This chapter is BL or boy x boy. Don't like? Then skip.
Secondaryshipping: Silver x Green (male)
Okay so here's the chapter that Parkkrys requested. It took a while but here it is XD
So I live in Texas and we're currently in the middle of a hurricane, so I find myself with a lot of spare time. I wanted to write an upbeat and sort of silly oneshot because it just helps me lighten up my mood a little (I hope that's alright, Idk if I made it too goofy).
Sorry if it seems a little rushed too, I'm a little short on sleep and it's probably affecting my writing. So sorry in advance for typos or rushed writing.
But this was an interesting ship for me to work with. I had honestly before now, never thought of these two in a romantic relationship, but that's why I like taking requests. It let's me get a whole new perspective on things XD especially from my favorite series. These two are both sort of edgy and they don't like to show many positive emotions, so I had to have something that could bring them together. And what other than sheer terror over Blue.
I hope you guys enjoy!
"Holy crap, what am I gonna do?" a red haired male cursed under his breath, slamming a fist against the wall in frustration. Wincing the boy clenched his hand repeatedly hoping the pain would ebb away.
His silver eyes gazed at the watch on his wrist, he was running out of time. At this point the clock may as well have been ticking down to his death.
Becoming increasingly annoyed, the teen began to pace back and forth in front of the various buildings around him. He knew that Goldenrod city was a perfect place to shop, but he didn't know what the hell he was going to buy.
Just then, a black, red, and yellow blur flew past him, before it came screeching to a halt. The figure turned to the boy and smug grin on his face, "Heya Silv, what's going on?" the black haired boy chuckled, Silver immediately noticed the gift bag hanging from the billiard cue that the boy had casually slung over his shoulder.
"Nothing. Mind your business, Gold." Silver said, beginning to walk in the other direction.
Gold kicked the skateboard he had been riding and snatched it mid air with his free arm, then hastily made his way to the retreating boy.
"Hey man, no need to be so edgy, especially today. I expected you to actually be happy for once." Gold pouted walking next to Silver.
"Unless..." Gold smirked, "You haven't gotten a present have you?" he stood in front of Silver, that terrible Cheshire grin gracing his face. Silver had to keep himself from flat out punching the boy in public.
He didn't have time for this.
"Whatever, go away." Silver pushed past him.
After all, it wasn't his fault that he still hadn't found Blue a birthday present. She was impossible to shop for, whether it be because of a lack of items he could buy for her, or a multitude, he couldn't think of anything he wanted to get her, and it pained him that he couldn't get his adoptive sister a decent birthday present.
"Dude, haven't you asked anyone else for help?" Gold said behind him concerned, "She's gonna kill you man! Remember Red?!"
"I know, okay?!" Silver said, sweat starting to bead on his forhead. He had remembered what had happened at last year's party like it was yesterday, it sent shivers down his spine. Although they had all walked away with mental scars that day, none more so than Red, being the only one who had slipped up and forgotten her birthday.
What had happened was unspeakable. A horror too foul to mention.
His sisters laughter rang in his ears and he turned to Gold, "I've already asked Yellow and Crystal, but they weren't any help at all." Silver stopped in front of a department store, leaning against a wall with his arm over his face. Death at the hands of Blue's murderous intent, what a sad way to go.
"Shit Silver, well, good luck, I'm gonna crash in early and hopefully get some cake before Diamond shows up!" Gold said before skating off, leaving in the direction of the city entrance.
The silver eyed male sighed turning to begin walking again, only to bump into someone who was leaving the department store.
"Watch where you're going, idiot." Silver grunted under his breath.
"Nice to see you too." a monotonous voice said, Silver's face turned as he recognised the voice, realizing just how much he had messed up.
"Green." Silver looked up to find the the stone cold gaze of the Kanto dexholder staring down on him.
Silver brushed himself off, trying to distract himself from the unwavering eyes of the other. He looked up and noticed that, unlike everyone else he had seen today, the trainer didn't have anything that resembled a gift on him either.
"You haven't found a gift yet?" Silver prodded, finally making eye contact with the male. He did so by sending back his own ice cold stare.
Green suddenly looked irritated, "Tch. That pesky woman can buy her own presents. She's too damn hard to shop for anyway."
Silver practically cried Hallelujah that he wasn't the only one who didn't have a present. Though the fear still tickled the back of his mind.
"Did you forget about Red?" Silver asked, concerned for his seniors life.
Greens usually calm expression shifted for a mere second, Silver almost hadn't caught it.
Turning away from Silver, Green cleared his throat, "You don't have any presents either, so what position are you in to be concerned about me?"
