So this chapter features Cirque Du Soleil which I myself have been to once. Its like a circus, but a lot classier and less funny. More majestic, though there are some funny things here and there.
I imagined Ruby as an Aerial Hoop performer cause it seemed like out of all things that was the most elegant and it fit.
An Aerial Hoop performer basically dances around a hoop suspended in the air by a rope or cable, doing tricks and stunts during the dance that goes with the music.
I'm really happy with this oneshot to be honest!
This chapter was requested by lishiayin
Sapphire found herself standing in a long line outside what had to be the cheesiest looking tent she had ever seen. It looked like all of those terrible circus tents you saw on tv, only it was for real, and she was standing in front of it.
She sighed grumbling as the line shifted forward a couple inches, she couldn't believe that this many people had come to see what was likely to be a crappy show.
She pulled out her cell phone and dialed up Emerald. The phone rang for a moment before it picked up and she heard Emerald's voice on the other end.
"Hey Sapphire, where are you?" He questioned, the buzz of the crowd inside the tent rang clearly in the background.
"I'm still in line, I don't even know why I came to this stupid event." She pouted, shifting up a little with the line again as it moved.
"Sapphire. Its Cirque Du Soleil. You had to come. I used to wish that I could be one of them when I was little. You wont be disappointed I promise." He explained and she hoped he was right, this line was killing her.
"Also, I told you to get here early didn't I? Good thing our seats are reserved." He had told her that, but seeing as it was the circus she had paid no heed to his words, now she was paying for it.
"Yeah yeah, I'll see you later." She said, hanging up. She was starting to approach the front of the line, but at no exhilarating speed, rather a slow snail's pace.
"Next." She heard the person reading the ticket say, she huffed exaggeratedly and gave him her ticket. He scanned it and handed it back, allowing her to pass on through. Today was going to be a long day.
She got inside and it was astonishingly much bigger inside than out, and thankfully not so brightly colored. If her mood was any better she might be impressed, but it wasn't better, so she wasn't impressed.
There were food vendors and merchandise tables everywhere and it almost started looking like a convention. Sapphire would much rather be at home watching sports though.
She kept checking her ticket, trying to find out where her seat was, she spun around trying to check the seating labels around her above the sections. She felt herself trip backwards into someone, both of them fell to the ground.
She turned around and stood up, frantically trying to help the other person up too, she lent them a hand, "I'm so sorry mister. I wasn't looking where I was going."
The stranger grabbed her hand, standing up with a bright smile on his face. His outfit was... a little loud for her taste to say the least. It was a tight suit, the bottom black and the top red, the colors met nicely in the middle. The sleeves were long and at the end there were tufts of black cloth.
His hair was slicked back nicely and there was black and red glitter around his eyes, making them shine, and it matched his suit, which was also sparkling.
He was obviously part of the show, she was surprised that someone as attractive as him was partaking in something as nonsensical as this circus.
"Its fine." He started, dusting off his outfit, "You here to see the show?" He asked, looking up at her through long lashes, he wore just enough makeup to accent all of his attractive features. It was honestly distracting for Sapphire while she was trying to talk to him.
"Umm, yeah. My friend bought me a ticket." She said, sighing. She tried to use her tone to cover up how flustered she was.
"You didn't want to come?" He smirked at her, a hand now resting on his hip as he spoke.
"I-I'm not really into this circus stuff." She huffed, keeping up her bravado, she was stating her opinion after all, why not say it with confidence?
"Really now?" He said, thinking for a moment, "Well, I'm going to have to get backstage, but how about a little wager first? You watch the show, if you're impressed, even a little, meet me after the show. You have to tell me how impressive it was... and I'll give you a ticket to my next gig." He said.
"Okay, what if I'm not?" She said.
"Well, I'll buy you a ticket to something you want to see."
"Alright deal. Meet here?" She asked shaking his hand, he nodded in response before running off to join the rest of them.
She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and she got it out to answer it, recognizing Emerald's caller ID.
"Where are you?" Emerald sounded annoyed. Likely he was already in his seat waiting for her.
"I'm looking for the seat, hold up would ya?" She retorted, not to be called out so easily.
Finally she ended up finder her seat just before the show started. The lights were already starting to dim and the audience had quieted down a little.
