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Not gonna lie, Hyuu is one of my absolute favorite game characters in the Pokemon universe.

Also, I'm thinking of doing a sequel from Mei's point of view to give the full picture. If you think you'd like to see that let me know and I'll start working on it.

This oneshot was requested by Grace_Everdeen

Hope you all enjoy!

The sound of knocking echoes into the crisp evening air. Hyuu tugged on his gloves, adjusting them, before knocking on the door again. An older woman appeared in the doorway, her motherly appearance familiar for the boy.

"Oh, Hyuu! Come on in!" she opened up the door and let him in, "Sorry about that, I should've unlocked the door." she closed the door behind him and the warm, comforting air rushed over the blue haired boy.

"Thanks, it's fine." the younger male said setting his things by the door and taking of his shoes. A beautiful smell washed over him too, the smell of home cooking.

"Smells good. What's cooking?" he asked, and it obviously struck something within her, because she immediately straightened up and ran for the kitchen. Hyuu peered his head in.

There were several pots and pans. Sometimes when he came over there were extravagant meals made, for no particular reason, but it had become sort of a normalcy at this point.

When she was done checking on her dinner, she turned back to Hyuu, "I've gotta keep an eye on this, I called you over to ask if you could help out Mei while I do this." she smiled at him.

"Of course." he replied, making his way down the hallway. Everything about this house was soothing, the sights, smells, and sounds all too familiar to him, almost like a second home.

His fingers traced along the walls, so many memories flowing through him. Some happy, some sad, but all his.

He stopped in front of the last room in the hall. He knocked quietly, just in case Mei was changing or something like that. When he heard a mumbled "come in" he opened the door, closing it behind him.

Mei was sitting in front of the mirror in her room, leaned forward, trying to apply eye liner. When Hyuu got closer, he could see that she had the cap in her mouth and he tried not to laugh.

Hyuu sat down on her bed and looked around the room. Her room was colored a brilliant pink, but not one that elicited the vibe of a small child yearning to be a princess like his sisters room did. When he looked at Mei's room consisting of various hues and shades of pink, he saw the determination and confidence that he saw in the girl herself. It was a more powerful pink of passion and pride. And that's how it had always been. How he had always seen it.

"So what's up? You got a date?" Hyuu asked, picking up a book on the shelf near her bed. He had read all of the books in here numerous times, but he thumbed through it anyway.

"Yeah, his names Tetsu." she replied, beginning to work on her mascara.

"Is he cool?" Hyuu laid back on her bed, holding the book above him. He had felt a tinge of pain in his chest when the girl had told him that it was, in fact, a date, but he pushed that feeling down as he kept up the conversation.

"Yeah, a while ago I picked up his Xtransceiver, so I kept in touch with him while I was trying to get it back to him. Turns out he's an idol and an actor. He's really nice." she explained.

Hyuu inwardly scoffed, it was almost like a story out of a fairy tale. The name almost sounded familiar, like he had maybe heard it. He wasn't sure though.

"What movies is he in." he asked out of curiosity. Mei attracting the attention of an actor wasn't surprising in the least. Hyuu was sure that if she wanted to she could star in a movie. She had already been in a couple shorts that an old family friend named Brycen had asked her to be in, but that was it.

"His screen name is Tenma. I've seen a couple movies, like remember when that movie about Sinner's haunted mansion came out a couple months ago?" she asked.


"Well, he was that rich kid, the one with blonde hair, kinda snobby." she said, starting on her other eye.

Dang. He was that guy? Despite his sort of uptight role in the movie, he was a beautiful man, though Hyuu would never say it out loud. Hyuu could see why Mei would want to go on a date with him. He had a lot of things on most people, let alone Hyuu himself.

He silently grit his teeth as Mei talked, he was never really good about holding back with his anger, but he always tried with Mei. He knew he shouldn't be mad, he wasn't exactly sure why he was mad anyway. He found himself feeling like this sometimes whenever matters involved the brunette girl.