Damn. Green had caught him red handed. He was hoping that he could mooch as much information off of the emerald eyed dexholder as he could get. But clearly that wasn't going to happen.
Silver grimaced at the ground, Green began to walk away, and Silver began to accept his fate.
After Green had made his way a couple of paces away from the red haired individual, he turned back to him, "What are you sitting around there for? Aren't you coming?"
Silver furrowed his brow a bit, confused, but then he realized that Green was implying that they might as well both go look for presents. It was like Arceus was smiling down from above on him, not only was he going to have help, that help came in the form of the gym leader from Kanto.
Silver had a sort of unspoken respect for the man, although he rarely showed it. Not like he showed any positive emotions, but that was on a different note. The point was that although Silver had gotten seemingly angry with the brunette before over various things like being close to his sister or having a shit attitude (not like he could talk), he still was very fond of the trainer.
So here they were, side by side on the sidewalk collectively mulling over what they could each get Blue.
While they were walking, a small blond figure came into view. His short stature and green getup the most recognizable thing on the street.
What annoyed Silver even more was that he too, had a present box in his hands and was seemingly on his way to the party.
"Silver, Green, what are you guys doing out here? The party is at Berlitz Mansion." The blond looked up at the two males, his short stature becoming even more apparent.
"Yeah yeah, we know. We're still looking for presents." Green said, the calmer wasn't one to judge off the bat so telling him wasn't a problem.
"Well, you guys are screwed. I won't tell her, but the only advice I can give you is to maybe get her a gift card or coupon for that new smoothie shop down the road. Other than that, I've got nothing guys. Good luck." Emerald, bid the two farewell and headed off for Sinnoh.
"That was one short visit we could've done without." Silver grumbled, "A gift card isn't going to cut it, especially if we both give her one. That's just asking for punishment."
Green nodded in agreement, "We could check it out though, cool our heads maybe with some smoothies? I'm getting hungry anyway." the green eyed male confessed.
"Yeah." Silver mumbled. Hopefully in a year or two this whole thing would blow over, however unlikely that was. The incident last year still rung clearly in his mind and he doubt he would ever be able to forget something like that.
If he was being honest, he was really glad they had gotten smoothies. It was a refreshing contrast to the hot summer air as well. What was bugging him though, was the weird stares he would get from people on the streets as he walked next to Green, smoothie in hand.
It made him feel almost like he was on a date, rather than fearing for his life because of a birthday present. It didn't help that earlier, Green had asked to try his smootie, to which Silver could only grumble out a "whatever" as he hid his red face.
He didn't want to admit that he had burgeoning feelings for the dexholder next to him. So he wasn't going to admit it. He didn't have to, at least out loud. The fact that his mind already seemed to confirm the fact made the entire situation worse.
Silver sighed in relief when both of them were greeted by the Hoenn dexholders, Ruby and Sapphire.
"Whoa nice going there! I wouldn't have even thought of that guys!" Ruby had exclaimed when he saw them.
Silver was in a perpetual state of confusion.
What the hell was the drama queen going on about?
"What're you talkin' about, Ruby? They ain't got presents." Sapphire pointed out and Silver thanked the barbaric girl for asking the question for him.
The boy with glasses leaned over to Sapphire and whispered something Silver couldn't quite catch.
After a couple seconds of confused looks from the conquerer, her face suddenly lit up as she realized what Ruby was talking about. Not that Silver knew what he was talking about.
"Oh I see! That's some smart present hunting there!" Sapphire said, and Silver was convinced that his juniors had gone mad.
Changing the subject to stray away from what he obviously didn't know, Silver prodded them to see if he could get any present information, "So what did you guys get her?" he asked, trying to sound dark like he usually did, despite the fear still welling up within him.
"Well, I made a dress and Sapph helped, so it's a present from both of us." Ruby explained, pushing his glasses up further on his face. From the expression he had, Silver could tell that it was actually him who had done probably all of the work, anyone could tell that really, but even Blue was smart enough not to try to pick a fight with the wild girl. No one was that stupid, except of course Ruby who bickered with her on a constant basis.
Soon after the two Hoenn dexholders bid their farewell as well, Ruby calling out behind him, "You better make your present more convincing though!"
In Silver's confused stupor, Green replied, "I'm working on it, don't worry. I'll find it by the time we get there hopefully."
Silver was done trying to understand.
As it drew close to noon, crowds started to fill the busy streets, people bumping into one another, pushing and shoving through the shopping district of the city.
Silver found it hard to keep up with the brunette male, people pushing and shoving him further away. He was getting increasingly irritated and was about to go off on a woman who's bag had hit him in the rib one too many times, when a hand wrapped around his, guiding him through the crowd into a store.
