven't seen him, but I'll help you look." she told him, cleaning herself up a little. His eyes lit up and he grabbed her hand leading her outside, "Thanks, Miss!"

"It's Lillie." she told him.

"Thanks Lillie, my name is Sun!" the mail carrier said. It sounded sort of familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.

They searched around her apartment complex, nothing turning up. Lillie was starting to get uneasy. En seemed like a really loyal cat, she couldn't see it running further than a couple feet from Sun.

They had looked seemingly everywhere, and Lillie felt like today was just on terrible thing after another.

"Is there anywhere we haven't looked?" Lillie asked, Sun was starting to look really disturbed, it was a sad sight for the usually cheery postal boy.

"I don't know." he answered solemnly, scratching the back of his head while he tried to think. A flash of black caught the corner of her eye and she saw a tail disappear into some bushes nearby.

"There!" Lillie ran towards the figure, ducking into the bushes of the forest near her apartments. It was pretty lush considering the fact that it was next to a complex. To be honest she had never been in here, but the dark shadow in front of her made that the last thing that she was thinking about.

She could hear Sun right behind her, so she kept pressing forward. The cat ducked into a large bush, effectively hiding from sight. Lillie got down on her knees, crawling into the space in the bushes.

When she emerged, she couldn't believe her eyes. It was a small hidden garden with flowers Lillie had never seen, a small pond with colorful fish, and large trees overhead.

It was the most beautiful place Lillie had ever seen.

Near the water was En, drinking from the pond and batting at the fish like it hadn't just made them run after it. She sighed and strolled over to it, taking in all of the sights as she picked it up.

Turning to Sun, she saw that he had a softened look on his face as he looked at En, or at least she thought he was looking at En. This place was magical, or it seemed like it was, what with all of the colors it filled her vision with.

She handed the cat to Sun and he looked around in awe, "This place is nice." Sun said, but she felt that nice was an understatement.

Without thinking about it, she sat down near the pond, running her hand through the water. She felt Sun sit next to her.

"So, Miss. Er-Lillie, what had you so down earlier?" he asked in an awkward tone. En had taken her mind off of the turmoil of the letters for a moment, but now that it was brought back, all she could do was try to use the scenery to distract herself again.

She was never getting a letter again, so telling the person who delivered those delightful pieces of her life everyday didn't seem that bad.

"You know, life is terrible. It's bland, nothing happens, it's all just gray-scale. But I started getting letters a couple of days ago, and it brought color into my eyes, they made me so happy. I know that I shouldn't trust something like letters from someone I don't know, but it was the happiest I'd ever felt." she choked back a sob as Sun listened intently.

"I knew that it was just a matter of time too, before they got tired of sending such a boring person such amazing letters." she felt bad for crying in front of her mailman, but she couldn't help it.

"I see..." Sun trailed off, before shuffling in his pocket for something, "I almost forgot, I had to give you this." he pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket and Lillie's heart skipped a beat. The familiar pink paper blurring under the tears that were springing up in her eyes.

After he handed her the paper, he stood up and made his way to the other side of the pond to giver her privacy.

She read the letter with watery eyes,

"Dear Lillie,

You're beauty rivals anything that an actual Lily has to offer, but you look as though you are withering. Not once have I seen you smile, not once have I heard you giggle, but I feel like those sights and sounds would be a great Symphony to me. I'm sorry to drag you on this wild goose chase, but you seemed like you needed a distraction. I of all people know how it feels to be stuck in a rut, whether in a financial situation like me, or something like that. I know that the rest have been short and sweet, but this one has to have meaning behind it. I brought you to this garden to show you something magical, to take your breath away, to see you smile, because whether or not it's reciprocated, I love you, and I want to see you happy. It's true that En helped me out, and I hope it wasn't too much trouble, but I hope that this got your mind off of some troubling times, because you're a gorgeous, amazing, flower, and you deserve the world.

Love, Sun"

Lillie sat in shock as she read the letter, her heart beating and face getting hot. She didn't know how she had fallen so hard, so fast for someone in just a couple of days, but she was sure that what she was feeling was real.

The pieces were clicking and it all made sense. The person who sent her the letters, the man who spoke to her that first day, the person who owned the cat who started it all.

She glanced over at him, still clutching the pink paper to her chest. Sun had his hands in his pockets and was staring at the ground, kicking around some stones with his feet.

Overcome with emotion she leapt up, almost tripping as rocks slid under her feet. She ran towards Sun, throwing her arms around him. Sun yelped in surprise, but sturdied himself before he fell.

While he was surprised, she took the opportunity and pressed her lips against his. No longer would she live a bland life. No longer would the only colors she saw be black and white. From here on, we're happy days ahead.

She saw Sun's eyes close in a daze, and she laughed against him, before closing her own.

"I'll fill your life with so much fun and laughter from here on out Lillie. If you'll let me."

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