"Ah, I gotcha now. I remember him. Glad he's not like that in real life." he snickered, keeping the mood light.

"Yeah, that would suck." she laughed back. It got quiet for a second, Hyuu continued to skim through the pages in the book he picked up.

"Oh shoot." he heard her mumble.

Hyuu sat up looking over at the seemingly distressed girl. She had put down the mascara and was not leaning forward looking in the mirror.

"What's up?" Hyuu stood up, walking over to her, "Let me see." she swiveled her chair around to face the red eyed boy. She pointed to what looked like a smudge on her face.

Grabbing a cotton swab and soaking it with a little water from a bottle she had on the desk, he began to dab the spot that had smudged. After cleaning it up, he began to fix up a couple of mishaps here and there before picking up the mascara.

"You know what you're doing?" she asked, a little worried about her friends makeup skills.

"Hey, I've helped my mom and sister enough with their makeup to practically have a degree in this. I got it." he mumbled through the mascara cap that he had pulled off with his teeth.

Much like Hyuu had wanted to do earlier, she giggled a little at the sight of Hyuu, mascara cap between his teeth, concentrating on her. He just rolled his eyes and continued, "You know it's hard to keep steady when you laugh like that." he grumbled, doing some touching up.

"Look at you, being all helpful. Nice to know that I can get my friend to do all makeup for me." she jabbed playfully.

"Hey, why do you think your mom called me?" he scoffed, finishing up. He put the cap back on the mascara and set it back on the desk.

"I would put on the outfit before I put on lipstick though, unless you're planning to go in your sweat pant and tank top, and although I see no problem in that, I'm sure that's not exactly what you intended." he smirked, her pouting face catching in the corner of his eye as he sat back on the bed.

She walked over to her closet and pulled out two dresses. One a cool royal blue, and one a fascinating pink.

"Which one do you think would look better?" she asked holding them both up.

In all honesty, Hyuu was pretty certain that she would look dazzling in either. Mei was the kind of person that could pretty much any type of clothing off, but he knew she got annoyed whenever he didn't give her a straight answer.

"I say pink, but that's my preference, go with whichever you like best." he said. The pink really fit with her, and maybe it was just the feeling of the room, but he felt that the color really reflected her.

She held the pink over herself and looked down, then smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I see it. It looks great! Thanks." she said, retreating into the closet, closing the door.

Hyuu sat there and stirred on his thoughts. Tenma was a lucky guy. It wasn't often that someone caught Mei's eye. She was a very independent girl, so for her to take an interest with someone made them pretty special.

The door opened and Hyuu looked up. Hyuu was practically blown away with her appearance. The dress flowed perfectly around her figure, it's color complimenting her skin tone perfectly. But what caught his attention most, was the beautiful look on her face.

A wide grin stretched across her features, her eyes sparkling, and for a second, Hyuu couldn't find his voice. She had already put on her leggings and she set her dress shoes to the side before sitting back in front of the mirror.

Tenma really was lucky. More than he could ever know.

"Hyuu, could you do my hair while I put on lipstick?" she asked. Hyuu stood up again making his way over to the chair. Carefully, so her hair didn't fall in her face and ruin her makeup, he pulled out the hair bands holding up her iconic bun and pigtails.

She handed him the brush and he put the hair bands around his wrists. He began to softly brush out the tangles that had accumulated from her pigtails.

"So what're we going for? Straight, curly, headband, or bobby pins?" he asked, trying to be careful not to tug on her head. From what he had learned from his sister and mother, it sucked when a brush went through a tangle.

"I'm thinking curly with bobby pins." she said, handing him the curling iron.

After a couple minutes, Hyuu had sufficiently curled most of Mei's hair, he had the last bobby pin in his mouth while he adjusted the last piece of hair.

"There, done." he said, placing it and taking a step back.

She turned around and stood up, "How does it look?" she twirled, her dress ruffling as she spun.

