Welcome to CROWN pt 2

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Sitting in the shared lounge the next morning, the pink-haired boy looked to the other three - the fire fae, elven wolf, and siren - with a mixture of trepidation and growing resolve. "So why are they doing all this to us?" he asked, his brow furrowed.

The elven wolf met his gaze evenly. "We're the only way humans can defeat other supernatural beings," she explained, her voice tinged with a somber resignation. "Once everything is set in motion, we'll be at the forefront of destroying everything for them. We don't have names because we're not seen as people - we're just weapons to them."

The boy's fists clenched in disgust. "There's no way they can force us to do that!" he protested. "We have to fight back!"

The siren shook his head solemnly. "It's not that simple," he murmured. "They hold our lives in their hands. None of us want to die before we even get a chance to truly live."

Sensing the boy's growing despair, the fire fae gently placed a scarred hand on his shoulder. "Look at these," he said, gesturing to the faint lines of holy energy pulsing around his neck. "If we're not 'good', they'll shock us with so much of this that it would be fatal - even to us."

The boy's eyes widened in horror as the implications set in. "But...how can they do this?" he whispered, his voice trembling. "How can they just...control us like that?"

The elven wolf's expression hardened. "Psychological conditioning from a young age," she stated bluntly. "They've instilled the fear and obedience they want, making us believe we have no choice but to comply."

Before the boy could respond, the door burst open, and a guard entered with Samantha, the head of security. "It's time for training, you four!" she barked.

Exchanging resigned looks, the trio of enhanced teens stood, the fire fae offering his wing as support for the weakened pink-haired boy. As they followed the guards out, the boy felt a sense of hopelessness settle over him - his dreams of escape and freedom were crushed by the weight of CROWN's control.

Later, after their individual training sessions, the boy stumbled back into the quarters, blood trickling from his nose. The others looked on with a mixture of pity and concern as Dr. Evelyn Sinclair entered, holding a tablet.

"From now on, you'll be doing joint training with 23864," she announced, swiping up on the device to display information on the large screen behind her. "Let's get you all up to date on each other."

Seeing the boy's fragile state, the fire fae offered his wing as support once more, steadying the young captive as the presentation began.

"Test project 407 is the oldest, at 21 years old, and the first successful subject," the automated voice droned. "407 was a normal fire fae before we gave him demon eyes and performed other surgeries to enhance his fire ability, making his wings fireproof."

As the details of each enhanced teen were laid out, the pink-haired boy listened, a glimmer of understanding dawning in his eyes. These were not just his captors - they were his fellow prisoners, bound by the same chains of CROWN's twisted machinations.

As the presentation concluded, the boy knew that if he had any hope of escaping this nightmare, he would need to forge an unbreakable bond with these three. Together, they might just stand a chance against the overwhelming power of their captors.

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