Shivaay almost smiled. He was seeing the sky after so long. He didn't even remember when was the last time he had stood under the open sky. Well, laid. Then he wondered, where was he? From what he could guess, it seemed like it was some kind of terrace. No. Some tunnel? Or was it his vision? He had no idea. He just watched the burnt orange sky slowly turn dark. Maybe night had come. Maybe he was dying. He really didn't know. But it felt good. If only he had Annika and his family by his side. Maybe they could have done the same thing in their Gulmarg farmhouse. And there, they could have gazed at the stars too. That, however, remained a distant dream.
But where was Veer? Had he left? He had the faintest recollection of Veer picking him up, throwing him over his shoulder and taking him somewhere. Where was Veer's somewhere? He didn't remember anything else except that his entire body hurt.
A gust of wind blew and he shivered due to the cold. Now that he thought of it, everything hurt like crazy. A hell lot. His limbs felt like they were in the restraints. His chest protested. It contracted like someone was squeezing him and he involuntarily coughed. He had to turn to his side and water gushed out of his mouth. He felt like someone had squeezed his neck as he vomited water. His eyes stung and his throat burned.
Holding his forehead, he fell back on the mud. Shivaay stared at the dark sky and sighed. There was no star in sight. No moon. Not one cloud. It was all a dark void. Just like his life right now. His chest ached. He groaned. Perhaps, this is how it was going to end for him. He was going to die in the darkness, alone, starving, and away from everyone he so dearly loved. But at least, there would be no pain anymore. Accepting his fate, he let his eyes close. Maybe in some other birth, some other time, some other dimension; he would meet them all again. He would then build a good home, live a full and happy life. Maybe. Just maybe.
"Do we need to take these assholes for post mortem?" Rudra gnashed his teeth. "I mean come on! We know what happened to them."
Bhavya sighed. "It's a procedure we need to follow."
"Fuck!" Rudra yelled again and kicked the chair. "How could we let him die? How? He deserved to be skinned alive...ugh. Just! He did Bhaiya so dirty. And this is how he dies?"
Om sighed. He had not expected it either. In his head, Om had planned a few things for Veer and Roop. But then his philosophical side raised its head. What could be more befitting than Veer himself taking poison to die? They could have meted out all the torture to him, but it seemed more cruel to take that decision of killing themselves. And especially when they were sitting on the goldmine, were about to take over the Oberois and get their supposed rights in the society. Om wondered what was Veer's last thought? Did he think of coming clean to the Oberois? Did he still justify his actions in his head? Or was Veer too thoughtless just like him? Well, there was no way to know now.
Om's stomach cramped. In all honestly, Veer didn't matter. It was Shivaay from whom his heart was pounding. How many obstacles did they have to cross to get to him?
Even though Om felt like wailing, he tried to calm Rudra down. "I know you are angry but don't do this. Look at the brighter side, at least he is dead now."
"Yes without telling us where Bhaiya is..." Rudra pounced on Veer's dead body again. He caught hold his Veer's enormous neck and started to press it. "And what bright side?"
Rudra pointed outside. "It's pitch dark. There no hope at all now. Where is Bhaiya? Where are we going to find him?"
"Rudy..." Bhavya called him out tiredly. "Stop it."
"Like fuck stop it!" Rudra got up and kicked on Veer's chest aggressively. Bhavya and Om could hear the sickening crunch of the ribs and they squeezed their eyes.
"Enough!" Om pulled him back and took him in a hug. "Bas."
Rudra's arms also went around Om as he sobbed on his brother's shoulders. And both their hearts bled to feel Shivaay's arm around them. How long was their separation going to last? Neither did they have the energy to think objectively now.
"Dad," Bhavya cleared her throat. "Can you take them home? I will come back with Annika Bhabhi. Please?"
Tej nodded mutely. Unable to look at the two grief-stricken brothers, Bhavya rushed inside the room where Shivaay was kept all this while.
Annika steadily looked at the police officer clicking pictures of the various things around the room. They were collecting samples and documenting the evidence. She eyed the dirty mattress that they had now put in the bag. Her throat went dry with the thought that Shivaay was kept on it. And the restraints. The water on the floor. What all had he endured? Was he even...
Annika couldn't even dare to complete her thought. She was not feeling dead yet. She knew for a fact that if anything was to happen to him, it would happen to both of them. Not just him. Right now, she felt hopeless. Tired. Dejected.
She rested her back on the wall. But her legs gave away and she slid down it. She brought her knees closer to her chest and silently cried.