The hand was warm compared to his icy skin, it sent a rush up his arm and made him shiver. When he made it inside, he realized that Green had been the one to pull him out of the crowd.
"Thanks..." the redhead grumbled under his breath.
"No problem." the older male grumbled back.
Amidst the browsing bodies in the store, Silver could barely make out a blond haired individual, and someone with a red hat next to him.
Recognising the Sinnoh dexholders, the metallic eyed boy waved down the Sinnoh trio.
Platina was the first to say anything when they met up.
"How goes the present shopping boys?" she asked, her regal tone sometimes got under Silver's skin. He felt like it gave her an important edge to her personality and it was almost intimidating.
"How did you know we were present shopping?" Green asked, curiously.
"You wouldn't risk being this far from the party unless you hadn't gotten something you needed. In this case, a present." she declared, the two boys at her side nodding in agreement.
They hadn't been to the party last year, but they had heard what had happened. Pearl, being the most responsible, made sure that all three of them went shopping for gifts this year, as to not make a blunder as big as the first dexholder's.
"I see that you two are covered though. You must've planned that out didn't you, it's very nice. I can see her being quite happy with this." Platina said, gesturing towards the two of them.
Once again Silver was left confused.
Taking a sip of his smoothie, Green just nodded and Silver felt his patience wearing thin.
"What are you guys talking about?" Silver shouted, gritting his teeth. If they were going to insist on saying that he had a present for Blue, he of all people should have a right to know what they thought it was.
"How about we give you a lift to the party?" Platina offered, completely ignoring Silver.
Diamond had an equally confused look on his face, but after Pearl leaned over and whispered something Silver couldn't quite hear, his face broke out into a lazy grin.
"Sure." Green had responded before Silver could say anything.
Silver was going to lose it.
They arrived in front of the mansion before Silver knew it, and all of a sudden the crushing weight of this newfound anxiety was pummeling him with every step he took towards the building.
He found his hands shaking uncontrollably, he scowled at his hands, angry that he felt this helpless.
A warm sensation enveloped Silver's hand once again, and he found his smaller gloved hand resting in the warm palm of the older male again. When he looked up at the brunette, he was wearing an expression that Silver couldn't quite read.
Inside the mansion, many people gathered around tables, or stood around the room, waiting for the party to start.
Out of the corner of his eye, Silver could see Red placing a considerably large present on the present table. Silver gulped. Red hadn't even gotten Yellow a present that big, Silver could feel himself break into a cold sweat.
When they got to the back wall of the main room, Silver let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and leaned against the wall for support.
Blue had arrived shortly after them, she was the last one. Eagerly she went for the stack of presents first, picking up Red's first, shaking it, then opening the wrapping to find a large wigglytuff plush, quite literally the size of Emerald himself (not that being as tall as Emerald was much of a feat anyway).
Shooting Red a smile that had him leaping back, she continued on to the next one.
Silver couldn't focus though. His hands had become clammy and his throat had become dry. Not only had he not gotten his own sister a birthday present, he hadn't gotten BLUE a birthday present. Even if he wasn't scared of the consiquences, he would've already felt bad, but now that emotion just layered itself onto his anxiety.
He squeezed Green's hand in his own, honestly he had forgotten that he was holding his hand.
Green's attention shot from Blue to Silver in concern.
"Hey, whoa, what's wrong?" he asked, his stone-cold face changing to one of worry, "Are you okay, Silver?"
Trying to keep his cool, Silver nodded, although he was sure that Green could tell he was lying.
"Calm down, okay? You're going to be fine. Just keep your mind off of it." Green tried to reassure him, but it fell on deaf ears as the anxiety grew in him.
"Damn it." he heard the brunette swear. In a rush, Silver felt Green shift, standing in front of him. He felt something soft and warm press against his lips, much like the sensation he felt in his hand.
Without thinking, Silver closed his eyes, the fear dissipating and being replaced with something else entirely.
All too soon, the reassuring sensation faded and Silver was being brought back into reality.
"Sorry, it was going to be a surprise. For you and Blue. Didn't mean to make you worry." Green rested his head on Silver's, who was still in a daze.
They stayed like that for a second, not realizing how quiet it had become. The silence didn't last long when a harsh shriek broke through the air.
Blue ran forward, hugging the two males, "My shiiiiiiiip! This is the best present ever! My otp is CANON!" she yelled, and finally everything clicked into place.
Green had just given Blue the best birthday she'd ever had. And scored himself a boyfriend in the process.
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