Hey guys, I got a new phone recently and it's really nice! But it delayed the one shots a little, sorry about that. You guys have no idea how happy I am that you stick through these long update times for me lol
As for me using the movie Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks, there really isn't an excuse for me using it. I happened to watch it while writing this and the part where Gohan dies gets me every time.
I used the asterisk* to label where TV dialogue cuts into the story
Since this is a new phone, I'm sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors. If you find any please let me know
This chapter was requested by ForeverMyHeartWillBe
Cheren thumbed through the latest "Unova Times" magazine, trying to find any news of actual value, rather than the usual click-bait worthy ads.
He looked up, indigo blue eyes scanning the room to land on a certain blonde still sifting through movies on a shelf. He chuckled a little under his breath, she had insisted that they have a movie night together, and had even dragged him straight from work, but she hadn't even thought of what movie they were going to watch.
"Comedy? No. Romance? No." She muttered to herself. He could tell that she was trying to hurry so he wouldn't get bored, but he really didn't mind.
"Hey, you don't have to rush. I'm not going anywhere, it's a Friday." He raised his voice over the silence between them, a side from her muttering. She jumped at the sudden noise and turned to him smiling sheepishly.
"Sorry, its it's a lot harder to find a good movie than I thought it'd be." She laughed nervously.
"Why don't you just pick your favorite movie? I'm sure it'll be a good one." He offered.
"Are you sure? I want to make sure its it's a movie you'll enjoy too." She said pulling out a couple movie boxes.
"Action sounds good, you like action right?" Cheren looked back down at the magazine and skimmed through an article about a trainer he had fought before challenging the champion to a battle.
"Oh yeah I do! Which one though?" She flipped through a couple, "How about History of Trunks?" Her eyes beamed.
"Dragon Ball Z?" He asked, they hadn't watched it since they were children, but he remembered them with vivid memory. History of Trunks was one of the best movies and he suddenly felt the urge to binge the series.
"Uhuh! Been a while hasn't it?" She laughed putting it in and turning off the lights, she said it always gave her that 'movie theater' feel. And as he thought about it, on cue she shot up and ran into the kitchen yelling, "Don't press play I'm making popcorn!"
A feeling of nostalgia washed over him as he looked at the title screen. Memories of their days as kids, wishing they could be super heroes, acting like their favorite characters, it was a fond recollection.
But Cheren frowned as he thought of how little they spent time together compared to what they used to, being two of three kids in a small town.
"I'm back." Bianca pulled Cheren from his thoughts as she sat on the couch.
Cheren hit play and Bianca lifted her legs up to lay across his so she could stretch her legs out, and he didn't mind, if he was being honest he barely even noticed.
He reached over to grab some popcorn waiting for her hand to move out of the way as his eyes stayed concentrated on the movie.
They talked back and forth a little about the movie, commenting on the characters. Cheren heard the theme music for his favorite character kick in and he looked over at Bianca.
"Here's the real super saiyan." He commented, knowing it would send her into a rant about how Scholar Gohan was just as good as Future Gohan, but instead she looked at him with a serious look, "Now that we're older I think I see why hes your favorite." She turned her attention back to the screen.
He hadn't expected that response, she always flew into a giant speech about how being a scholar didn't mean he was any weaker than the rest of them, despite his lack of training. Cheren, being a teacher and a gym leader now, knew that, he was just surprised that she had seemingly caved in on his side as well.
Cheren's gaze roamed over her, from her more formal outfit, to the specs she wore on her face, she had changed a lot over the past couple years. She had matured much more than he had ever realized. And that scared him a bit. The Bianca he knew was oblivious and childish. Was she too different now?
"What's wrong?" Bianca paused the movie and looked on Cheren with concern, suddenly her expression changed to one of guilt and surprise, "Oh no! Did you want the popcorn I just finished off? I'll go make some more!" She leapt up off the couch and left into the kitchen.
That feeling of familiarity washed over him again, she changed, they all had, but fundamentally they were still them, and that would never change. But there was something amidst that familiarity, something that had definitely always been there, he had grown accustomed to it, comfortable with it, only now, it was stronger.