"About time!" Emerald whispered, his attention trained on the stage so he could be sure he wouldn't miss the start.
"Shut yer yap, I'm here aren't I?" She retorted before focusing on the stage as well.
Lights came on around the circular platform. Figures already stood at its center. First they starred people performing stunts and hard to do flips, like one would see in a circus, but they pulled it off in a way that was beautiful and told a story.
Many of them were synchronized as an energizing melody was played in the background.
Then the trapeze swung into action, pulling and almost dancing with each other in the air. Sapphire had no words for what she saw, she stared on in awe.
Then the lights went darker, focusing up on the top of the tent. She saw a hoop, suspended on a string, begin to lower. A person sitting on it rocking their legs.
She recognized the man she had spoken to earlier as he sat there, a serene expression on his face, his eyes closed, but accentuated by the sparkling make up he wore.
A calm music began to play, and as if by some magic the man began twisting around the hoop elegantly like water. His body was fluid and flexible, hanging from the hoop at beautiful angles that followed the music.
And the music kicked up, it began to take on a more intense beat and his motions followed it. Spinning and dancing high above the crowd, he leaned back and his eyes caught Sapphire's.
He smirked and her heart jumped to her throat. It felt like it was just him and her as she watched him perform the most dazzling performance she had ever seen.
His outfit shined against the red lights that they shone upon him, his eyes sparkling beautifully. The black and the red emblazoned by the spirit and meaningfulness of his routine, as well as the music.
His body hung from the hoop, dangling at heights she would seem nauseating if she were the one enduring it, and he spun as he hung by a leg. The exclamations of awe from the audience not truly capturing the full beauty of the moment.
He hung down by his feet, the hoops spinning faster now, and she wondered how he was able to even hold on at this point. It came to a stop and he flipped up into the hoop.
He span again, jumping through the hoop, before the music began to die down and he laid on the hoop, almost as if floating, and he closed his eyes with a smile on his face as he disappeared into the darkness once again.
The rest of the show didn't feel real to her, and if she was honest, she wasn't paying attention. Her body felt hot as she thought of how beautiful he had looked, and the fact that they had made eye contact during his show.
She felt just as dazed when it ended, the audience clapped, and so did she, then people began to file out of the stands.
"Sapphire let's go, its over." Emerald shook her arm, a little impatient as he had probably said this a few times before she had actually heard him.
She left the stands to find herself out in the vendor area again. She looked around trying to remember where she had met up with the performer.
"I'll be right back Emerald, go buy you some merch or something like that." She said, running off before Emerald could respond.
She was sure she was in the right spot, people were starting to clear out now and she was almost sure that the performer wasn't coming, or maybe she was just impatient.
She felt a hand tap her shoulder, and she turned, expecting Emerald to be there telling her to hurry up with whatever she was doing, but instead a figure in a red hoodie stood there.
Her eyes caught his almost crystalline red ones, she could still see spots of glitter around them from where he hadn't gotten all of the makeup off.
"So..." he started awkwardly, "Did you like it?"
"You're beautiful." She said before her mind could catch the words coming out of her mouth.
In all fairness this outfit was almost more distracting, she had seen him in the colorful performance outfit, but now seeing him in a hoodie and jeans was appalling.
The man laughed a little, "Thanks, most people like the Trapeze duet, nice to see that I have a fan. I take it this means you were impressed?"
She tried to think up an excuse while her face turned red, but she just nodded in defeat, though her pride was hurt, she was actually kind of happy that she had lost the bet.
"Here." He pulled out a ticket for their next show, it was in a couple weeks but she'd no doubt be there. She took the ticket gratefully and he turned as some people called out to him.
"I guess I've gotta go." He said sheepishly, he looked like he was trying to find other words to say, but he couldn't.
She nodded, understanding, and then began to walk back towards where Emerald had been. She felt an arm grab her wrist as the man shouted, "Wait!"
When she looked at him, his demeanor changed as he began to blush and stutter.
"Weeks is too long. I was, wondering if I could get your number." He finally said, looking away. Her face went red as well as she wrote down her number on a piece of paper before handing it to him.
"I'm Ruby, by the way." He said, and she realized for the first time that they didnt even know each other's names.
"Mine's Sapphire."
Next up is Preciousmetalshipping
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