Hyuu wasn't going to lie to her, they almost always told each other the truth. They had since they were kids, so he instinctual he said the first thing that came to his mind.

"You look gorgeous." he said blatantly, before realizing what he said. Realizing the gravity of his words, he tried to fix it.

"Knock him dead, Mei." he decided that the best way to cover up was to change the subject to her date, even though that was a bitter pill to swallow.

At the mention of her date she glanced at a clock in her room, "Oh, it's 7:50! I have to go. You can keep reading if you want. I'll tell you how the date went later." she said, slipping on her shoes before slipping it the door.

Hyuu waved her off, looking out the window as a car pulled up. A dressed up green haired male stepped out of the car, opening the door for her, before getting back in and driving off.

"Damn chivalrous too." Hyuu scoffed, flopping back on her bed to read the book.

His eyes skimmed the pages, but he wasn't really reading. His mind wandered, and soon he found his eyes wandering too. As his gaze fell upon different things in the room, different memories flooded into his brain.

He remembered back when they were young, he used to call her annoying every chance he got. He felt annoyed when she followed him, when she played with him, when she did anything really, but he had been really young then.

At that time he might very been around seven years old. Mei was going on seven herself, a few months behind him when it came to age. That was only one or two years after Mei had moved to this town, their mom's had immediately become friends, so they ended up playing with each other often, despite Hyuu's initial feelings.

After a couple years, Mei had become one of his closer friends, along with Kyouhei, who lived out of town. He could remember when Mei was being picked on at school, and how he yelled, "I'm gonna unleash my rage!" to which the bullies just began to target him instead. In that instance Mei had defended him as well, standing up to the bullies for him too.

He didn't know when it had happened, but somewhere along the way, something in him had shifted. He felt all the same things he had always felt for the brunette, but then there was something more, something deeper that he felt.

She was no longer the little, annoying girl he had known. Especially tonight, he had realized that she had grown onto a striking young woman right before his eyes. And he didn't know exactly why he was feeling these things now.

But trying to figure out what it was just made him angry.

Sitting here in her room, staring at the ceiling, he had a lot of time to think on it though.

He heard a small knock on the door and Mei's mom poked her head in, "I've got dinner ready if you want some." Hyuu was happy to join in.

Her cooking was exceptional, and there was no way he was missing out on it.

A certain satisfaction grew in his chest as he ate the food. Part of it was because of the sheer flavor of the food, and the other part felt glad that he at least had something on Tenma.

"She looked really nice y'know." Mei's mom complimented while wiping her mouth with a napping. She leaned over and whispered, despite the fact that there was no one else at the house, "I could tell you did some touch ups. Her hair too, huh?" she laughed. Much like the contagious laugh that her daughter had.

"Yeah, she's helpless without me." Hyuu chuckled moving his fork around on his plate.

The older woman sighed, "Believe me I know. I just wish that she knew." she looked over at Hyuu and smiled, "Bet you probably wish she knew too." she winked.

"It's not like that!" Hyuu defended, face growing red.

"Uh huh. Whatever you say. You two are an open book."

Hyuu grumbled and silently finished the rest of his food, ignoring the heat in his cheeks.

"It's going to go and finish the book I was reading. Mei said she wanted to tell me how the date went she she got back. Any idea how long that's gonna take?" he asked nonchalantly, lumbering back to the room slowly as he waited for a response.

"Somewhere around nine thirty to ten o'clock. If you want you can take the guest bedroom." she called to him.

"I'll do that, thanks." Hyuu pulled out his phone and texted his mom saying that he'd be staying over tonight. After she replied, he laid back.down, pulled into those thoughts from before again.

'You two are an open book' the phrase that Mei's mother had used popped into his mind again. Was that what this was? He had never thought about Mei like that.

His mind ventured into the idea of him and Mei having 'that' kind of relationship, and his eyes widened as he began to realize. Aside from the hugging and holding hands and things like that, he was almost like a boyfriend figure for Mei. At least based off of the few romance books that he had borrowed from the girl.