She just wanted to lead a normal, boring life with her husband. She had no greater desires from life. How was this a big demand in the eyes of God was beyond her? After a wait of lifetime, hope and love had walked in her life in the form of Shivaay. She had resisted him but he had so slyly broken her walls, eaten into her insecurities and taught her how to fly. She had grown to love him with all that she had. It all was slipping away from her hand.
"Bhabhi..." Bhavya cautiously touched her arm. "Are you okay?"
Annika shook her head and turned to look at Bhavya. "No."
Bhavya's face was tear stricken as well. She instantly drew Annika in a tight hug.
"You said that we will take Shivaay back tonight..." Annika sobbed. "Didn't you? Worst case scenario? Remember?"
"I did..." Bhavya nodded. "I am sorry Bhabhi. I am really sorry."
Annika couldn't say anything. She was genuinely at her wit's end. Never had she thought that she would see such a day. Peeling herself from Bhavya's embrace, she sat back. She looked out of the window and sighed. It was indeed a dark night.
Bhavya also straightened her legs and sat beside her. She remained quiet for the longest time and then said, "I have ordered my men to search all the apartments here. And the parking. Also the buildings around this one. Veer had not gone out of the apartment. So I am assuming, Bhaiya must be around. We should find him soon. Don't worry."
That did nothing to Annika's anxiety. Everything was suffocating him.
Annika looked up to see Rudra and Om standing in front of her. Her eyes filled with tears again. Like a small child, Annika raised her arms at them. She was looking for some comfort. She needed it dearly.
Rudra and Om instantly went on their knees and took her in a hug. Om reassuringly held her head and said, "We will find a way. Don't worry."
"How..." Annika's voice broke and no one was able to console her anymore. There were no words spoken after that. Just a lot of tears and sniffles as they all tried to wrap their heads around this new situation.
Bhavya wiped her cheeks after a few silent minutes and asked, "You guys didn't go home?"
"Don't be stupid!" Rudra snapped at her. "How can we go home right now? You both need us..."
Bhavya let out a breath. "Okay. Fine. Stay."
"Om, can we go out? Somewhere open?" Annika demanded. "I am not feeling so good. Please?"
Om thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the terrace."
"Wait, what?" Bhavya shrieked. "The terrace here is open?"
Since it was a high rise, Bhavya had assumed that no one had the access to the terrace. Om shook his head. "No but there is some repair work going on and they have kept the terrace open. At least, that is what the cleaning staff told us."
Bhavya blinked. Noticing the change in her expressions, even Om, Rudra and Annika understood what she was thinking. The wheels started to turn in all their heads. Without saying a word, they all got up and sprinted towards the terrace.
Any advice on how to deal with this? I keep getting messages like this from this particular account and a few more. And they all keep saying the same thing. It keeps revolving around HiddenEnigma's post about plagiarism of her book.
First off, Hiddenenigma's work was definitely copied. There isn't an iota of doubt. As a writer who puts in hours of work in writing (and thought and sweat), I understand how it feels when people blatantly copy your work. Worse, when they deny the charges. And even worse, when they ask their friends to harass the actual victim.
Instead of apologizing and accepting the mistake, if you go defensive then sorry, no writer worth their salt with remove the post.
Plus, what are you salty about? That you don't have enough brains to come up with something original or you are sad that you were caught?
The book that has copied still continues to get views and comments and there is NO remorse whatsoever. Says a lot about the attitude of the fandom and the concerned writer (I am not naming that person). There is simply no understanding about how "copying" works. Neither how it is dealt with.
It is Hiddenenigma's work is copied (which it is) she has the FULL right to name and shame the perpetrator. If you want to do foolish things like making fake accounts and harassing people who stand for the truth, then so be it. Continue to do so. Won't make a difference to her or me.
Second, where do I fit in all this? I don't even know Hiddenenigma except for the fact that she recommended my book. She isn't even active here anymore. How what is the point of coming to my account and systematically harassing me? What is the goal? What are you achieving out of it? Again, don't care. But I am definitely curious.
Thirdly, can you all please please please report this account? We all are here to share and read stories. We do not want dirty fishes like these who spread hate on others for standing up for the correct things and play politics for nothing. If you have the brains, write an original story and let the people decide if it is good or not. Making fake accounts, harassing people, sending others hate is not going to help. Have the balls and the spine to come from your original accounts. And hey, I do know a lot more about IPs to know who is who. Itne bhi ullu nahi hai koi.
Fourth, explain how can anyone talk about a person's "character" so frivolously? And why? For pointing out that hey, you have copied from someone's book? How is this not punishable? This is just so disgusting. This is exactly why no one wants to post on wattpad anymore. These people and their filth is driving all the good people away.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net