"I'm back, sorry." She sat down, this time leaning back against Cheren's shoulder, throwing her legs up over the arm of the couch. He moved his arm so she would fit more snug and rest it against her stomach, not giving it a second thought.
She messed with his hands during the movie, which got distracting, but only a little bit and she settled for just holding his hand instead.
*Gohan, what did they do to you?
Cheren knew this scene was coming, and its it's not that he couldn't take a little feels straight to the heart, but he felt the blond underneath his arm quivering as she tried not to sniffle. Some things never change and Cheren definitely knew that this part broke her every time.
He pat one of her hands that rested on her stomach, "You good? You knew it was coming." He said.
"Yeah." Her voice shook, "Its It's just sad cause they cant bring him back to life, and now all Trunks has is his mother." She choked.
"I know, but at least he didn't die in vain." He tried to calm her while also trying not to laugh, he knew how embarrassed she'd feel.
"You're not gonna laugh at me? I've seen this a hundred times and it still gets me." She chuckled a little, sitting up and wiping her tears.
"How about, after the movie we do something fun?" He suggested, he could stay up a little longer for her.
She nodded and laid down, this time putting her head on his lap while he rubbed her scalp. She smiled and hummed, and Cheren lost himself in the motions, falling into a rhythm as he thought of what they could do afterwords.
Soon the movie was over and Bianca sat up once again, getting up to turn the lights on, "So, what are we doing?" She asked helping him up off the couch.
"How about, even though its late, we make some late night sweets?" He said with a smirk, sweets always cheered her up, plus Cheren was more than ready to show off the cooking expertise he had gained over the last couple of years.
Her eyes beamed, "Yes please!" She hurried off to the kitchen, grabbing him by the arm as he laughed.
He listed off the basic ingredients to make cookies, Bianca began pulling them out. He laughed when she managed to spill flour on herself and she pouted.
They both worked together to whip up the dough, and soon the first batch was in the oven. Cheren pulled out the whipped cream, he always did like a little extra on his cookies.
"That was fun, reminds me of when my dad would help us make cookies." She commented leaning on the counter, "though you sucked at making anything back then."
Cheren looked her over with a contemplating look, and then smirked, causing the girl to get nervous. Whatever he was thinking it wasn't good.
He reached over with the whipped cream and sprayed a dollop on her nose. She took the can from him and looked at him with a murderous glint in her eyes, "Oh its it's on now."
The taller male slid around the island they had been making cookies on, sure to be on the opposite side as his friend. He laughed as she tried to get him, but only ended up making a bigger mess on either herself or the room.
This is what he had been missing these past couple of years. Fond moments like these that he never wanted to end. Bianca, his best friend, made him feel complete and whole. He wondered why they hadn't done this sooner.
Bianca took Cheren's moment in thought as a sign to attack and jumped on him, toppling him over. He looked at her face as she laughed heartily above him, and couldn't resist the temptation to laugh along with her. She was his best friend, but he was starting to feel that feeling deepen even more, and for the first time ever, he though that maybe they weren't just friends anymore.
She gave him a sly grin and pulled out the whipped cream, putting a small dot on his nose as he had done to her, "There, now we're even."
He wiped it off, licking his finger, trying to sort through his thoughts as he lay there, trying to decide what to do next and where to go with this. He wanted to embrace than old feeling, the one that grew deeper still. There was no doubt in his mind that she felt to too.
He went with whatever came to him first and wrapped his arms around her middle, keeping her in place.
"Cheren." She giggled, she had always been excessively ticklish in her waist area. Cheren smiled at the thought.
He leaned forward a little, his thinking becoming irrational as it was clouded by the woman that stared into his eyes.
"Cheren, I think we're a thing." She said, sounding a little far off, as if she hadn't processed her words.
"Maybe." He replied, just as far off as she was.
Both of them were cut off when the oven beeped and both of them proceeded to fly off of each other. Cheren pulled the cookies out putting in another batch.
"Watch out they're hot." He told her as she put one in her mouth, then proceeded to make a pained face.
"I told you." He laughed, snorting a little.
Nothing had changed, yet, at the same time, everything had.
Up next is Heartsoulshipping
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