He hung out with her on a constant basis, they lounged around in nothing but they're pj's watching movies together. Hell, he had just done her makeup for her.

His head reeled and Hyuu felt a little dizzy. He thought of the prospect of the rest of the boyfriend deal. The overwhelming desire to hug her, hold her, cherish her, washed over him, almost like the familiar feelings of the household. It had always been there, he found, but he had never embraced it.

All those feelings that left him angry? He had now found the source.

And now he realized that it was too late.

Tenma was going to win the heart of the woman he loved, and as angry as that made Hyuu, he wasn't going to ruin Mei's relationship with the idol just cause he was jealous. That was wrong. If she loved Tenma then Hyuu wanted her to be happy.

He sat up and ran a hand though his blue spikes, sighing exasperatedly. Looking at the clock, it was already nine. She wouldn't be back for another thirty minutes, and Hyuu was contemplating leaving before she got back.

He sat at the edge of the bed running through those memories again, before slamming a fist on the bed, "Dammit!"

As soon as he had yelled, the bedroom door had flung wide open, and there stood Mei, chest heaving from exhaustion. Tears pricked the edges of her eyes, and Hyuu was about to ask what was wrong, before she stomped over to him.

He sat frozen beneath her harsh gaze, her hands setting themselves on his cheeks. If he didn't know any better, he'd feel like she was getting ready to slap him. Her lip quivered and he raised a brow at her.

In a rushed movement, she wrapped her hands around his head, pulling him close, pressing her beautiful lipstick covered lips to his.

Hyuu felt the entirety of his body go numb, save for the feeling of her lips on his. He leaned into her closing his eyes, and wrapped an arm around her waist, her hands digging deeper into his hair.

Hyuu could've never imagined how good it felt to have Mei this close. He would never take her for granted again. Here he was about to get angry again, but she came along and washed those feelings away, and replaced them with something so much better.

Mei leaned further into him, and it was getting hard to hold the two of them up. Hyuu leaned back slowly, laying them down on the bed. Mei lifted herself a over him, staring down on him.

He looked up at her, taking all of her in. How did he not see this before?

Lifting his hands up, he traced a thumb across her cheek, the look in her gaze was getting to be too much. Hyuu felt himself grow hot, and he turned his gaze away, trying to focus on something else in the room.

He heard her giggle and he returned his gaze, her laughing face filling his vision. Taken over by impulse, he sat up and hugged her to him, pushing his face into her shoulder. He wanted to take all of this in, her feel, her scent, everything.

"How did the date go?" he asked, if Tenma had been the one that had made her cry, there would be hell to pay.

"It was fine, but there was something missing that I couldn't go without." she whispered, cradling his head.

He felt like he knew the answer, but of course he was going to ask anyway, "What was it?"

"You." she whispered and Hyuu's heart soared. He didn't think that all those books that spoke about the feeling in your chest were true, but here he was, his heart ready to burst out of his chest.

"Was Tenma rude? I'll go talk to him if I need to." Hyuu took on a stern tone. She smiled and shook her head, "He's the one that told me to come back to you. I'm glad he did."

Hyuu would have to thank Tenma later. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy. But all that mattered now was Mei.

The sat there for a while, when Mei began to rub her hands over his shoulders, much to Hyuu's confusion.

"What's your jacket made out of? It's so soft." she asked.

When Hyuu was about to answer he heard the door creak open, and the slightest voices ring through, "Boyfriend material."

Turns our he'd would have to talk with Tenma after all, and Mei's mom too.


(You know, Hyuu has had to grow up around four girls and almost no guys. I believe, as an absolute fact, that at least one of them has asked him to help with makeup and hair before. Like maybe his sister, so he's got that stuff down. Also, I can see Tetsu and Mei's Mom absolutely shipping the two of them lmao XD)

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